/// describe('Router', function () { beforeAll(function () { browser.get(''); }); function getPageStruct() { let hrefEles = element.all(by.css('my-app a')); return { hrefs: hrefEles, routerParent: element(by.css('my-app > undefined')), routerTitle: element(by.css('my-app > undefined > h2')), crisisHref: hrefEles.get(0), crisisList: element.all(by.css('my-app > undefined > undefined li')), crisisDetail: element(by.css('my-app > undefined > undefined > div')), crisisDetailTitle: element(by.css('my-app > undefined > undefined > div > h3')), heroesHref: hrefEles.get(1), heroesList: element.all(by.css('my-app > undefined li')), heroDetail: element(by.css('my-app > undefined > div')), heroDetailTitle: element(by.css('my-app > undefined > div > h3')), }; } it('should be able to see the start screen', function () { let page = getPageStruct(); expect(page.hrefs.count()).toEqual(2, 'should be two dashboard choices'); expect(page.crisisHref.getText()).toEqual('Crisis Center'); expect(page.heroesHref.getText()).toEqual('Heroes'); }); it('should be able to see crises center items', function () { let page = getPageStruct(); expect(page.crisisList.count()).toBe(4, 'should be 4 crisis center entries at start'); }); it('should be able to see hero items', function () { let page = getPageStruct(); page.heroesHref.click().then(function() { expect(page.routerTitle.getText()).toContain('HEROES'); expect(page.heroesList.count()).toBe(6, 'should be 6 heroes'); }); }); it('should be able to toggle the views', function () { let page = getPageStruct(); page.crisisHref.click().then(function() { expect(page.crisisList.count()).toBe(4, 'should be 4 crisis center entries'); return page.heroesHref.click(); }).then(function() { expect(page.heroesList.count()).toBe(6, 'should be 6 heroes'); }); }); it('should be able to edit and save details from the crisis center view', function () { crisisCenterEdit(2, true); }); it('should be able to edit and cancel details from the crisis center view', function () { crisisCenterEdit(3, false); }); it('should be able to edit and save details from the heroes view', function () { let page = getPageStruct(); let heroEle: protractor.ElementFinder; let heroText: string; page.heroesHref.click().then(function() { heroEle = page.heroesList.get(4); return heroEle.getText(); }).then(function(text) { expect(text.length).toBeGreaterThan(0, 'should have some text'); // remove leading id from text heroText = text.substr(text.indexOf(' ')).trim(); return heroEle.click(); }).then(function() { expect(page.heroesList.count()).toBe(0, 'should no longer see crisis center entries'); expect(page.heroDetail.isPresent()).toBe(true, 'should be able to see crisis detail'); expect(page.heroDetailTitle.getText()).toContain(heroText); let inputEle = page.heroDetail.element(by.css('input')); return sendKeys(inputEle, '-foo'); }).then(function() { expect(page.heroDetailTitle.getText()).toContain(heroText + '-foo'); let buttonEle = page.heroDetail.element(by.css('button')); return buttonEle.click(); }).then(function() { expect(heroEle.getText()).toContain(heroText + '-foo'); }); }); function crisisCenterEdit(index: number, shouldSave: boolean) { let page = getPageStruct(); let crisisEle: protractor.ElementFinder; let crisisText: string; page.crisisHref.click() .then(function () { crisisEle = page.crisisList.get(index); return crisisEle.getText(); }).then(function (text) { expect(text.length).toBeGreaterThan(0, 'should have some text'); // remove leading id from text crisisText = text.substr(text.indexOf(' ')).trim(); return crisisEle.click(); }).then(function () { expect(page.crisisList.count()).toBe(0, 'should no longer see crisis center entries'); expect(page.crisisDetail.isPresent()).toBe(true, 'should be able to see crisis detail'); expect(page.crisisDetailTitle.getText()).toContain(crisisText); let inputEle = page.crisisDetail.element(by.css('input')); return sendKeys(inputEle, '-foo'); }).then(function () { expect(page.crisisDetailTitle.getText()).toContain(crisisText + '-foo'); let buttonEle = page.crisisDetail.element(by.cssContainingText('button', shouldSave ? 'Save' : 'Cancel')); return buttonEle.click(); }).then(function () { if (shouldSave) { expect(crisisEle.getText()).toContain(crisisText + '-foo'); } else { expect(crisisEle.getText()).not.toContain(crisisText + '-foo'); } }); } });