export * from '@angular/router'; import { Directive, DynamicComponentLoader, ViewContainerRef, Injectable, Optional, Input } from '@angular/core'; import { ComponentInstruction, Instruction, Router, RouterOutlet} from '@angular/router'; let _resolveToTrue = Promise.resolve(true); const NOT_IMPLEMENTED = (what: string) => { throw new Error (`"${what}" is not implemented`); }; @Directive({ selector: '[routerLink]', host: { '(click)': 'onClick()', '[attr.href]': 'visibleHref', '[class.router-link-active]': 'isRouteActive' } }) export class MockRouterLink { isRouteActive = false; visibleHref: string; // the url displayed on the anchor element. @Input('routerLink') routeParams: any[]; @Input() target: string; navigatedTo: any[] = null; constructor(public router: Router) { } onClick() { this.navigatedTo = null; // If no target, or if target is _self, prevent default browser behavior if (!this.target || typeof this.target !== 'string' || this.target === '_self') { this.navigatedTo = this.routeParams; return false; } return true; } } @Directive({selector: 'router-outlet'}) export class MockRouterOutlet extends RouterOutlet { name: string = null; constructor( _viewContainerRef: ViewContainerRef, @Optional() _loader: DynamicComponentLoader, _parentRouter: Router, nameAttr: string) { super(_viewContainerRef, _loader, _parentRouter, nameAttr); if (nameAttr) { this.name = nameAttr; } } /** * Called by the Router to instantiate a new component during the commit phase of a navigation. * This method in turn is responsible for calling the `routerOnActivate` hook of its child. */ activate(nextInstruction: ComponentInstruction): Promise { NOT_IMPLEMENTED('activate'); return _resolveToTrue; } /** * Called by the {@link Router} during the commit phase of a navigation when an outlet * reuses a component between different routes. * This method in turn is responsible for calling the `routerOnReuse` hook of its child. */ reuse(nextInstruction: ComponentInstruction): Promise { NOT_IMPLEMENTED('reuse'); return _resolveToTrue; } /** * Called by the {@link Router} when an outlet disposes of a component's contents. * This method in turn is responsible for calling the `routerOnDeactivate` hook of its child. */ deactivate(nextInstruction: ComponentInstruction): Promise { NOT_IMPLEMENTED('deactivate'); return _resolveToTrue; } /** * Called by the {@link Router} during recognition phase of a navigation. * * If this resolves to `false`, the given navigation is cancelled. * * This method delegates to the child component's `routerCanDeactivate` hook if it exists, * and otherwise resolves to true. */ routerCanDeactivate(nextInstruction: ComponentInstruction): Promise { NOT_IMPLEMENTED('routerCanDeactivate'); return _resolveToTrue; } /** * Called by the {@link Router} during recognition phase of a navigation. * * If the new child component has a different Type than the existing child component, * this will resolve to `false`. You can't reuse an old component when the new component * is of a different Type. * * Otherwise, this method delegates to the child component's `routerCanReuse` hook if it exists, * or resolves to true if the hook is not present. */ routerCanReuse(nextInstruction: ComponentInstruction): Promise { NOT_IMPLEMENTED('routerCanReuse'); return _resolveToTrue; } } @Injectable() export class MockRouter extends Router { mockIsRouteActive = false; mockRecognizedInstruction: Instruction; outlet: RouterOutlet = null; constructor() { super(null, null, null, null); } auxRouter(hostComponent: any): Router { return new MockChildRouter(this, hostComponent); } childRouter(hostComponent: any): Router { return new MockChildRouter(this, hostComponent); } commit(instruction: Instruction, _skipLocationChange = false): Promise { NOT_IMPLEMENTED('commit'); return _resolveToTrue; } deactivate(instruction: Instruction, _skipLocationChange = false): Promise { NOT_IMPLEMENTED('deactivate'); return _resolveToTrue; } /** * Generate an `Instruction` based on the provided Route Link DSL. */ generate(linkParams: any[]): Instruction { NOT_IMPLEMENTED('generate'); return null; } isRouteActive(instruction: Instruction): boolean { return this.mockIsRouteActive; } /** * Navigate based on the provided Route Link DSL. It's preferred to navigate with this method * over `navigateByUrl`. * * ### Usage * * This method takes an array representing the Route Link DSL: * ``` * ['./MyCmp', {param: 3}] * ``` * See the {@link RouterLink} directive for more. */ navigate(linkParams: any[]): Promise { return Promise.resolve(linkParams); } /** * Navigate to a URL. Returns a promise that resolves when navigation is complete. * It's preferred to navigate with `navigate` instead of this method, since URLs are more brittle. * * If the given URL begins with a `/`, router will navigate absolutely. * If the given URL does not begin with `/`, the router will navigate relative to this component. */ navigateByUrl(url: string, _skipLocationChange = false): Promise { return Promise.resolve(url); } /** * Navigate via the provided instruction. Returns a promise that resolves when navigation is * complete. */ navigateByInstruction(instruction: Instruction, _skipLocationChange = false): Promise { return Promise.resolve(instruction); } /** * Subscribe to URL updates from the router */ subscribe(onNext: (v: any) => void, onError?: (v: any) => void) { return {onNext, onError}; } /** * Given a URL, returns an instruction representing the component graph */ recognize(url: string): Promise { return Promise.resolve(this.mockRecognizedInstruction); } registerPrimaryOutlet(outlet: RouterOutlet): Promise { this.outlet = outlet; return super.registerPrimaryOutlet(outlet); } unregisterPrimaryOutlet(outlet: RouterOutlet) { super.unregisterPrimaryOutlet(outlet); this.outlet = null; } } class MockChildRouter extends MockRouter { constructor(parent: MockRouter, hostComponent: any) { super(); this.parent = parent; } navigateByUrl(url: string, _skipLocationChange = false): Promise { // Delegate navigation to the root router return this.parent.navigateByUrl(url, _skipLocationChange); } navigateByInstruction(instruction: Instruction, _skipLocationChange = false): Promise { // Delegate navigation to the root router return this.parent.navigateByInstruction(instruction, _skipLocationChange); } }