Use `RouterModule.forRoot(routes, {initialNavigation: 'enabled'})` instead of
`RouterModule.forRoot(routes, {initialNavigtaion: true})`.
Before doing this, move the initialization logic affecting the router
from the bootstrapped component to the boostrapped module.
Similarly, use `RouterModule.forRoot(routes, {initialNavigation: 'disabled'})`
instead of `RouterModule.forRoot(routes, {initialNavigation: false})`.
Deprecated options: 'legacy_enabled', `true` (same as 'legacy_enabled'),
'legacy_disabled', `false` (same as 'legacy_disabled').
The "Router Initial Navigation" design document covers this change.
Read more here:
Previously, the relative order of the AngularJS compiling/linking operations was
not similar to AngularJS's, resulting in inconsistent behavior for upgraded
components (which made upgrading to Angular less straight forward).
This commit fixes it, by following the compiling/linking process of AngularJS
more closely.
Main differences:
- The components view is already populated when the controller is instantiated
(and subsequent hooks are called).
- The correct DOM content is available when running the `$onChanges`, `$onInit`,
`$doCheck` hooks. Previously, the "content children" were still present, not
the "view children".
- The same for pre-linking.
- The template is compiled in the correct DOM context (e.g. has access to
ancestors). Previously, it was compiled in isolation, inside a dummy element.
For reference, here is the order of operations:
1. Compile template
2. Instantiate controller
3. Hook: $onChanges
4. Hook: $onInit
5. Hook: $doCheck
6. Pre-linking
7. Collect content children
8. Insert compiled template
9. Linking
10. Post-linking
11. Hook: $postLink
1. Collect content children
2. Insert template
3. Compile template
4. Instantiate controller
5. Hook: $onChanges
6. Hook: $onInit
7. Hook: $doCheck
8. Pre-linking
9. Linking
10. Post-linking
11. Hook: $postLink
Secondary entry points (testing, static, etc) are rolled up into a
single ESM/ES2015 file, then downleveled to ESM/ES2015. This downleveling
was not working and was producing ESM/ES2015. Also, the @angular/core
package's .babelrc file was missing reference to Rx Observable which
broke the UMD bundle.
After the introduction of the view engine, we can drop a lot of code that is not used any more.
This should reduce the size of the app bundles because a lot of this code was not being properly tree-shaken by today's tools even though it was dead code.
E.g. for no view encapsulation, the delegate will always be the same.
Nevertheless, we still need to create a new `AnimationRenderer` per
Attention: This change will conflict with a local mod in G3.
- Don’t use the animation renderer if a component
used style encapsulation but no animations.
- The `AnimationRenderer` should be cached in the same
lifecycle as its delegate.
- Trigger names need to be namespaced per component type.
When the `enableLegacyTemplate` is set to `false`, `<template>` tags and the
`template` attribute are no more used to define angular templates but are
treated as regular tag and attribute.
The default value is `true`.
In order to define a template, you have to use the `<ng-template>` tag.
This option applies to your application and all the libraries it uses. That is
you should make sure none of them rely on the legacy way to defined templates
when this option is turned off (`false`).