import { AsyncTestCompleter, inject, describe, it, expect, beforeEach, createTestInjector, beforeEachBindings, SpyObject, proxy } from 'angular2/test_lib'; import {ObservableWrapper} from 'angular2/src/facade/async'; import {MessageBusInterface} from 'angular2/src/web-workers/shared/message_bus'; import {createConnectedMessageBus} from './message_bus_util'; export function main() { /** * Tests the PostMessageBus in TypeScript and the IsolateMessageBus in Dart */ describe("MessageBus", () => { var bus: MessageBusInterface; beforeEach(() => { bus = createConnectedMessageBus(); }); it("should pass messages in the same channel from sink to source", inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => { const CHANNEL = "CHANNEL 1"; const MESSAGE = "Test message"; var fromEmitter = bus.from(CHANNEL); ObservableWrapper.subscribe(fromEmitter, (message: any) => { expect(message).toEqual(MESSAGE); async.done(); }); var toEmitter =; ObservableWrapper.callNext(toEmitter, MESSAGE); })); it("should broadcast", inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => { const CHANNEL = "CHANNEL 1"; const MESSAGE = "TESTING"; const NUM_LISTENERS = 2; var callCount = 0; var emitHandler = (message: any) => { expect(message).toEqual(MESSAGE); callCount++; if (callCount == NUM_LISTENERS) { async.done(); } }; for (var i = 0; i < NUM_LISTENERS; i++) { var emitter = bus.from(CHANNEL); ObservableWrapper.subscribe(emitter, emitHandler); } var toEmitter =; ObservableWrapper.callNext(toEmitter, MESSAGE); })); it("should keep channels independent", inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => { const CHANNEL_ONE = "CHANNEL 1"; const CHANNEL_TWO = "CHANNEL 2"; const MESSAGE_ONE = "This is a message on CHANNEL 1"; const MESSAGE_TWO = "This is a message on CHANNEL 2"; var callCount = 0; var firstFromEmitter = bus.from(CHANNEL_ONE); ObservableWrapper.subscribe(firstFromEmitter, (message) => { expect(message).toEqual(MESSAGE_ONE); callCount++; if (callCount == 2) { async.done(); } }); var secondFromEmitter = bus.from(CHANNEL_TWO); ObservableWrapper.subscribe(secondFromEmitter, (message) => { expect(message).toEqual(MESSAGE_TWO); callCount++; if (callCount == 2) { async.done(); } }); var firstToEmitter =; ObservableWrapper.callNext(firstToEmitter, MESSAGE_ONE); var secondToEmitter =; ObservableWrapper.callNext(secondToEmitter, MESSAGE_TWO); })); }); }