After the introduction of the view engine, we can drop a lot of code that is not used any more.
This should reduce the size of the app bundles because a lot of this code was not being properly tree-shaken by today's tools even though it was dead code.
E.g. for no view encapsulation, the delegate will always be the same.
Nevertheless, we still need to create a new `AnimationRenderer` per
Attention: This change will conflict with a local mod in G3.
- Don’t use the animation renderer if a component
used style encapsulation but no animations.
- The `AnimationRenderer` should be cached in the same
lifecycle as its delegate.
- Trigger names need to be namespaced per component type.
When the `enableLegacyTemplate` is set to `false`, `<template>` tags and the
`template` attribute are no more used to define angular templates but are
treated as regular tag and attribute.
The default value is `true`.
In order to define a template, you have to use the `<ng-template>` tag.
This option applies to your application and all the libraries it uses. That is
you should make sure none of them rely on the legacy way to defined templates
when this option is turned off (`false`).
The rationale of this change is to improve the inter-operability with web
components that might make use of the `<template>` tag.
The template tags and template attribute are deprecated:
<template ngFor [ngFor]=items let-item><li>...</li></template>
<li template="ngFor: let item of items">...</li>
should be rewritten as:
<ng-template ngFor [ngFor]=items let-item><li>...</li></ng-template>
Note that they still be supported in 4.x with a deprecartion warning in
development mode.
- `template` tags (or elements with a `template` attribute) should be rewritten
as a `ng-template` tag,
- `ng-content` selectors should be updated to referto a `ng-template` where they
use to refer to a template: `<ng-content selector="template[attr]">` should be
rewritten as `<ng-content selector="ng-template[attr]">`
- if you consume a component relying on your templates being actual `template`
elements (that is they include a `<ng-content selector="template[attr]">`). You
should still migrate to `ng-template` and make use of `ngProjectAs` to override
the way `ng-content` sees the template:
`<ng-template projectAs="template[attr]">`
- while `template` elements are deprecated in 4.x they continue to work.
BREAKING CHANGE: Because all lifecycle hooks are now interfaces
the code that uses 'extends' keyword will no longer compile.
To migrate the code follow the example below:
class SomeComponent extends OnInit {}
class SomeComponent implements OnInit {}
we don't expect anyone to be affected by this change.
Use `RendererV2` instead of `Renderer` now. `Renderer` can still be injected
and delegates to `RendererV2`.
Use `RendererFactoryV2` instead of `RootRenderer`. `RootRenderer` cannot be used
- `RootRenderer` cannot be used any more, use `RendererFactoryV2` instead.
Note: `Renderer` can still be injected/used, but is deprecated.