/** * @license * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ import {AST, TmplAstBoundAttribute, TmplAstBoundEvent, TmplAstElement, TmplAstNode, TmplAstTemplate, TmplAstTextAttribute} from '@angular/compiler'; import {NgCompiler} from '@angular/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/core'; import {DirectiveSymbol, DomBindingSymbol, ElementSymbol, ShimLocation, Symbol, SymbolKind, TemplateSymbol} from '@angular/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/typecheck/api'; import * as ts from 'typescript'; import {getPathToNodeAtPosition} from './hybrid_visitor'; import {flatMap, getDirectiveMatchesForAttribute, getDirectiveMatchesForElementTag, getTemplateInfoAtPosition, getTextSpanOfNode, isDollarEvent, TemplateInfo, toTextSpan} from './utils'; interface DefinitionMeta { node: AST|TmplAstNode; path: Array; symbol: Symbol; } interface HasShimLocation { shimLocation: ShimLocation; } export class DefinitionBuilder { constructor(private readonly tsLS: ts.LanguageService, private readonly compiler: NgCompiler) {} getDefinitionAndBoundSpan(fileName: string, position: number): ts.DefinitionInfoAndBoundSpan |undefined { const templateInfo = getTemplateInfoAtPosition(fileName, position, this.compiler); if (templateInfo === undefined) { return; } const definitionMeta = this.getDefinitionMetaAtPosition(templateInfo, position); // The `$event` of event handlers would point to the $event parameter in the shim file, as in // `_outputHelper(_t3["x"]).subscribe(function ($event): any { $event }) ;` // If we wanted to return something for this, it would be more appropriate for something like // `getTypeDefinition`. if (definitionMeta === undefined || isDollarEvent(definitionMeta.node)) { return undefined; } const definitions = this.getDefinitionsForSymbol({...definitionMeta, ...templateInfo}); return {definitions, textSpan: getTextSpanOfNode(definitionMeta.node)}; } private getDefinitionsForSymbol({symbol, node, path, component}: DefinitionMeta& TemplateInfo): readonly ts.DefinitionInfo[]|undefined { switch (symbol.kind) { case SymbolKind.Directive: case SymbolKind.Element: case SymbolKind.Template: case SymbolKind.DomBinding: // Though it is generally more appropriate for the above symbol definitions to be // associated with "type definitions" since the location in the template is the // actual definition location, the better user experience would be to allow // LS users to "go to definition" on an item in the template that maps to a class and be // taken to the directive or HTML class. return this.getTypeDefinitionsForTemplateInstance(symbol, node); case SymbolKind.Output: case SymbolKind.Input: { const bindingDefs = this.getDefinitionsForSymbols(...symbol.bindings); // Also attempt to get directive matches for the input name. If there is a directive that // has the input name as part of the selector, we want to return that as well. const directiveDefs = this.getDirectiveTypeDefsForBindingNode(node, path, component); return [...bindingDefs, ...directiveDefs]; } case SymbolKind.Variable: case SymbolKind.Reference: { const definitions: ts.DefinitionInfo[] = []; if (symbol.declaration !== node) { definitions.push({ name: symbol.declaration.name, containerName: '', containerKind: ts.ScriptElementKind.unknown, kind: ts.ScriptElementKind.variableElement, textSpan: getTextSpanOfNode(symbol.declaration), contextSpan: toTextSpan(symbol.declaration.sourceSpan), fileName: symbol.declaration.sourceSpan.start.file.url, }); } if (symbol.kind === SymbolKind.Variable) { definitions.push(...this.getDefinitionsForSymbols(symbol)); } return definitions; } case SymbolKind.Expression: { return this.getDefinitionsForSymbols(symbol); } } } private getDefinitionsForSymbols(...symbols: HasShimLocation[]): ts.DefinitionInfo[] { return flatMap(symbols, ({shimLocation}) => { const {shimPath, positionInShimFile} = shimLocation; return this.tsLS.getDefinitionAtPosition(shimPath, positionInShimFile) ?? []; }); } getTypeDefinitionsAtPosition(fileName: string, position: number): readonly ts.DefinitionInfo[]|undefined { const templateInfo = getTemplateInfoAtPosition(fileName, position, this.compiler); if (templateInfo === undefined) { return; } const definitionMeta = this.getDefinitionMetaAtPosition(templateInfo, position); if (definitionMeta === undefined) { return undefined; } const {symbol, node} = definitionMeta; switch (symbol.kind) { case SymbolKind.Directive: case SymbolKind.DomBinding: case SymbolKind.Element: case SymbolKind.Template: return this.getTypeDefinitionsForTemplateInstance(symbol, node); case SymbolKind.Output: case SymbolKind.Input: { const bindingDefs = this.getTypeDefinitionsForSymbols(...symbol.bindings); // Also attempt to get directive matches for the input name. If there is a directive that // has the input name as part of the selector, we want to return that as well. const directiveDefs = this.getDirectiveTypeDefsForBindingNode( node, definitionMeta.path, templateInfo.component); return [...bindingDefs, ...directiveDefs]; } case SymbolKind.Reference: case SymbolKind.Expression: case SymbolKind.Variable: return this.getTypeDefinitionsForSymbols(symbol); } } private getTypeDefinitionsForTemplateInstance( symbol: TemplateSymbol|ElementSymbol|DomBindingSymbol|DirectiveSymbol, node: AST|TmplAstNode): ts.DefinitionInfo[] { switch (symbol.kind) { case SymbolKind.Template: { const matches = getDirectiveMatchesForElementTag(symbol.templateNode, symbol.directives); return this.getTypeDefinitionsForSymbols(...matches); } case SymbolKind.Element: { const matches = getDirectiveMatchesForElementTag(symbol.templateNode, symbol.directives); // If one of the directive matches is a component, we should not include the native element // in the results because it is replaced by the component. return Array.from(matches).some(dir => dir.isComponent) ? this.getTypeDefinitionsForSymbols(...matches) : this.getTypeDefinitionsForSymbols(...matches, symbol); } case SymbolKind.DomBinding: { if (!(node instanceof TmplAstTextAttribute)) { return []; } const dirs = getDirectiveMatchesForAttribute( node.name, symbol.host.templateNode, symbol.host.directives); return this.getTypeDefinitionsForSymbols(...dirs); } case SymbolKind.Directive: return this.getTypeDefinitionsForSymbols(symbol); } } private getDirectiveTypeDefsForBindingNode( node: TmplAstNode|AST, pathToNode: Array, component: ts.ClassDeclaration) { if (!(node instanceof TmplAstBoundAttribute) && !(node instanceof TmplAstTextAttribute) && !(node instanceof TmplAstBoundEvent)) { return []; } const parent = pathToNode[pathToNode.length - 2]; if (!(parent instanceof TmplAstTemplate || parent instanceof TmplAstElement)) { return []; } const templateOrElementSymbol = this.compiler.getTemplateTypeChecker().getSymbolOfNode(parent, component); if (templateOrElementSymbol === null || (templateOrElementSymbol.kind !== SymbolKind.Template && templateOrElementSymbol.kind !== SymbolKind.Element)) { return []; } const dirs = getDirectiveMatchesForAttribute(node.name, parent, templateOrElementSymbol.directives); return this.getTypeDefinitionsForSymbols(...dirs); } private getTypeDefinitionsForSymbols(...symbols: HasShimLocation[]): ts.DefinitionInfo[] { return flatMap(symbols, ({shimLocation}) => { const {shimPath, positionInShimFile} = shimLocation; return this.tsLS.getTypeDefinitionAtPosition(shimPath, positionInShimFile) ?? []; }); } private getDefinitionMetaAtPosition({template, component}: TemplateInfo, position: number): DefinitionMeta|undefined { const path = getPathToNodeAtPosition(template, position); if (path === undefined) { return; } const node = path[path.length - 1]; const symbol = this.compiler.getTemplateTypeChecker().getSymbolOfNode(node, component); if (symbol === null) { return; } return {node, path, symbol}; } }