import {ddescribe, describe, it, expect} from 'angular2/test_lib'; import {CONST} from './fixtures/annotations'; class Foo { a; b; constructor(a, b) { this.a = a; this.b = b; } sum() { return this.a + this.b; } } class SubFoo extends Foo { c; constructor(a, b) { this.c = 3; super(a, b); } } @CONST class ConstClass {} class Const { a; @CONST constructor(a:number) { this.a = a; } } class SubConst extends Const { b; @CONST constructor(a:number, b:number) { super(a); this.b = b; } } class HasGetters { get getter():string { return 'getter'; } static get staticGetter():string { return 'getter'; } } class WithFields { name: string; static id: number; } export function main() { describe('classes', function() { it('should work', function() { var foo = new Foo(2, 3); expect(foo.a).toBe(2); expect(foo.b).toBe(3); expect(foo.sum()).toBe(5); }); it('@CONST should be transpiled to a const constructor', function() { var subConst = new SubConst(1, 2); expect(subConst.a).toBe(1); expect(subConst.b).toBe(2); }); it('@CONST on class without constructor should generate const constructor', function () { var constClass = new ConstClass(); expect(constClass).not.toBe(null); }); describe('inheritance', function() { it('should support super call', function () { var subFoo = new SubFoo(1, 2); expect(subFoo.a).toBe(1); expect(subFoo.b).toBe(2); expect(subFoo.c).toBe(3); }); }); describe("getters", function () { it("should call instance getters", function () { var obj = new HasGetters(); expect(obj.getter).toEqual('getter'); }); it("should call static getters", function () { expect(HasGetters.staticGetter).toEqual('getter'); }); }); describe('fields', function() { it('should work', function() { var obj = new WithFields(); = 'Vojta'; = 12; }); }); }); }