import { ddescribe, describe, xdescribe, it, iit, xit, expect, beforeEach, afterEach, AsyncTestCompleter, inject, beforeEachProviders } from 'angular2/testing_internal'; import {provide} from 'angular2/src/core/di'; import {SpyXHR} from './spies'; import {XHR} from 'angular2/src/compiler/xhr'; import {BaseException, WrappedException} from 'angular2/src/facade/exceptions'; import { CONST_EXPR, isPresent, isBlank, StringWrapper, isArray, IS_DART } from 'angular2/src/facade/lang'; import {PromiseWrapper} from 'angular2/src/facade/async'; import {evalModule} from './eval_module'; import {StyleCompiler} from 'angular2/src/compiler/style_compiler'; import { CompileDirectiveMetadata, CompileTemplateMetadata, CompileTypeMetadata } from 'angular2/src/compiler/directive_metadata'; import {SourceExpression, SourceModule} from 'angular2/src/compiler/source_module'; import {ViewEncapsulation} from 'angular2/src/core/metadata/view'; import {TEST_PROVIDERS} from './test_bindings'; import {codeGenValueFn, codeGenExportVariable, MODULE_SUFFIX} from 'angular2/src/compiler/util'; // Attention: These module names have to correspond to real modules! var MODULE_URL = `package:angular2/test/compiler/style_compiler_spec${MODULE_SUFFIX}`; var IMPORT_ABS_STYLESHEET_URL = `package:angular2/test/compiler/style_compiler_import.css`; var IMPORT_REL_STYLESHEET_URL = './style_compiler_import.css'; // Note: Not a real module, only used via mocks. var IMPORT_ABS_STYLESHEET_URL_WITH_IMPORT = `package:angular2/test/compiler/style_compiler_transitive_import.css`; export function main() { // Dart's isolate support is broken, and these tests will be obsolote soon with // if (IS_DART) { return; } describe('StyleCompiler', () => { var xhr: SpyXHR; beforeEachProviders(() => { xhr = new SpyXHR(); return [TEST_PROVIDERS, provide(XHR, {useValue: xhr})]; }); var compiler: StyleCompiler; beforeEach(inject([StyleCompiler], (_compiler) => { compiler = _compiler; })); describe('compileComponentRuntime', () => { var xhrUrlResults; var xhrCount; beforeEach(() => { xhrCount = 0; xhrUrlResults = {}; xhrUrlResults[IMPORT_ABS_STYLESHEET_URL] = 'span {color: blue}'; xhrUrlResults[IMPORT_ABS_STYLESHEET_URL_WITH_IMPORT] = `a {color: green}@import ${IMPORT_REL_STYLESHEET_URL};`; }); function compile(styles: string[], styleAbsUrls: string[], encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation): Promise { // Note: Can't use MockXHR as the xhr is called recursively, // so we can't trigger flush. xhr.spy('get').andCallFake((url) => { var response = xhrUrlResults[url]; xhrCount++; if (isBlank(response)) { throw new BaseException(`Unexpected url ${url}`); } return PromiseWrapper.resolve(response); }); return compiler.compileComponentRuntime(new CompileTemplateMetadata( {styles: styles, styleUrls: styleAbsUrls, encapsulation: encapsulation})); } describe('no shim', () => { var encapsulation = ViewEncapsulation.None; it('should compile plain css rules', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => { compile(['div {color: red}', 'span {color: blue}'], [], encapsulation) .then(styles => { expect(styles).toEqual(['div {color: red}', 'span {color: blue}']); async.done(); }); })); it('should allow to import rules', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => { compile(['div {color: red}'], [IMPORT_ABS_STYLESHEET_URL], encapsulation) .then(styles => { expect(styles).toEqual(['div {color: red}', ['span {color: blue}']]); async.done(); }); })); it('should allow to import rules transitively', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => { compile(['div {color: red}'], [IMPORT_ABS_STYLESHEET_URL_WITH_IMPORT], encapsulation) .then(styles => { expect(styles) .toEqual(['div {color: red}', ['a {color: green}', ['span {color: blue}']]]); async.done(); }); })); }); describe('with shim', () => { var encapsulation = ViewEncapsulation.Emulated; it('should compile plain css rules', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => { compile(['div {\ncolor: red;\n}', 'span {\ncolor: blue;\n}'], [], encapsulation) .then(styles => { compareStyles(styles, [ 'div[_ngcontent-%COMP%] {\ncolor: red;\n}', 'span[_ngcontent-%COMP%] {\ncolor: blue;\n}' ]); async.done(); }); })); it('should allow to import rules', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => { compile(['div {\ncolor: red;\n}'], [IMPORT_ABS_STYLESHEET_URL], encapsulation) .then(styles => { compareStyles(styles, [ 'div[_ngcontent-%COMP%] {\ncolor: red;\n}', ['span[_ngcontent-%COMP%] {color: blue}'] ]); async.done(); }); })); it('should allow to import rules transitively', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => { compile(['div {\ncolor: red;\n}'], [IMPORT_ABS_STYLESHEET_URL_WITH_IMPORT], encapsulation) .then(styles => { compareStyles(styles, [ 'div[_ngcontent-%COMP%] {\ncolor: red;\n}', [ 'a[_ngcontent-%COMP%] {color: green}', ['span[_ngcontent-%COMP%] {color: blue}'] ] ]); async.done(); }); })); }); it('should cache stylesheets for parallel requests', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => { PromiseWrapper.all([ compile([], [IMPORT_ABS_STYLESHEET_URL], ViewEncapsulation.None), compile([], [IMPORT_ABS_STYLESHEET_URL], ViewEncapsulation.None) ]) .then((styleArrays) => { expect(styleArrays[0]).toEqual([['span {color: blue}']]); expect(styleArrays[1]).toEqual([['span {color: blue}']]); expect(xhrCount).toBe(1); async.done(); }); })); it('should cache stylesheets for serial requests', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => { compile([], [IMPORT_ABS_STYLESHEET_URL], ViewEncapsulation.None) .then((styles0) => { xhrUrlResults[IMPORT_ABS_STYLESHEET_URL] = 'span {color: black}'; return compile([], [IMPORT_ABS_STYLESHEET_URL], ViewEncapsulation.None) .then((styles1) => { expect(styles0).toEqual([['span {color: blue}']]); expect(styles1).toEqual([['span {color: blue}']]); expect(xhrCount).toBe(1); async.done(); }); }); })); it('should allow to clear the cache', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => { compile([], [IMPORT_ABS_STYLESHEET_URL], ViewEncapsulation.None) .then((_) => { compiler.clearCache(); xhrUrlResults[IMPORT_ABS_STYLESHEET_URL] = 'span {color: black}'; return compile([], [IMPORT_ABS_STYLESHEET_URL], ViewEncapsulation.None); }) .then((styles) => { expect(xhrCount).toBe(2); expect(styles).toEqual([['span {color: black}']]); async.done(); }); })); }); describe('compileComponentCodeGen', () => { function compile(styles: string[], styleAbsUrls: string[], encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation): Promise { var sourceExpression = compiler.compileComponentCodeGen(new CompileTemplateMetadata( {styles: styles, styleUrls: styleAbsUrls, encapsulation: encapsulation})); var sourceWithImports = testableExpression(sourceExpression).getSourceWithImports(); return evalModule(sourceWithImports.source, sourceWithImports.imports, null); }; describe('no shim', () => { var encapsulation = ViewEncapsulation.None; it('should compile plain css rules', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => { compile(['div {color: red}', 'span {color: blue}'], [], encapsulation) .then(styles => { expect(styles).toEqual(['div {color: red}', 'span {color: blue}']); async.done(); }); })); it('should compile css rules with newlines and quotes', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => { compile(['div\n{"color": \'red\'}'], [], encapsulation) .then(styles => { expect(styles).toEqual(['div\n{"color": \'red\'}']); async.done(); }); })); it('should allow to import rules', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => { compile(['div {color: red}'], [IMPORT_ABS_STYLESHEET_URL], encapsulation) .then(styles => { expect(styles).toEqual(['div {color: red}', ['span {color: blue}']]); async.done(); }); }), 1000); }); describe('with shim', () => { var encapsulation = ViewEncapsulation.Emulated; it('should compile plain css ruless', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => { compile(['div {\ncolor: red;\n}', 'span {\ncolor: blue;\n}'], [], encapsulation) .then(styles => { compareStyles(styles, [ 'div[_ngcontent-%COMP%] {\ncolor: red;\n}', 'span[_ngcontent-%COMP%] {\ncolor: blue;\n}' ]); async.done(); }); })); it('should allow to import rules', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => { compile(['div {color: red}'], [IMPORT_ABS_STYLESHEET_URL], encapsulation) .then(styles => { compareStyles(styles, [ 'div[_ngcontent-%COMP%] {color: red}', ['span[_ngcontent-%COMP%] {\ncolor: blue;\n}'] ]); async.done(); }); }), 1000); }); }); describe('compileStylesheetCodeGen', () => { function compile(style: string): Promise { var sourceModules = compiler.compileStylesheetCodeGen(MODULE_URL, style); return PromiseWrapper.all( => { var sourceWithImports = testableModule(sourceModule).getSourceWithImports(); return evalModule(sourceWithImports.source, sourceWithImports.imports, null); })); } it('should compile plain css rules', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => { compile('div {color: red;}') .then(stylesAndShimStyles => { var expected = [['div {color: red;}'], ['div[_ngcontent-%COMP%] {color: red;}']]; compareStyles(stylesAndShimStyles[0], expected[0]); compareStyles(stylesAndShimStyles[1], expected[1]); async.done(); }); })); it('should allow to import rules with relative paths', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => { compile(`div {color: red}@import ${IMPORT_REL_STYLESHEET_URL};`) .then(stylesAndShimStyles => { var expected = [ ['div {color: red}', ['span {color: blue}']], [ 'div[_ngcontent-%COMP%] {color: red}', ['span[_ngcontent-%COMP%] {\ncolor: blue;\n}'] ] ]; compareStyles(stylesAndShimStyles[0], expected[0]); compareStyles(stylesAndShimStyles[1], expected[1]); async.done(); }); })); }); }); } function testableExpression(source: SourceExpression): SourceModule { var testableSource = `${source.declarations.join('\n')} ${codeGenValueFn(['_'], source.expression, '_run')}; ${codeGenExportVariable('run')}_run;`; return new SourceModule(null, testableSource); } function testableModule(sourceModule: SourceModule): SourceModule { var testableSource = `${sourceModule.sourceWithModuleRefs} ${codeGenValueFn(['_'], 'STYLES', '_run')}; ${codeGenExportVariable('run')}_run;`; return new SourceModule(sourceModule.moduleUrl, testableSource); } // Needed for Android browsers which add an extra space at the end of some lines function compareStyles(styles: Array, expectedStyles: Array) { expect(styles.length).toEqual(expectedStyles.length); for (var i = 0; i < styles.length; i++) { var style = styles[i]; if (isArray(style)) { compareStyles(style, expectedStyles[i]); } else { expect(StringWrapper.replaceAll(style, /\s+\n/g, '\n')).toEqual(expectedStyles[i]); } } }