var _ = require('lodash'); function escapeHtml(unsafe) { return unsafe .replace(/&/g, "&") .replace(//g, ">") .replace(/"/g, """) .replace(/'/g, "'"); } // captures below // 1st is entire ``` including leading whitespace // 2nd is the leading whitespace on the line before the ``` fence // 3rd is the name of the language (if any) specified after the ``` // 4th is the contents of the ``` block up until but not including the first non whitespace char after the end ``` // 5th is the padding of the first nonblank line following the backtick block // 6th is the first char on the next line. var BACKTICK_CAPTURE = /(( *)```(.*$)([^]*?)```\s*)^(\s*)(\S)/m; var CODE_EXAMPLE = 'code-example(format="linenums" language="js").'; module.exports = function convertBackticksToCodeBlocks() { return { $runAfter: ['checkUnbalancedBackTicks'], $runBefore: ['writeFilesProcessor'], $process: function(docs) { _.forEach(docs, function(doc) { if (!doc.unbalancedBackTicks) { // Idea here is to translate backtick ``` regions into code-example blocks. var captures = BACKTICK_CAPTURE.exec(doc.renderedContent); while (captures) { var entireBlock = captures[1]; var prePad = captures[2]; var language = captures[3]; var blockContents = captures[4]; var postPad = captures[5]; var nextBlockStartChar = captures[6]; var codeExamplePrefix = language.length ? CODE_EXAMPLE.replace('js', language) : CODE_EXAMPLE; // modulo op in next line insures that pad is always a multiple of 2 ( jade whitespace). var newPrePad = prePad.substr(2 + (prePad.length % 2)); // exdent var replaceVal = '\n' + newPrePad + codeExamplePrefix + escapeHtml(blockContents) + '\n'; // if nextBlock does NOT start with a '.' then we want to restart a markdown block. // and that block needs to be exdented from the preceding code-example content. // There is also a case where immediately after the backticks, an @example (aka +makeExample) is created. // In this case a markdown block is not needed. if (nextBlockStartChar !== '.' && nextBlockStartChar !== '+') { if (postPad.length >= 2) { // modulo op in next line insures that pad is always a multiple of 2 ( jade whitespace). postPad = postPad.substr(2 + (postPad.length % 2)); // exdent } replaceVal = replaceVal + postPad + ':marked\n'; } doc.renderedContent = doc.renderedContent.replace(entireBlock, replaceVal); captures = BACKTICK_CAPTURE.exec(doc.renderedContent); } } }); } }; };