- Platform pipes can only contain types and arrays of types,
but no bindings any more.
- When using transformers, platform pipes need to be specified explicitly
in the pubspec.yaml via the new config option
- `Compiler.compileInHost` now returns a `HostViewFactoryRef`
- Component view is not yet created when component constructor is called.
-> use `onInit` lifecycle callback to access the view of a component
- `ViewRef#setLocal` has been moved to new type `EmbeddedViewRef`
- `internalView` is gone, use `EmbeddedViewRef.rootNodes` to access
the root nodes of an embedded view
- `renderer.setElementProperty`, `..setElementStyle`, `..setElementAttribute` now
take a native element instead of an ElementRef
- `Renderer` interface now operates on plain native nodes,
instead of `RenderElementRef`s or `RenderViewRef`s
Before, all test framework wrappers (internal for dart and js/ts,
angular2_test for dart and testing for js/ts) had similar logic to
keep track of current global test injector and test provider list.
This change wraps that logic into one class managed by the test
Before, all test framework wrappers (internal for dart and js/ts,
angular2_test for dart and testing for js/ts) had similar logic to
keep track of current global test injector and test provider list.
This change wraps that logic into one class managed by the test
angular2_testing is a user-facing dart test library built on top of
the package:test dart unittest framework and runner. For usage,
see modules_dart/angular2_testing/