/** * @license * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ /// import * as os from 'os'; import {AbsoluteFsPath, FileSystem, absoluteFrom, getFileSystem, join} from '../../../src/ngtsc/file_system'; import {Folder, MockFileSystem, TestFile, runInEachFileSystem} from '../../../src/ngtsc/file_system/testing'; import {loadStandardTestFiles, loadTestFiles} from '../../../test/helpers'; import {LockFileSync} from '../../src/execution/lock_file'; import {mainNgcc} from '../../src/main'; import {markAsProcessed} from '../../src/packages/build_marker'; import {EntryPointJsonProperty, EntryPointPackageJson, SUPPORTED_FORMAT_PROPERTIES} from '../../src/packages/entry_point'; import {Transformer} from '../../src/packages/transformer'; import {DirectPackageJsonUpdater, PackageJsonUpdater} from '../../src/writing/package_json_updater'; import {MockLogger} from '../helpers/mock_logger'; import {compileIntoApf, compileIntoFlatEs5Package} from './util'; const testFiles = loadStandardTestFiles({fakeCore: false, rxjs: true}); runInEachFileSystem(() => { describe('ngcc main()', () => { let _: typeof absoluteFrom; let fs: FileSystem; let pkgJsonUpdater: PackageJsonUpdater; beforeEach(() => { _ = absoluteFrom; fs = getFileSystem(); pkgJsonUpdater = new DirectPackageJsonUpdater(fs); initMockFileSystem(fs, testFiles); // Force single-process execution in unit tests by mocking available CPUs to 1. spyOn(os, 'cpus').and.returnValue([{model: 'Mock CPU'}]); }); it('should run ngcc without errors for esm2015', () => { expect(() => mainNgcc({basePath: '/node_modules', propertiesToConsider: ['esm2015']})) .not.toThrow(); }); it('should run ngcc without errors for esm5', () => { expect(() => mainNgcc({ basePath: '/node_modules', propertiesToConsider: ['esm5'], logger: new MockLogger(), })) .not.toThrow(); }); it('should run ngcc without errors when "main" property is not present', () => { mainNgcc({ basePath: '/dist', propertiesToConsider: ['main', 'es2015'], logger: new MockLogger(), }); expect(loadPackage('local-package', _('/dist')).__processed_by_ivy_ngcc__).toEqual({ es2015: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER', typings: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER', }); }); it('should throw, if some of the entry-points are unprocessable', () => { const createEntryPoint = (name: string, prop: EntryPointJsonProperty): TestFile[] => { return [ { name: _(`/dist/${name}/package.json`), contents: `{"name": "${name}", "typings": "./index.d.ts", "${prop}": "./index.js"}`, }, {name: _(`/dist/${name}/index.js`), contents: 'var DUMMY_DATA = true;'}, {name: _(`/dist/${name}/index.d.ts`), contents: 'export type DummyData = boolean;'}, {name: _(`/dist/${name}/index.metadata.json`), contents: 'DUMMY DATA'}, ]; }; loadTestFiles([ ...createEntryPoint('processable-1', 'es2015'), ...createEntryPoint('unprocessable-2', 'main'), ...createEntryPoint('unprocessable-3', 'main'), ]); expect(() => mainNgcc({ basePath: '/dist', propertiesToConsider: ['es2015', 'fesm5', 'module'], logger: new MockLogger(), })) .toThrowError( 'Unable to process any formats for the following entry-points (tried es2015, fesm5, module): \n' + ` - ${_('/dist/unprocessable-2')}\n` + ` - ${_('/dist/unprocessable-3')}`); }); it('should throw, if an error happens during processing', () => { spyOn(Transformer.prototype, 'transform').and.throwError('Test error.'); expect(() => mainNgcc({ basePath: '/dist', targetEntryPointPath: 'local-package', propertiesToConsider: ['main', 'es2015'], logger: new MockLogger(), })) .toThrowError(`Test error.`); expect(loadPackage('@angular/core').__processed_by_ivy_ngcc__).toBeUndefined(); expect(loadPackage('local-package', _('/dist')).__processed_by_ivy_ngcc__).toBeUndefined(); }); it('should generate correct metadata for decorated getter/setter properties', () => { compileIntoFlatEs5Package('test-package', { '/index.ts': ` import {Directive, Input, NgModule} from '@angular/core'; @Directive({selector: '[foo]'}) export class FooDirective { @Input() get bar() { return 'bar'; } set bar(value: string) {} } @NgModule({ declarations: [FooDirective], }) export class FooModule {} `, }); mainNgcc({ basePath: '/node_modules', targetEntryPointPath: 'test-package', propertiesToConsider: ['main'], }); const jsContents = fs.readFile(_(`/node_modules/test-package/index.js`)).replace(/\s+/g, ' '); expect(jsContents) .toContain( '/*@__PURE__*/ (function () { ɵngcc0.ɵsetClassMetadata(FooDirective, ' + '[{ type: Directive, args: [{ selector: \'[foo]\' }] }], ' + 'function () { return []; }, ' + '{ bar: [{ type: Input }] }); })();'); }); ['esm5', 'esm2015'].forEach(target => { it(`should be able to process spread operator inside objects for ${target} format (imported helpers)`, () => { compileIntoApf( 'test-package', { '/index.ts': ` import {Directive, Input, NgModule} from '@angular/core'; const a = { '[class.a]': 'true' }; const b = { '[class.b]': 'true' }; @Directive({ selector: '[foo]', host: {...a, ...b, '[class.c]': 'false'} }) export class FooDirective {} @NgModule({ declarations: [FooDirective], }) export class FooModule {} `, }, {importHelpers: true, noEmitHelpers: true}); fs.writeFile( _('/node_modules/tslib/index.d.ts'), `export declare function __assign(...args: object[]): object;`); mainNgcc({ basePath: '/node_modules', targetEntryPointPath: 'test-package', propertiesToConsider: [target], }); const jsContents = fs.readFile(_(`/node_modules/test-package/${target}/src/index.js`)) .replace(/\s+/g, ' '); expect(jsContents).toContain('ngcc0.ɵɵclassProp("a", true)("b", true)("c", false)'); }); it(`should be able to process emitted spread operator inside objects for ${target} format (emitted helpers)`, () => { compileIntoApf( 'test-package', { '/index.ts': ` import {Directive, Input, NgModule} from '@angular/core'; const a = { '[class.a]': 'true' }; const b = { '[class.b]': 'true' }; @Directive({ selector: '[foo]', host: {...a, ...b, '[class.c]': 'false'} }) export class FooDirective {} @NgModule({ declarations: [FooDirective], }) export class FooModule {} `, }, {importHelpers: false, noEmitHelpers: false}); mainNgcc({ basePath: '/node_modules', targetEntryPointPath: 'test-package', propertiesToConsider: [target], }); const jsContents = fs.readFile(_(`/node_modules/test-package/${target}/src/index.js`)) .replace(/\s+/g, ' '); expect(jsContents).toContain('ngcc0.ɵɵclassProp("a", true)("b", true)("c", false)'); }); }); it('should not add `const` in ES5 generated code', () => { compileIntoFlatEs5Package('test-package', { '/index.ts': ` import {Directive, Input, NgModule} from '@angular/core'; @Directive({ selector: '[foo]', host: {bar: ''}, }) export class FooDirective { } @NgModule({ declarations: [FooDirective], }) export class FooModule {} `, }); mainNgcc({ basePath: '/node_modules', targetEntryPointPath: 'test-package', propertiesToConsider: ['main'], }); const jsContents = fs.readFile(_(`/node_modules/test-package/index.js`)); expect(jsContents).not.toMatch(/\bconst \w+\s*=/); }); it('should add ɵfac but not duplicate ɵprov properties on injectables', () => { compileIntoFlatEs5Package('test-package', { '/index.ts': ` import {Injectable, ɵɵdefineInjectable} from '@angular/core'; export const TestClassToken = 'TestClassToken'; @Injectable({providedIn: 'module'}) export class TestClass { static ɵprov = ɵɵdefineInjectable({ factory: () => {}, token: TestClassToken, providedIn: "module" }); } `, }); const before = fs.readFile(_(`/node_modules/test-package/index.js`)); const originalProp = /ɵprov[^;]+/.exec(before) ![0]; mainNgcc({ basePath: '/node_modules', targetEntryPointPath: 'test-package', propertiesToConsider: ['main'], }); const after = fs.readFile(_(`/node_modules/test-package/index.js`)); expect(before).toContain(originalProp); expect(countOccurrences(before, 'ɵprov')).toEqual(1); expect(countOccurrences(before, 'ɵfac')).toEqual(0); expect(after).toContain(originalProp); expect(countOccurrences(after, 'ɵprov')).toEqual(1); expect(countOccurrences(after, 'ɵfac')).toEqual(1); }); // This is necessary to ensure XPipeDef.fac is defined when delegated from injectable def it('should always generate factory def (fac) before injectable def (prov)', () => { compileIntoFlatEs5Package('test-package', { '/index.ts': ` import {Injectable, Pipe, PipeTransform} from '@angular/core'; @Injectable() @Pipe({ name: 'myTestPipe' }) export class TestClass implements PipeTransform { transform(value: any) { return value; } } `, }); mainNgcc({ basePath: '/node_modules', targetEntryPointPath: 'test-package', propertiesToConsider: ['main'], }); const jsContents = fs.readFile(_(`/node_modules/test-package/index.js`)); expect(jsContents) .toContain( `TestClass.ɵfac = function TestClass_Factory(t) { return new (t || TestClass)(); };\n` + `TestClass.ɵpipe = ɵngcc0.ɵɵdefinePipe({ name: "myTestPipe", type: TestClass, pure: true });\n` + `TestClass.ɵprov = ɵngcc0.ɵɵdefineInjectable({`); }); it('should use the correct type name in typings files when an export has a different name in source files', () => { // We need to make sure that changes to the typings files use the correct name // static ɵprov: ɵngcc0.ɵɵInjectableDef<ɵangular_packages_common_common_a>; mainNgcc({ basePath: '/node_modules', targetEntryPointPath: '@angular/common', propertiesToConsider: ['esm2015'] }); // In `@angular/common` the `BrowserPlatformLocation` class gets exported as something like // `ɵangular_packages_common_common_a`. const jsContents = fs.readFile(_(`/node_modules/@angular/common/fesm2015/common.js`)); const exportedNameMatch = jsContents.match(/export.* BrowserPlatformLocation as ([^ ,}]+)/); if (exportedNameMatch === null) { return fail( 'Expected `/node_modules/@angular/common/fesm2015/common.js` to export `BrowserPlatformLocation` via an alias'); } const exportedName = exportedNameMatch[1]; // We need to make sure that the flat typings file exports this directly const dtsContents = fs.readFile(_('/node_modules/@angular/common/common.d.ts')); expect(dtsContents) .toContain(`export declare class ${exportedName} extends PlatformLocation`); // And that ngcc's modifications to that class use the correct (exported) name expect(dtsContents).toContain(`static ɵfac: ɵngcc0.ɵɵFactoryDef<${exportedName}>`); }); it('should add generic type for ModuleWithProviders and generate exports for private modules', () => { compileIntoApf('test-package', { '/index.ts': ` import {ModuleWithProviders} from '@angular/core'; import {InternalFooModule} from './internal'; export class FooModule { static forRoot(): ModuleWithProviders { return { ngModule: InternalFooModule, }; } } `, '/internal.ts': ` import {NgModule} from '@angular/core'; @NgModule() export class InternalFooModule {} `, }); mainNgcc({ basePath: '/node_modules', targetEntryPointPath: 'test-package', propertiesToConsider: ['esm2015', 'esm5', 'module'], }); // The .d.ts where FooModule is declared should have a generic type added const dtsContents = fs.readFile(_(`/node_modules/test-package/src/index.d.ts`)); expect(dtsContents).toContain(`import * as ɵngcc0 from './internal';`); expect(dtsContents) .toContain(`static forRoot(): ModuleWithProviders<ɵngcc0.InternalFooModule>`); // The public facing .d.ts should export the InternalFooModule const entryDtsContents = fs.readFile(_(`/node_modules/test-package/index.d.ts`)); expect(entryDtsContents).toContain(`export {InternalFooModule} from './src/internal';`); // The esm2015 index source should export the InternalFooModule const esm2015Contents = fs.readFile(_(`/node_modules/test-package/esm2015/index.js`)); expect(esm2015Contents).toContain(`export {InternalFooModule} from './src/internal';`); // The esm5 index source should also export the InternalFooModule const esm5Contents = fs.readFile(_(`/node_modules/test-package/esm5/index.js`)); expect(esm5Contents).toContain(`export {InternalFooModule} from './src/internal';`); }); it('should use `$localize` calls rather than tagged templates in ES5 generated code', () => { compileIntoFlatEs5Package('test-package', { '/index.ts': ` import {Component, Input, NgModule} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: '[foo]', template: '
A message
' }) export class FooComponent { } @NgModule({ declarations: [FooComponent], }) export class FooModule {} `, }); mainNgcc({ basePath: '/node_modules', targetEntryPointPath: 'test-package', propertiesToConsider: ['main'], }); const jsContents = fs.readFile(_(`/node_modules/test-package/index.js`)); expect(jsContents).not.toMatch(/\$localize\s*`/); expect(jsContents) .toMatch( /\$localize\(ɵngcc\d+\.__makeTemplateObject\(\[":some:`description`\\u241Fefc92f285b3c24b083a8a594f62c7fccf3118766\\u241F3806630072763809030:A message"], \[":some\\\\:\\\\`description\\\\`\\u241Fefc92f285b3c24b083a8a594f62c7fccf3118766\\u241F3806630072763809030:A message"]\)\);/); }); describe('in async mode', () => { it('should run ngcc without errors for fesm2015', async() => { const promise = mainNgcc({ basePath: '/node_modules', propertiesToConsider: ['fesm2015'], async: true, }); expect(promise).toEqual(jasmine.any(Promise)); await promise; }); it('should reject, if some of the entry-points are unprocessable', async() => { const createEntryPoint = (name: string, prop: EntryPointJsonProperty): TestFile[] => { return [ { name: _(`/dist/${name}/package.json`), contents: `{"name": "${name}", "typings": "./index.d.ts", "${prop}": "./index.js"}`, }, {name: _(`/dist/${name}/index.js`), contents: 'var DUMMY_DATA = true;'}, {name: _(`/dist/${name}/index.d.ts`), contents: 'export type DummyData = boolean;'}, {name: _(`/dist/${name}/index.metadata.json`), contents: 'DUMMY DATA'}, ]; }; loadTestFiles([ ...createEntryPoint('processable-1', 'es2015'), ...createEntryPoint('unprocessable-2', 'main'), ...createEntryPoint('unprocessable-3', 'main'), ]); const promise = mainNgcc({ basePath: '/dist', propertiesToConsider: ['es2015', 'fesm5', 'module'], logger: new MockLogger(), async: true, }); await promise.then( () => Promise.reject('Expected promise to be rejected.'), err => expect(err).toEqual(new Error( 'Unable to process any formats for the following entry-points (tried es2015, fesm5, module): \n' + ` - ${_('/dist/unprocessable-2')}\n` + ` - ${_('/dist/unprocessable-3')}`))); }); it('should reject, if an error happens during processing', async() => { spyOn(Transformer.prototype, 'transform').and.throwError('Test error.'); const promise = mainNgcc({ basePath: '/dist', targetEntryPointPath: 'local-package', propertiesToConsider: ['main', 'es2015'], logger: new MockLogger(), async: true, }); await promise.then( () => Promise.reject('Expected promise to be rejected.'), err => expect(err).toEqual(new Error('Test error.'))); expect(loadPackage('@angular/core').__processed_by_ivy_ngcc__).toBeUndefined(); expect(loadPackage('local-package', _('/dist')).__processed_by_ivy_ngcc__).toBeUndefined(); }); }); describe('with targetEntryPointPath', () => { it('should only compile the given package entry-point (and its dependencies).', () => { const STANDARD_MARKERS = { main: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER', module: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER', es2015: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER', esm5: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER', esm2015: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER', fesm5: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER', fesm2015: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER', typings: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER', }; mainNgcc({basePath: '/node_modules', targetEntryPointPath: '@angular/common/http/testing'}); expect(loadPackage('@angular/common/http/testing').__processed_by_ivy_ngcc__) .toEqual(STANDARD_MARKERS); // * `common/http` is a dependency of `common/http/testing`, so is compiled. expect(loadPackage('@angular/common/http').__processed_by_ivy_ngcc__) .toEqual(STANDARD_MARKERS); // * `core` is a dependency of `common/http`, so is compiled. expect(loadPackage('@angular/core').__processed_by_ivy_ngcc__).toEqual(STANDARD_MARKERS); // * `common` is a private (only in .js not .d.ts) dependency so is compiled. expect(loadPackage('@angular/common').__processed_by_ivy_ngcc__).toEqual(STANDARD_MARKERS); // * `common/testing` is not a dependency so is not compiled. expect(loadPackage('@angular/common/testing').__processed_by_ivy_ngcc__).toBeUndefined(); }); it('should not mark a non-Angular package as processed if it is the target', () => { mainNgcc({basePath: '/node_modules', targetEntryPointPath: 'test-package'}); // * `test-package` has no Angular and is not marked as processed. expect(loadPackage('test-package').__processed_by_ivy_ngcc__).toBeUndefined(); // * `core` is a dependency of `test-package`, but it is also not processed, since // `test-package` was not processed. expect(loadPackage('@angular/core').__processed_by_ivy_ngcc__).toBeUndefined(); }); it('should not mark a non-Angular package as processed if it is a dependency', () => { // `test-package-user` is a valid Angular package that depends upon `test-package`. loadTestFiles([ { name: _('/node_modules/test-package-user/package.json'), contents: '{"name": "test-package-user", "es2015": "./index.js", "typings": "./index.d.ts"}' }, { name: _('/node_modules/test-package-user/index.js'), contents: 'import * as x from \'test-package\';' }, { name: _('/node_modules/test-package-user/index.d.ts'), contents: 'import * as x from \'test-package\';' }, {name: _('/node_modules/test-package-user/index.metadata.json'), contents: 'DUMMY DATA'}, ]); mainNgcc({basePath: '/node_modules', targetEntryPointPath: 'test-package-user'}); // * `test-package-user` is processed because it is compiled by Angular expect(loadPackage('test-package-user').__processed_by_ivy_ngcc__).toEqual({ es2015: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER', typings: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER', }); // * `test-package` is a dependency of `test-package-user` but has not been compiled by // Angular, and so is not marked as processed expect(loadPackage('test-package').__processed_by_ivy_ngcc__).toBeUndefined(); // * `core` is a dependency of `test-package`, but it is not processed, because // `test-package` was not processed. expect(loadPackage('@angular/core').__processed_by_ivy_ngcc__).toBeUndefined(); }); it('should report an error if a dependency of the target does not exist', () => { expect(() => { mainNgcc({basePath: '/node_modules', targetEntryPointPath: 'invalid-package'}); }) .toThrowError( 'The target entry-point "invalid-package" has missing dependencies:\n - @angular/missing\n'); }); }); describe('early skipping of target entry-point', () => { describe('[compileAllFormats === true]', () => { it('should skip all processing if all the properties are marked as processed', () => { const logger = new MockLogger(); markPropertiesAsProcessed('@angular/common/http/testing', SUPPORTED_FORMAT_PROPERTIES); mainNgcc({ basePath: '/node_modules', targetEntryPointPath: '@angular/common/http/testing', logger, }); expect(logger.logs.debug).toContain([ 'The target entry-point has already been processed' ]); }); it('should process the target if any `propertyToConsider` is not marked as processed', () => { const logger = new MockLogger(); markPropertiesAsProcessed('@angular/common/http/testing', ['esm2015', 'fesm2015']); mainNgcc({ basePath: '/node_modules', targetEntryPointPath: '@angular/common/http/testing', propertiesToConsider: ['fesm2015', 'esm5', 'esm2015'], logger, }); expect(logger.logs.debug).not.toContain([ 'The target entry-point has already been processed' ]); }); }); describe('[compileAllFormats === false]', () => { it('should process the target if the first matching `propertyToConsider` is not marked as processed', () => { const logger = new MockLogger(); markPropertiesAsProcessed('@angular/common/http/testing', ['esm2015']); mainNgcc({ basePath: '/node_modules', targetEntryPointPath: '@angular/common/http/testing', propertiesToConsider: ['esm5', 'esm2015'], compileAllFormats: false, logger, }); expect(logger.logs.debug).not.toContain([ 'The target entry-point has already been processed' ]); }); it('should skip all processing if the first matching `propertyToConsider` is marked as processed', () => { const logger = new MockLogger(); markPropertiesAsProcessed('@angular/common/http/testing', ['esm2015']); mainNgcc({ basePath: '/node_modules', targetEntryPointPath: '@angular/common/http/testing', // Simulate a property that does not exist on the package.json and will be ignored. propertiesToConsider: ['missing', 'esm2015', 'esm5'], compileAllFormats: false, logger, }); expect(logger.logs.debug).toContain([ 'The target entry-point has already been processed' ]); }); }); it('should skip all processing if the first matching `propertyToConsider` is marked as processed', () => { const logger = new MockLogger(); markPropertiesAsProcessed('@angular/common/http/testing', ['esm2015']); mainNgcc({ basePath: '/node_modules', targetEntryPointPath: '@angular/common/http/testing', // Simulate a property that does not exist on the package.json and will be ignored. propertiesToConsider: ['missing', 'esm2015', 'esm5'], compileAllFormats: false, logger, }); expect(logger.logs.debug).toContain([ 'The target entry-point has already been processed' ]); }); }); function markPropertiesAsProcessed(packagePath: string, properties: EntryPointJsonProperty[]) { const basePath = _('/node_modules'); const targetPackageJsonPath = join(basePath, packagePath, 'package.json'); const targetPackage = loadPackage(packagePath); markAsProcessed( pkgJsonUpdater, targetPackage, targetPackageJsonPath, ['typings', ...properties]); } it('should clean up outdated artifacts', () => { compileIntoFlatEs5Package('test-package', { 'index.ts': ` import {Directive} from '@angular/core'; @Directive({selector: '[foo]'}) export class FooDirective { } `, }); mainNgcc({ basePath: '/node_modules', propertiesToConsider: ['main'], logger: new MockLogger(), }); // Now hack the files to look like it was processed by an outdated version of ngcc const packageJson = loadPackage('test-package', _('/node_modules')); packageJson.__processed_by_ivy_ngcc__ !.typings = '8.0.0'; packageJson.main_ivy_ngcc = '__ivy_ngcc__/main.js'; fs.writeFile(_('/node_modules/test-package/package.json'), JSON.stringify(packageJson)); fs.writeFile(_('/node_modules/test-package/x.js'), 'processed content'); fs.writeFile(_('/node_modules/test-package/x.js.__ivy_ngcc_bak'), 'original content'); fs.ensureDir(_('/node_modules/test-package/__ivy_ngcc__/foo')); // Now run ngcc again to see that it cleans out the outdated artifacts mainNgcc({ basePath: '/node_modules', propertiesToConsider: ['main'], logger: new MockLogger(), }); const newPackageJson = loadPackage('test-package', _('/node_modules')); expect(newPackageJson.__processed_by_ivy_ngcc__).toEqual({ main: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER', typings: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER', }); expect(newPackageJson.main_ivy_ngcc).toBeUndefined(); expect(fs.exists(_('/node_modules/test-package/x.js'))).toBe(true); expect(fs.exists(_('/node_modules/test-package/x.js.__ivy_ngcc_bak'))).toBe(false); expect(fs.readFile(_('/node_modules/test-package/x.js'))).toEqual('original content'); expect(fs.exists(_('/node_modules/test-package/__ivy_ngcc__'))).toBe(false); }); describe('with propertiesToConsider', () => { it('should complain if none of the properties in the `propertiesToConsider` list is supported', () => { const propertiesToConsider = ['es1337', 'fesm42']; const errorMessage = 'No supported format property to consider among [es1337, fesm42]. Supported ' + 'properties: fesm2015, fesm5, es2015, esm2015, esm5, main, module'; expect(() => mainNgcc({basePath: '/node_modules', propertiesToConsider})) .toThrowError(errorMessage); }); it('should only compile the entry-point formats given in the `propertiesToConsider` list', () => { mainNgcc({ basePath: '/node_modules', propertiesToConsider: ['main', 'esm5', 'module', 'fesm5'], logger: new MockLogger(), }); // The ES2015 formats are not compiled as they are not in `propertiesToConsider`. expect(loadPackage('@angular/core').__processed_by_ivy_ngcc__).toEqual({ esm5: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER', main: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER', module: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER', fesm5: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER', typings: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER', }); expect(loadPackage('@angular/common').__processed_by_ivy_ngcc__).toEqual({ esm5: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER', main: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER', module: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER', fesm5: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER', typings: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER', }); expect(loadPackage('@angular/common/testing').__processed_by_ivy_ngcc__).toEqual({ esm5: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER', main: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER', module: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER', fesm5: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER', typings: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER', }); expect(loadPackage('@angular/common/http').__processed_by_ivy_ngcc__).toEqual({ esm5: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER', main: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER', module: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER', fesm5: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER', typings: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER', }); }); it('should mark all matching properties as processed in order not to compile them on a subsequent run', () => { const logger = new MockLogger(); const logs = logger.logs.debug; // `fesm2015` and `es2015` map to the same file: `./fesm2015/common.js` mainNgcc({ basePath: '/node_modules/@angular/common', propertiesToConsider: ['fesm2015'], logger, }); expect(logs).not.toContain(['Skipping @angular/common : es2015 (already compiled).']); expect(loadPackage('@angular/common').__processed_by_ivy_ngcc__).toEqual({ es2015: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER', fesm2015: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER', typings: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER', }); // Now, compiling `es2015` should be a no-op. mainNgcc({ basePath: '/node_modules/@angular/common', propertiesToConsider: ['es2015'], logger, }); expect(logs).toContain(['Skipping @angular/common : es2015 (already compiled).']); }); }); describe('with compileAllFormats set to false', () => { it('should only compile the first matching format', () => { mainNgcc({ basePath: '/node_modules', propertiesToConsider: ['module', 'fesm5', 'esm5'], compileAllFormats: false, logger: new MockLogger(), }); // * In the Angular packages fesm5 and module have the same underlying format, // so both are marked as compiled. // * The `esm5` is not compiled because we stopped after the `fesm5` format. expect(loadPackage('@angular/core').__processed_by_ivy_ngcc__).toEqual({ fesm5: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER', module: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER', typings: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER', }); expect(loadPackage('@angular/common').__processed_by_ivy_ngcc__).toEqual({ fesm5: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER', module: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER', typings: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER', }); expect(loadPackage('@angular/common/testing').__processed_by_ivy_ngcc__).toEqual({ fesm5: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER', module: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER', typings: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER', }); expect(loadPackage('@angular/common/http').__processed_by_ivy_ngcc__).toEqual({ fesm5: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER', module: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER', typings: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER', }); }); it('should cope with compiling the same entry-point multiple times with different formats', () => { mainNgcc({ basePath: '/node_modules', propertiesToConsider: ['module'], compileAllFormats: false, logger: new MockLogger(), }); expect(loadPackage('@angular/core').__processed_by_ivy_ngcc__).toEqual({ fesm5: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER', module: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER', typings: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER', }); // If ngcc tries to write out the typings files again, this will throw an exception. mainNgcc({ basePath: '/node_modules', propertiesToConsider: ['esm5'], compileAllFormats: false, logger: new MockLogger(), }); expect(loadPackage('@angular/core').__processed_by_ivy_ngcc__).toEqual({ esm5: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER', fesm5: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER', module: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER', typings: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER', }); }); }); describe('with createNewEntryPointFormats', () => { it('should create new files rather than overwriting the originals', () => { const ANGULAR_CORE_IMPORT_REGEX = /import \* as ɵngcc\d+ from '@angular\/core';/; mainNgcc({ basePath: '/node_modules', createNewEntryPointFormats: true, propertiesToConsider: ['esm5'], logger: new MockLogger(), }); // Updates the package.json expect(loadPackage('@angular/common').esm5).toEqual('./esm5/common.js'); expect((loadPackage('@angular/common') as any).esm5_ivy_ngcc) .toEqual('__ivy_ngcc__/esm5/common.js'); // Doesn't touch original files expect(fs.readFile(_(`/node_modules/@angular/common/esm5/src/common_module.js`))) .not.toMatch(ANGULAR_CORE_IMPORT_REGEX); // Or create a backup of the original expect( fs.exists(_(`/node_modules/@angular/common/esm5/src/common_module.js.__ivy_ngcc_bak`))) .toBe(false); // Creates new files expect( fs.readFile(_(`/node_modules/@angular/common/__ivy_ngcc__/esm5/src/common_module.js`))) .toMatch(ANGULAR_CORE_IMPORT_REGEX); // Copies over files (unchanged) that did not need compiling expect(fs.exists(_(`/node_modules/@angular/common/__ivy_ngcc__/esm5/src/version.js`))); expect(fs.readFile(_(`/node_modules/@angular/common/__ivy_ngcc__/esm5/src/version.js`))) .toEqual(fs.readFile(_(`/node_modules/@angular/common/esm5/src/version.js`))); // Overwrites .d.ts files (as usual) expect(fs.readFile(_(`/node_modules/@angular/common/common.d.ts`))) .toMatch(ANGULAR_CORE_IMPORT_REGEX); expect(fs.exists(_(`/node_modules/@angular/common/common.d.ts.__ivy_ngcc_bak`))).toBe(true); }); it('should update `package.json` for all matching format properties', () => { mainNgcc({ basePath: '/node_modules/@angular/core', createNewEntryPointFormats: true, propertiesToConsider: ['fesm2015', 'fesm5'], }); const pkg: any = loadPackage('@angular/core'); // `es2015` is an alias of `fesm2015`. expect(pkg.fesm2015).toEqual('./fesm2015/core.js'); expect(pkg.es2015).toEqual('./fesm2015/core.js'); expect(pkg.fesm2015_ivy_ngcc).toEqual('__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/core.js'); expect(pkg.es2015_ivy_ngcc).toEqual('__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/core.js'); // `module` is an alias of `fesm5`. expect(pkg.fesm5).toEqual('./fesm5/core.js'); expect(pkg.module).toEqual('./fesm5/core.js'); expect(pkg.fesm5_ivy_ngcc).toEqual('__ivy_ngcc__/fesm5/core.js'); expect(pkg.module_ivy_ngcc).toEqual('__ivy_ngcc__/fesm5/core.js'); }); it('should update `package.json` deterministically (regardless of entry-point processing order)', () => { // Ensure formats are not marked as processed in `package.json` at the beginning. let pkg = loadPackage('@angular/core'); expectNotToHaveProp(pkg, 'esm5_ivy_ngcc'); expectNotToHaveProp(pkg, 'fesm2015_ivy_ngcc'); expectNotToHaveProp(pkg, 'fesm5_ivy_ngcc'); expectNotToHaveProp(pkg, '__processed_by_ivy_ngcc__'); // Process `fesm2015` and update `package.json`. pkg = processFormatAndUpdatePackageJson('fesm2015'); expectNotToHaveProp(pkg, 'esm5_ivy_ngcc'); expectToHaveProp(pkg, 'fesm2015_ivy_ngcc'); expectNotToHaveProp(pkg, 'fesm5_ivy_ngcc'); expectToHaveProp(pkg.__processed_by_ivy_ngcc__ !, 'fesm2015'); // Process `fesm5` and update `package.json`. pkg = processFormatAndUpdatePackageJson('fesm5'); expectNotToHaveProp(pkg, 'esm5_ivy_ngcc'); expectToHaveProp(pkg, 'fesm2015_ivy_ngcc'); expectToHaveProp(pkg, 'fesm5_ivy_ngcc'); expectToHaveProp(pkg.__processed_by_ivy_ngcc__ !, 'fesm5'); // Process `esm5` and update `package.json`. pkg = processFormatAndUpdatePackageJson('esm5'); expectToHaveProp(pkg, 'esm5_ivy_ngcc'); expectToHaveProp(pkg, 'fesm2015_ivy_ngcc'); expectToHaveProp(pkg, 'fesm5_ivy_ngcc'); expectToHaveProp(pkg.__processed_by_ivy_ngcc__ !, 'esm5'); // Ensure the properties are in deterministic order (regardless of processing order). const pkgKeys = stringifyKeys(pkg); expect(pkgKeys).toContain('|esm5_ivy_ngcc|esm5|'); expect(pkgKeys).toContain('|fesm2015_ivy_ngcc|fesm2015|'); expect(pkgKeys).toContain('|fesm5_ivy_ngcc|fesm5|'); // NOTE: // Along with the first format that is processed, the typings are processed as well. // Also, once a property has been processed, alias properties as also marked as // processed. Aliases properties are properties that point to the same entry-point file. // For example: // - `fesm2015` <=> `es2015` // - `fesm5` <=> `module` expect(stringifyKeys(pkg.__processed_by_ivy_ngcc__ !)) .toBe('|es2015|esm5|fesm2015|fesm5|module|typings|'); // Helpers function expectNotToHaveProp(obj: object, prop: string) { expect(obj.hasOwnProperty(prop)) .toBe( false, `Expected object not to have property '${prop}': ${JSON.stringify(obj, null, 2)}`); } function expectToHaveProp(obj: object, prop: string) { expect(obj.hasOwnProperty(prop)) .toBe( true, `Expected object to have property '${prop}': ${JSON.stringify(obj, null, 2)}`); } function processFormatAndUpdatePackageJson(formatProp: string) { mainNgcc({ basePath: '/node_modules/@angular/core', createNewEntryPointFormats: true, propertiesToConsider: [formatProp], }); return loadPackage('@angular/core'); } function stringifyKeys(obj: object) { return `|${Object.keys(obj).join('|')}|`; } }); }); describe('diagnostics', () => { it('should fail with formatted diagnostics when an error diagnostic is produced', () => { loadTestFiles([ { name: _('/node_modules/fatal-error/package.json'), contents: '{"name": "fatal-error", "es2015": "./index.js", "typings": "./index.d.ts"}', }, {name: _('/node_modules/fatal-error/index.metadata.json'), contents: 'DUMMY DATA'}, { name: _('/node_modules/fatal-error/index.js'), contents: ` import {Component} from '@angular/core'; export class FatalError {} FatalError.decorators = [ {type: Component, args: [{selector: 'fatal-error'}]} ]; `, }, { name: _('/node_modules/fatal-error/index.d.ts'), contents: ` export declare class FatalError {} `, }, ]); try { mainNgcc({ basePath: '/node_modules', targetEntryPointPath: 'fatal-error', propertiesToConsider: ['es2015'] }); fail('should have thrown'); } catch (e) { expect(e.message).toContain( 'Failed to compile entry-point fatal-error (es2015 as esm2015) due to compilation errors:'); expect(e.message).toContain('NG2001'); expect(e.message).toContain('component is missing a template'); } }); }); describe('logger', () => { it('should log info message to the console by default', () => { const consoleInfoSpy = spyOn(console, 'info'); mainNgcc({basePath: '/node_modules', propertiesToConsider: ['esm2015']}); expect(consoleInfoSpy) .toHaveBeenCalledWith('Compiling @angular/common/http : esm2015 as esm2015'); }); it('should use a custom logger if provided', () => { const logger = new MockLogger(); mainNgcc({ basePath: '/node_modules', propertiesToConsider: ['esm2015'], logger, }); expect(logger.logs.info).toContain(['Compiling @angular/common/http : esm2015 as esm2015']); }); }); describe('with pathMappings', () => { it('should find and compile packages accessible via the pathMappings', () => { mainNgcc({ basePath: '/node_modules', propertiesToConsider: ['es2015'], pathMappings: {paths: {'*': ['dist/*']}, baseUrl: '/'}, }); expect(loadPackage('@angular/core').__processed_by_ivy_ngcc__).toEqual({ es2015: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER', fesm2015: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER', typings: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER', }); expect(loadPackage('local-package', _('/dist')).__processed_by_ivy_ngcc__).toEqual({ es2015: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER', typings: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER', }); }); }); describe('with configuration files', () => { it('should process a configured deep-import as an entry-point', () => { loadTestFiles([ { name: _('/ngcc.config.js'), contents: `module.exports = { packages: { 'deep_import': { entryPoints: { './entry_point': { override: { typings: '../entry_point.d.ts', es2015: '../entry_point.js' } } } } }};`, }, { name: _('/node_modules/deep_import/package.json'), contents: '{"name": "deep-import", "es2015": "./index.js", "typings": "./index.d.ts"}', }, { name: _('/node_modules/deep_import/entry_point.js'), contents: ` import {Component} from '@angular/core'; @Component({selector: 'entry-point'}) export class EntryPoint {} `, }, { name: _('/node_modules/deep_import/entry_point.d.ts'), contents: ` import {Component} from '@angular/core'; @Component({selector: 'entry-point'}) export class EntryPoint {} `, }, ]); mainNgcc({ basePath: '/node_modules', targetEntryPointPath: 'deep_import/entry_point', propertiesToConsider: ['es2015'] }); // The containing package is not processed expect(loadPackage('deep_import').__processed_by_ivy_ngcc__).toBeUndefined(); // But the configured entry-point and its dependency (@angular/core) are processed. expect(loadPackage('deep_import/entry_point').__processed_by_ivy_ngcc__).toEqual({ es2015: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER', typings: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER', }); expect(loadPackage('@angular/core').__processed_by_ivy_ngcc__).toEqual({ es2015: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER', fesm2015: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER', typings: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER', }); }); it('should not process ignored entry-points', () => { loadTestFiles([ { name: _('/ngcc.config.js'), contents: `module.exports = { packages: { '@angular/core': { entryPoints: { './testing': {ignore: true} }, }, '@angular/common': { entryPoints: { '.': {ignore: true} }, } }};`, }, ]); mainNgcc({basePath: '/node_modules', propertiesToConsider: ['es2015']}); // We process core but not core/testing. expect(loadPackage('@angular/core').__processed_by_ivy_ngcc__).toEqual({ es2015: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER', fesm2015: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER', typings: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER', }); expect(loadPackage('@angular/core/testing').__processed_by_ivy_ngcc__).toBeUndefined(); // We do not compile common but we do compile its sub-entry-points. expect(loadPackage('@angular/common').__processed_by_ivy_ngcc__).toBeUndefined(); expect(loadPackage('@angular/common/http').__processed_by_ivy_ngcc__).toEqual({ es2015: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER', fesm2015: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER', typings: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER', }); }); it('should support removing a format property by setting it to `undefined`', () => { loadTestFiles([ { name: _('/ngcc.config.js'), contents: ` module.exports = { packages: { 'test-package': { entryPoints: { '.': { override: { fesm2015: undefined, }, }, }, }, }, }; `, }, { name: _('/node_modules/test-package/package.json'), contents: ` { "name": "test-package", "fesm2015": "./index.es2015.js", "fesm5": "./index.es5.js", "typings": "./index.d.ts" } `, }, { name: _('/node_modules/test-package/index.es5.js'), contents: ` var TestService = (function () { function TestService() { } return TestService; }()); `, }, { name: _('/node_modules/test-package/index.d.js'), contents: ` export declare class TestService {} `, }, ]); mainNgcc({ basePath: '/node_modules', targetEntryPointPath: 'test-package', propertiesToConsider: ['fesm2015', 'fesm5'], }); expect(loadPackage('test-package').__processed_by_ivy_ngcc__).toEqual({ fesm5: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER', typings: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER', }); }); }); describe('undecorated child class migration', () => { it('should generate a directive definition with CopyDefinitionFeature for an undecorated child directive', () => { compileIntoFlatEs5Package('test-package', { '/index.ts': ` import {Directive, NgModule} from '@angular/core'; @Directive({ selector: '[base]', exportAs: 'base1, base2', }) export class BaseDir {} export class DerivedDir extends BaseDir {} @NgModule({ declarations: [DerivedDir], }) export class Module {} `, }); mainNgcc({ basePath: '/node_modules', targetEntryPointPath: 'test-package', propertiesToConsider: ['main'], }); const jsContents = fs.readFile(_(`/node_modules/test-package/index.js`)); expect(jsContents) .toContain( 'DerivedDir.ɵdir = ɵngcc0.ɵɵdefineDirective({ type: DerivedDir, ' + 'selectors: [["", "base", ""]], exportAs: ["base1", "base2"], ' + 'features: [ɵngcc0.ɵɵInheritDefinitionFeature, ɵngcc0.ɵɵCopyDefinitionFeature] });'); const dtsContents = fs.readFile(_(`/node_modules/test-package/index.d.ts`)); expect(dtsContents) .toContain( 'static ɵdir: ɵngcc0.ɵɵDirectiveDefWithMeta;'); }); it('should generate a component definition with CopyDefinitionFeature for an undecorated child component', () => { compileIntoFlatEs5Package('test-package', { '/index.ts': ` import {Component, NgModule} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: '[base]', template: 'This is the base template', }) export class BaseCmp {} export class DerivedCmp extends BaseCmp {} @NgModule({ declarations: [DerivedCmp], }) export class Module {} `, }); mainNgcc({ basePath: '/node_modules', targetEntryPointPath: 'test-package', propertiesToConsider: ['main'], }); const jsContents = fs.readFile(_(`/node_modules/test-package/index.js`)); expect(jsContents).toContain('DerivedCmp.ɵcmp = ɵngcc0.ɵɵdefineComponent'); expect(jsContents) .toContain( 'features: [ɵngcc0.ɵɵInheritDefinitionFeature, ɵngcc0.ɵɵCopyDefinitionFeature]'); const dtsContents = fs.readFile(_(`/node_modules/test-package/index.d.ts`)); expect(dtsContents) .toContain( 'static ɵcmp: ɵngcc0.ɵɵComponentDefWithMeta;'); }); it('should generate directive definitions with CopyDefinitionFeature for undecorated child directives in a long inheritance chain', () => { compileIntoFlatEs5Package('test-package', { '/index.ts': ` import {Directive, NgModule} from '@angular/core'; @Directive({ selector: '[base]', }) export class BaseDir {} export class DerivedDir1 extends BaseDir {} export class DerivedDir2 extends DerivedDir1 {} export class DerivedDir3 extends DerivedDir2 {} @NgModule({ declarations: [DerivedDir3], }) export class Module {} `, }); mainNgcc({ basePath: '/node_modules', targetEntryPointPath: 'test-package', propertiesToConsider: ['main'], }); const dtsContents = fs.readFile(_(`/node_modules/test-package/index.d.ts`)); expect(dtsContents) .toContain( 'static ɵdir: ɵngcc0.ɵɵDirectiveDefWithMeta;'); expect(dtsContents) .toContain( 'static ɵdir: ɵngcc0.ɵɵDirectiveDefWithMeta;'); expect(dtsContents) .toContain( 'static ɵdir: ɵngcc0.ɵɵDirectiveDefWithMeta;'); }); }); describe('aliasing re-exports in commonjs', () => { it('should add re-exports to commonjs files', () => { loadTestFiles([ { name: _('/node_modules/test-package/package.json'), contents: ` { "name": "test-package", "main": "./index.js", "typings": "./index.d.ts" } `, }, { name: _('/node_modules/test-package/index.js'), contents: ` var __export = null; __export(require("./module")); `, }, { name: _('/node_modules/test-package/index.d.ts'), contents: ` export * from "./module"; `, }, { name: _('/node_modules/test-package/index.metadata.json'), contents: '{}', }, { name: _('/node_modules/test-package/module.js'), contents: ` var __decorate = null; var core_1 = require("@angular/core"); var directive_1 = require("./directive"); var LocalDir = /** @class */ (function () { function LocalDir() { } LocalDir = __decorate([ core_1.Directive({ selector: '[local]', }) ], LocalDir); return LocalDir; }()); var FooModule = /** @class */ (function () { function FooModule() { } FooModule = __decorate([ core_1.NgModule({ declarations: [directive_1.Foo, LocalDir], exports: [directive_1.Foo, LocalDir], }) ], FooModule); return FooModule; }()); exports.LocalDir = LocalDir; exports.FooModule = FooModule; `, }, { name: _('/node_modules/test-package/module.d.ts'), contents: ` export declare class LocalDir {} export declare class FooModule {} `, }, { name: _('/node_modules/test-package/module.metadata.json'), contents: '{}', }, { name: _('/node_modules/test-package/directive.js'), contents: ` var __decorate = null; var core_1 = require("@angular/core"); var Foo = /** @class */ (function () { function Foo() { } Foo = __decorate([ core_1.Directive({ selector: '[foo]', }) ], Foo); return Foo; }()); exports.Foo = Foo; `, }, { name: _('/node_modules/test-package/directive.d.ts'), contents: ` export declare class Foo {} `, }, { name: _('/node_modules/test-package/directive.metadata.json'), contents: '{}', }, { name: _('/ngcc.config.js'), contents: ` module.exports = { packages: { 'test-package': { entryPoints: { '.': { generateDeepReexports: true }, }, }, }, }; `, } ]); mainNgcc({ basePath: '/node_modules', targetEntryPointPath: 'test-package', propertiesToConsider: ['main'], }); expect(loadPackage('test-package').__processed_by_ivy_ngcc__).toEqual({ main: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER', typings: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER', }); const jsContents = fs.readFile(_(`/node_modules/test-package/module.js`)); const dtsContents = fs.readFile(_(`/node_modules/test-package/module.d.ts`)); expect(jsContents).toContain(`var ɵngcc1 = require('./directive');`); expect(jsContents).toContain('exports.ɵngExportɵFooModuleɵFoo = ɵngcc1.Foo;'); expect(dtsContents) .toContain(`export {Foo as ɵngExportɵFooModuleɵFoo} from './directive';`); expect(dtsContents.match(/ɵngExportɵFooModuleɵFoo/g) !.length).toBe(1); expect(dtsContents).not.toContain(`ɵngExportɵFooModuleɵLocalDir`); }); }); describe('legacy message ids', () => { it('should render legacy message ids when compiling i18n tags in component templates', () => { compileIntoApf('test-package', { '/index.ts': ` import {Component} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: '[base]', template: '
Some message
' }) export class AppComponent {} `, }); mainNgcc({ basePath: '/node_modules', targetEntryPointPath: 'test-package', propertiesToConsider: ['esm2015'], }); const jsContents = fs.readFile(_(`/node_modules/test-package/esm2015/src/index.js`)); expect(jsContents) .toContain( '$localize `:␟888aea0e46f7e9dddbd95fc1ef380a3ff70ada9d␟1812794354835616626:Some message'); }); it('should not render legacy message ids when compiling i18n tags in component templates if `enableI18nLegacyMessageIdFormat` is false', () => { compileIntoApf('test-package', { '/index.ts': ` import {Component} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: '[base]', template: '
Some message
' }) export class AppComponent {} `, }); mainNgcc({ basePath: '/node_modules', targetEntryPointPath: 'test-package', propertiesToConsider: ['esm2015'], enableI18nLegacyMessageIdFormat: false, }); const jsContents = fs.readFile(_(`/node_modules/test-package/esm2015/src/index.js`)); expect(jsContents).not.toContain('␟888aea0e46f7e9dddbd95fc1ef380a3ff70ada9d'); expect(jsContents).not.toContain('␟1812794354835616626'); expect(jsContents).not.toContain('␟'); }); }); function loadPackage( packageName: string, basePath: AbsoluteFsPath = _('/node_modules')): EntryPointPackageJson { return JSON.parse(fs.readFile(fs.resolve(basePath, packageName, 'package.json'))); } function initMockFileSystem(fs: FileSystem, testFiles: Folder) { if (fs instanceof MockFileSystem) { fs.init(testFiles); fs.ensureDir(fs.dirname(new LockFileSync(fs).lockFilePath)); } // a random test package that no metadata.json file so not compiled by Angular. loadTestFiles([ { name: _('/node_modules/test-package/package.json'), contents: '{"name": "test-package", "es2015": "./index.js", "typings": "./index.d.ts"}' }, { name: _('/node_modules/test-package/index.js'), contents: 'import {AppModule} from "@angular/common"; export class MyApp extends AppModule {};' }, { name: _('/node_modules/test-package/index.d.ts'), contents: 'import {AppModule} from "@angular/common"; export declare class MyApp extends AppModule;' }, ]); // An Angular package that has been built locally and stored in the `dist` directory. loadTestFiles([ { name: _('/dist/local-package/package.json'), contents: '{"name": "local-package", "es2015": "./index.js", "typings": "./index.d.ts"}' }, {name: _('/dist/local-package/index.metadata.json'), contents: 'DUMMY DATA'}, { name: _('/dist/local-package/index.js'), contents: `import {Component} from '@angular/core';\nexport class AppComponent {};\nAppComponent.decorators = [\n{ type: Component, args: [{selector: 'app', template: '


'}] }\n];` }, { name: _('/dist/local-package/index.d.ts'), contents: `export declare class AppComponent {};` }, ]); // An Angular package that has a missing dependency loadTestFiles([ { name: _('/node_modules/invalid-package/package.json'), contents: '{"name": "invalid-package", "es2015": "./index.js", "typings": "./index.d.ts"}' }, { name: _('/node_modules/invalid-package/index.js'), contents: ` import {AppModule} from "@angular/missing"; import {Component} from '@angular/core'; export class AppComponent {}; AppComponent.decorators = [ { type: Component, args: [{selector: 'app', template: '


'}] } ]; ` }, { name: _('/node_modules/invalid-package/index.d.ts'), contents: `export declare class AppComponent {}` }, {name: _('/node_modules/invalid-package/index.metadata.json'), contents: 'DUMMY DATA'}, ]); } }); }); function countOccurrences(haystack: string, needle: string): number { const matches = haystack.match(new RegExp(needle, 'g')); return matches !== null ? matches.length : 0; }