* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
* Blocklist of unit tests from angular/material2 with ivy that are skipped when running on
* angular/angular. As bugs are resolved, items should be removed from this blocklist.
* The `notes` section should be used to keep track of specific issues associated with the failures.
// clang-format off
// tslint:disable
window.testBlocklist = {
"Portals CdkPortalOutlet should load a template into the portal": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'createEmbeddedView' of undefined",
"notes": "Unknown"
"Portals CdkPortalOutlet should project template context bindings in the portal": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'createEmbeddedView' of undefined",
"notes": "Unknown"
"Portals CdkPortalOutlet should set the `portal` when attaching a component portal programmatically": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'attachComponentPortal' of undefined",
"notes": "Unknown"
"Portals CdkPortalOutlet should not clear programmatically-attached portals on init": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'attach' of undefined",
"notes": "Unknown"
"Portals CdkPortalOutlet should be considered attached when attaching using `attach`": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'hasAttached' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1019: Design new API to replace static queries"
"Portals CdkPortalOutlet should be considered attached when attaching using `attachComponentPortal`": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'hasAttached' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1019: Design new API to replace static queries"
"Portals CdkPortalOutlet should be considered attached when attaching using `attachTemplatePortal`": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'hasAttached' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1019: Design new API to replace static queries"
"Portals CdkPortalOutlet should use the `ComponentFactoryResolver` from the portal, if available": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'attachComponentPortal' of undefined",
"notes": "Unknown"
"Portals DomPortalOutlet should attach and detach a component portal": {
"error": "Error: Failed to execute 'removeChild' on 'Node': The node to be removed is not a child of this node.",
"notes": "FW-977: Destroying a component fails when it has been moved from its original location"
"Portals DomPortalOutlet should attach and detach a component portal with a given injector": {
"error": "Error: Failed to execute 'removeChild' on 'Node': The node to be removed is not a child of this node.",
"notes": "FW-977: Destroying a component fails when it has been moved from its original location"
"Portals DomPortalOutlet should attach and detach a template portal with a binding": {
"error": "Error: Failed to execute 'removeChild' on 'Node': The node to be removed is not a child of this node.",
"notes": "FW-977: Destroying a component fails when it has been moved from its original location"
"Portals DomPortalOutlet should change the attached portal": {
"error": "Error: Failed to execute 'removeChild' on 'Node': The node to be removed is not a child of this node.",
"notes": "FW-977: Destroying a component fails when it has been moved from its original location"
"Portals DomPortalOutlet should attach and detach a component portal without a ViewContainerRef": {
"error": "Error: Expected '
' to be '', 'Expected the DomPortalOutlet to be empty after detach'.",
"notes": "Unknown"
"AutofillMonitor should add monitored class and listener upon monitoring": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'nativeElement' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1019: Design new API to replace static queries"
"AutofillMonitor should not add multiple listeners to the same element": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'nativeElement' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1019: Design new API to replace static queries"
"AutofillMonitor should remove monitored class and listener upon stop monitoring": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'nativeElement' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1019: Design new API to replace static queries"
"AutofillMonitor should stop monitoring all monitored elements upon destroy": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'nativeElement' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1019: Design new API to replace static queries"
"AutofillMonitor should emit and add filled class upon start animation": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'nativeElement' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1019: Design new API to replace static queries"
"AutofillMonitor should emit and remove filled class upon end animation": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'nativeElement' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1019: Design new API to replace static queries"
"AutofillMonitor should cleanup filled class if monitoring stopped in autofilled state": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'nativeElement' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1019: Design new API to replace static queries"
"AutofillMonitor should complete the stream when monitoring is stopped": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'nativeElement' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1019: Design new API to replace static queries"
"AutofillMonitor should emit on stream inside the NgZone": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'nativeElement' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1019: Design new API to replace static queries"
"AutofillMonitor should not emit on init if input is unfilled": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'nativeElement' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1019: Design new API to replace static queries"
"AriaDescriber should be able to create a message element": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'nativeElement' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1019: Design new API to replace static queries"
"AriaDescriber should not register empty strings": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'nativeElement' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1019: Design new API to replace static queries"
"AriaDescriber should not register non-string values": {
"error": "Error: Expected function not to throw, but it threw TypeError: Cannot read property 'nativeElement' of undefined.",
"notes": "Unknown"
"AriaDescriber should not throw when trying to remove non-string value": {
"error": "Error: Expected function not to throw, but it threw TypeError: Cannot read property 'nativeElement' of undefined.",
"notes": "Unknown"
"AriaDescriber should de-dupe a message registered multiple times": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'nativeElement' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1019: Design new API to replace static queries"
"AriaDescriber should be able to register multiple messages": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'nativeElement' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1019: Design new API to replace static queries"
"AriaDescriber should be able to unregister messages": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'nativeElement' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1019: Design new API to replace static queries"
"AriaDescriber should be able to unregister messages while having others registered": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'nativeElement' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1019: Design new API to replace static queries"
"AriaDescriber should be able to append to an existing list of aria describedby": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'nativeElement' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1019: Design new API to replace static queries"
"AriaDescriber should be able to handle multiple regisitrations of the same message to an element": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'nativeElement' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1019: Design new API to replace static queries"
"AriaDescriber should clear any pre-existing containers": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'nativeElement' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1019: Design new API to replace static queries"
"CdkVirtualScrollViewport with FixedSizeVirtualScrollStrategy should render initial state": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[CdkVirtualScrollViewport]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"CdkVirtualScrollViewport with FixedSizeVirtualScrollStrategy should get the data length": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[CdkVirtualScrollViewport]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"CdkVirtualScrollViewport with FixedSizeVirtualScrollStrategy should get the viewport size": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[CdkVirtualScrollViewport]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"CdkVirtualScrollViewport with FixedSizeVirtualScrollStrategy should update viewport size": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[CdkVirtualScrollViewport]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"CdkVirtualScrollViewport with FixedSizeVirtualScrollStrategy should get the rendered range": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[CdkVirtualScrollViewport]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"CdkVirtualScrollViewport with FixedSizeVirtualScrollStrategy should get the rendered content offset": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[CdkVirtualScrollViewport]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"CdkVirtualScrollViewport with FixedSizeVirtualScrollStrategy should get the scroll offset": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[CdkVirtualScrollViewport]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"CdkVirtualScrollViewport with FixedSizeVirtualScrollStrategy should get the rendered content size": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[CdkVirtualScrollViewport]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"CdkVirtualScrollViewport with FixedSizeVirtualScrollStrategy should measure range size": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[CdkVirtualScrollViewport]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"CdkVirtualScrollViewport with FixedSizeVirtualScrollStrategy should set total content size": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[CdkVirtualScrollViewport]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"CdkVirtualScrollViewport with FixedSizeVirtualScrollStrategy should set total content size in horizontal mode": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[CdkVirtualScrollViewport]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"CdkVirtualScrollViewport with FixedSizeVirtualScrollStrategy should set a class based on the orientation": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[CdkVirtualScrollViewport]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"CdkVirtualScrollViewport with FixedSizeVirtualScrollStrategy should set the vertical class if an invalid orientation is set": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[CdkVirtualScrollViewport]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"CdkVirtualScrollViewport with FixedSizeVirtualScrollStrategy should set rendered range": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[CdkVirtualScrollViewport]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"CdkVirtualScrollViewport with FixedSizeVirtualScrollStrategy should set content offset to top of content": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[CdkVirtualScrollViewport]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"CdkVirtualScrollViewport with FixedSizeVirtualScrollStrategy should set content offset to bottom of content": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[CdkVirtualScrollViewport]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"CdkVirtualScrollViewport with FixedSizeVirtualScrollStrategy should scroll to offset": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[CdkVirtualScrollViewport]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"CdkVirtualScrollViewport with FixedSizeVirtualScrollStrategy should scroll to index": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[CdkVirtualScrollViewport]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"CdkVirtualScrollViewport with FixedSizeVirtualScrollStrategy should scroll to offset in horizontal mode": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[CdkVirtualScrollViewport]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"CdkVirtualScrollViewport with FixedSizeVirtualScrollStrategy should scroll to index in horizontal mode": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[CdkVirtualScrollViewport]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"CdkVirtualScrollViewport with FixedSizeVirtualScrollStrategy should output scrolled index": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[CdkVirtualScrollViewport]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"CdkVirtualScrollViewport with FixedSizeVirtualScrollStrategy should update viewport as user scrolls down": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[CdkVirtualScrollViewport]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"CdkVirtualScrollViewport with FixedSizeVirtualScrollStrategy should update viewport as user scrolls up": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[CdkVirtualScrollViewport]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"CdkVirtualScrollViewport with FixedSizeVirtualScrollStrategy should render buffer element at the end when scrolled to the top": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[CdkVirtualScrollViewport]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"CdkVirtualScrollViewport with FixedSizeVirtualScrollStrategy should render buffer element at the start and end when scrolled to the middle": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[CdkVirtualScrollViewport]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"CdkVirtualScrollViewport with FixedSizeVirtualScrollStrategy should render buffer element at the start when scrolled to the bottom": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[CdkVirtualScrollViewport]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"CdkVirtualScrollViewport with FixedSizeVirtualScrollStrategy should handle dynamic item size": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[CdkVirtualScrollViewport]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"CdkVirtualScrollViewport with FixedSizeVirtualScrollStrategy should handle dynamic buffer size": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[CdkVirtualScrollViewport]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"CdkVirtualScrollViewport with FixedSizeVirtualScrollStrategy should handle dynamic item array": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[CdkVirtualScrollViewport]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"CdkVirtualScrollViewport with FixedSizeVirtualScrollStrategy should update viewport as user scrolls right in horizontal mode": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[CdkVirtualScrollViewport]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"CdkVirtualScrollViewport with FixedSizeVirtualScrollStrategy should update viewport as user scrolls left in horizontal mode": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[CdkVirtualScrollViewport]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"CdkVirtualScrollViewport with FixedSizeVirtualScrollStrategy should work with an Observable": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[CdkVirtualScrollViewport]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"CdkVirtualScrollViewport with FixedSizeVirtualScrollStrategy should work with a DataSource": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[CdkVirtualScrollViewport]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"CdkVirtualScrollViewport with FixedSizeVirtualScrollStrategy should trackBy value by default": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[CdkVirtualScrollViewport]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"CdkVirtualScrollViewport with FixedSizeVirtualScrollStrategy should trackBy index when specified": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[CdkVirtualScrollViewport]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"CdkVirtualScrollViewport with FixedSizeVirtualScrollStrategy should recycle views when template cache is large enough to accommodate": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[CdkVirtualScrollViewport]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"CdkVirtualScrollViewport with FixedSizeVirtualScrollStrategy should not recycle views when template cache is full": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[CdkVirtualScrollViewport]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"CdkVirtualScrollViewport with FixedSizeVirtualScrollStrategy should render up to maxBufferPx when buffer dips below minBufferPx": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[CdkVirtualScrollViewport]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"CdkVirtualScrollViewport with FixedSizeVirtualScrollStrategy should throw if maxBufferPx is less than minBufferPx": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[CdkVirtualScrollViewport]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"CdkVirtualScrollViewport with FixedSizeVirtualScrollStrategy should register and degregister with ScrollDispatcher": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[CdkVirtualScrollViewport]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"CdkVirtualScrollViewport with FixedSizeVirtualScrollStrategy should emit on viewChange inside the Angular zone": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[CdkVirtualScrollViewport]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"CdkVirtualScrollViewport with FixedSizeVirtualScrollStrategy should not throw when disposing of a view that will not fit in the cache": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[CdkVirtualScrollViewport]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"CdkVirtualScrollViewport with RTL direction should initially be scrolled all the way right and showing the first item in horizontal mode": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[CdkVirtualScrollViewport]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"CdkVirtualScrollViewport with RTL direction should scroll through items as user scrolls to the left in horizontal mode": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[CdkVirtualScrollViewport]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"CdkVirtualScrollViewport with RTL direction should interpret scrollToOffset amount as an offset from the right in horizontal mode": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[CdkVirtualScrollViewport]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"CdkVirtualScrollViewport with RTL direction should scroll to the correct index in horizontal mode": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[CdkVirtualScrollViewport]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"CdkVirtualScrollViewport with RTL direction should emit the scrolled to index in horizontal mode": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[CdkVirtualScrollViewport]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"CdkVirtualScrollViewport with RTL direction should set total content size": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[CdkVirtualScrollViewport]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"CdkVirtualScrollViewport with RTL direction should set total content size in horizontal mode": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[CdkVirtualScrollViewport]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"CdkVirtualScrollViewport with no VirtualScrollStrategy should fail on construction": {
"error": "Error: Expected function to throw an exception with message 'Error: cdk-virtual-scroll-viewport requires the \"itemSize\" property to be set.', but it threw an exception with message 'StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[CdkVirtualScrollViewport]: ",
"notes": "Unknown"
"CdkVirtualScrollViewport with AutoSizeVirtualScrollStrategy should render initial state for uniform items": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[CdkVirtualScrollViewport]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"CdkVirtualScrollViewport with AutoSizeVirtualScrollStrategy should render extra content if first item is smaller than average": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[CdkVirtualScrollViewport]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"CdkVirtualScrollViewport with AutoSizeVirtualScrollStrategy should throw if maxBufferPx is less than minBufferPx": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[CdkVirtualScrollViewport]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"CdkTable in a typical simple use case should initialize with a connected data source": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'viewContainer' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1019: Design new API to replace static queries"
"CdkTable in a typical simple use case should initialize with a rendered header with the right number of header cells": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'viewContainer' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1019: Design new API to replace static queries"
"CdkTable in a typical simple use case should initialize with rendered rows with right number of row cells": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'viewContainer' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1019: Design new API to replace static queries"
"CdkTable in a typical simple use case should initialize with column class names provided to header and data row cells": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'viewContainer' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1019: Design new API to replace static queries"
"CdkTable in a typical simple use case should initialize with the right accessibility roles": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'viewContainer' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1019: Design new API to replace static queries"
"CdkTable in a typical simple use case should disconnect the data source when table is destroyed": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'viewContainer' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1019: Design new API to replace static queries"
"CdkTable in a typical simple use case should re-render the rows when the data changes": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'viewContainer' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1019: Design new API to replace static queries"
"CdkTable in a typical simple use case should clear the `mostRecentCellOutlet` on destroy": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'viewContainer' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1019: Design new API to replace static queries"
"CdkTable in a typical simple use case should correctly use the differ to add/remove/move rows when the data is heterogeneous": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'viewContainer' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1019: Design new API to replace static queries"
"CdkTable in a typical simple use case should correctly use the differ to add/remove/move rows when the data contains multiple occurrences of the same object instance": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'viewContainer' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1019: Design new API to replace static queries"
"CdkTable in a typical simple use case should clear the row view containers on destroy": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'viewContainer' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1019: Design new API to replace static queries"
"CdkTable in a typical simple use case should match the right table content with dynamic data": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'viewContainer' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1019: Design new API to replace static queries"
"CdkTable in a typical simple use case should be able to dynamically change the columns for header and rows": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'viewContainer' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1019: Design new API to replace static queries"
"CdkTable should render no rows when the data is null": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'viewContainer' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1019: Design new API to replace static queries"
"CdkTable should be able to render multiple header and footer rows": {
"error": "Error: Missing definitions for header, footer, and row; cannot determine which columns should be rendered.",
"notes": "Attempting to access content children before view is initialized"
"CdkTable should be able to render and change multiple header and footer rows": {
"error": "Error: Missing definitions for header, footer, and row; cannot determine which columns should be rendered.",
"notes": "Attempting to access content children before view is initialized"
"CdkTable with different data inputs other than data source should render with data array input": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'viewContainer' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1019: Design new API to replace static queries"
"CdkTable with different data inputs other than data source should render with data stream input": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'viewContainer' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1019: Design new API to replace static queries"
"CdkTable with different data inputs other than data source should throw an error if the data source is not valid": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'viewContainer' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1019: Design new API to replace static queries"
"CdkTable missing row defs should be able to render without a header row def": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'viewContainer' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1019: Design new API to replace static queries"
"CdkTable missing row defs should be able to render without a data row def": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'viewContainer' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1019: Design new API to replace static queries"
"CdkTable missing row defs should be able to render without a footer row def": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'viewContainer' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1019: Design new API to replace static queries"
"CdkTable should render correctly when using native HTML tags": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'elementRef' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-856: Attempting to access content children before view is initialized"
"CdkTable should render cells even if row data is falsy": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'viewContainer' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1019: Design new API to replace static queries"
"CdkTable should be able to apply class-friendly css class names for the column cells": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'viewContainer' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1019: Design new API to replace static queries"
"CdkTable should not clobber an existing table role": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'viewContainer' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1019: Design new API to replace static queries"
"CdkTable should throw an error if two column definitions have the same name": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'viewContainer' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1019: Design new API to replace static queries"
"CdkTable should throw an error if a column definition is requested but not defined": {
"error": "Error: Expected function to throw an exception with message 'Could not find column with id \"column_a\".', but it threw an exception with message 'Cannot read property 'viewContainer' of undefined'.",
"notes": "Unknown"
"CdkTable should throw an error if the row definitions are missing": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'viewContainer' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1019: Design new API to replace static queries"
"CdkTable should not throw an error if columns are undefined on initialization": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'viewContainer' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1019: Design new API to replace static queries"
"CdkTable should be able to dynamically add/remove column definitions": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'viewContainer' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1019: Design new API to replace static queries"
"CdkTable should be able to register column, row, and header row definitions outside content": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'addColumnDef' of undefined",
"notes": "Unknown"
"CdkTable using when predicate should be able to display different row templates based on the row data": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'viewContainer' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1019: Design new API to replace static queries"
"CdkTable using when predicate should error if there is row data that does not have a matching row template": {
"error": "Error: Expected function to throw an Error.",
"notes": "Unknown"
"CdkTable using when predicate should fail when multiple rows match data without multiTemplateDataRows": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'viewContainer' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1019: Design new API to replace static queries"
"CdkTable using when predicate with multiTemplateDataRows should be able to render multiple rows per data object": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'viewContainer' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1019: Design new API to replace static queries"
"CdkTable using when predicate with multiTemplateDataRows should have the correct data and row indicies": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'viewContainer' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1019: Design new API to replace static queries"
"CdkTable using when predicate with multiTemplateDataRows should have the correct data and row indicies when data contains multiple instances of the same object instance": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'viewContainer' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1019: Design new API to replace static queries"
"CdkTable with sticky positioning on \"display: flex\" table style should stick and unstick headers": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'viewContainer' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1019: Design new API to replace static queries"
"CdkTable with sticky positioning on \"display: flex\" table style should stick and unstick footers": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'viewContainer' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1019: Design new API to replace static queries"
"CdkTable with sticky positioning on \"display: flex\" table style should stick and unstick left columns": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'viewContainer' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1019: Design new API to replace static queries"
"CdkTable with sticky positioning on \"display: flex\" table style should stick and unstick right columns": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'viewContainer' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1019: Design new API to replace static queries"
"CdkTable with sticky positioning on \"display: flex\" table style should reverse directions for sticky columns in rtl": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'viewContainer' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1019: Design new API to replace static queries"
"CdkTable with sticky positioning on \"display: flex\" table style should stick and unstick combination of sticky header, footer, and columns": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'viewContainer' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1019: Design new API to replace static queries"
"CdkTable with sticky positioning on native table layout should stick and unstick headers": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'elementRef' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-856: Attempting to access content children before view is initialized"
"CdkTable with sticky positioning on native table layout should stick and unstick footers": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'elementRef' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-856: Attempting to access content children before view is initialized"
"CdkTable with sticky positioning on native table layout should stick tfoot when all rows are stuck": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'elementRef' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-856: Attempting to access content children before view is initialized"
"CdkTable with sticky positioning on native table layout should stick and unstick left columns": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'elementRef' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-856: Attempting to access content children before view is initialized"
"CdkTable with sticky positioning on native table layout should stick and unstick right columns": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'elementRef' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-856: Attempting to access content children before view is initialized"
"CdkTable with sticky positioning on native table layout should stick and unstick combination of sticky header, footer, and columns": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'elementRef' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-856: Attempting to access content children before view is initialized"
"CdkTable with trackBy should add/remove/move rows with reference-based trackBy": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'viewContainer' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1019: Design new API to replace static queries"
"CdkTable with trackBy should add/remove/move rows with changed references without property-based trackBy": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'viewContainer' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1019: Design new API to replace static queries"
"CdkTable with trackBy should add/remove/move rows with changed references with property-based trackBy": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'viewContainer' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1019: Design new API to replace static queries"
"CdkTable with trackBy should add/remove/move rows with changed references with index-based trackBy": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'viewContainer' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1019: Design new API to replace static queries"
"CdkTable with trackBy should change row implicit data even when trackBy finds no changes": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'viewContainer' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1019: Design new API to replace static queries"
"CdkTable should match the right table content with dynamic data source": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'viewContainer' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1019: Design new API to replace static queries"
"CdkTable should be able to apply classes to rows based on their context": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'viewContainer' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1019: Design new API to replace static queries"
"CdkTable should be able to apply classes to cells based on their row context": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'viewContainer' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1019: Design new API to replace static queries"
"CdkAccordion should not register nested items to the same accordion": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'accordion' of undefined",
"notes": "Unknown"
"ScrollDispatcher Basic usage should not register the same scrollable twice": {
"error": "Error: Expected spy scroll spy not to have been called.",
"notes": "Unknown"
"ScrollDispatcher Nested scrollables should be able to identify the containing scrollables of an element": {
"error": "Error: Expected $.length = 4 to equal 2.",
"notes": "Unknown"
"ScrollDispatcher Nested scrollables should emit when one of the ancestor scrollable containers is scrolled": {
"error": "Error: Expected spy scroll spy to have been called once. It was called 2 times.",
"notes": "Unknown"
"ScrollDispatcher lazy subscription should remove global listeners on unsubscribe, despite any other live scrollables": {
"error": "Error: Expected 8 to be 4, 'Expected multiple scrollables'.",
"notes": "Unknown"
"CdkDrag standalone draggable should enable native drag interactions when there is a drag handle": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'removeEventListener' of null",
"notes": "Unknown"
"CdkDrag draggable with a handle should not be able to drag the entire element if it has a handle": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'removeEventListener' of null",
"notes": "Unknown"
"CdkDrag draggable with a handle should be able to drag an element using its handle": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'removeEventListener' of null",
"notes": "Unknown"
"CdkDrag draggable with a handle should not be able to drag the element if the handle is disabled": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'removeEventListener' of null",
"notes": "Unknown"
"CdkDrag draggable with a handle should not be able to drag using the handle if the element is disabled": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'removeEventListener' of null",
"notes": "Unknown"
"CdkDrag draggable with a handle should be able to use a handle that was added after init": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'removeEventListener' of null",
"notes": "Unknown"
"CdkDrag draggable with a handle should be able to use more than one handle to drag the element": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'removeEventListener' of null",
"notes": "Unknown"
"CdkDrag draggable with a handle should be able to drag with a handle that is not a direct descendant": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'removeEventListener' of null",
"notes": "Unknown"
"CdkDrag draggable with a handle should disable the tap highlight while dragging via the handle": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'removeEventListener' of null",
"notes": "Unknown"
"CdkDrag draggable with a handle should preserve any existing `webkitTapHighlightColor`": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'removeEventListener' of null",
"notes": "Unknown"
"CdkDrag in a drop container should dispatch the `dropped` event when an item has been dropped": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'clientRect' of undefined",
"notes": "Unknown"
"CdkDrag in a drop container should expose whether an item was dropped over a container": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'clientRect' of undefined",
"notes": "Unknown"
"CdkDrag in a drop container should dispatch the `sorted` event as an item is being sorted": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'args' of undefined",
"notes": "Unknown"
"CdkDrag in a drop container should not move items in a vertical list if the pointer is too far away": {
"error": "Error: Expected $.previousIndex = -1 to equal 0.",
"notes": "Unknown"
"CdkDrag in a drop container should not move the original element from its initial DOM position": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'clientRect' of undefined",
"notes": "Unknown"
"CdkDrag in a drop container should dispatch the `dropped` event in a horizontal drop zone": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'clientRect' of undefined",
"notes": "Unknown"
"CdkDrag in a drop container should dispatch the correct `dropped` event in RTL horizontal drop zone": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'clientRect' of undefined",
"notes": "Unknown"
"CdkDrag in a drop container should not move items in a horizontal list if pointer is too far away": {
"error": "Error: Expected $.previousIndex = -1 to equal 0.",
"notes": "Unknown"
"CdkDrag in a drop container should remove the preview if its `transitionend` event timed out": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'clientRect' of undefined",
"notes": "Unknown"
"CdkDrag in a drop container should emit the released event as soon as the item is released": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'clientRect' of undefined",
"notes": "Unknown"
"CdkDrag in a drop container should reset immediately when failed drag happens after a successful one": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'clientRect' of undefined",
"notes": "Unknown"
"CdkDrag in a drop container should not wait for transition that are not on the `transform` property": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'clientRect' of undefined",
"notes": "Unknown"
"CdkDrag in a drop container should pick out the `transform` duration if multiple properties are being transitioned": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'clientRect' of undefined",
"notes": "Unknown"
"CdkDrag in a drop container should move the placeholder as an item is being sorted down": {
"error": "Error: Expected 0 to be 1.",
"notes": "Unknown"
"CdkDrag in a drop container should move the placeholder as an item is being sorted down on a scrolled page": {
"error": "Error: Expected 0 to be 1.",
"notes": "Unknown"
"CdkDrag in a drop container should move the placeholder as an item is being sorted up": {
"error": "Error: Expected 3 to be 2.",
"notes": "Unknown"
"CdkDrag in a drop container should move the placeholder as an item is being sorted up on a scrolled page": {
"error": "Error: Expected 3 to be 2.",
"notes": "Unknown"
"CdkDrag in a drop container should move the placeholder as an item is being sorted to the right": {
"error": "Error: Expected 0 to be 1.",
"notes": "Unknown"
"CdkDrag in a drop container should move the placeholder as an item is being sorted to the left": {
"error": "Error: Expected 3 to be 2.",
"notes": "Unknown"
"CdkDrag in a drop container should lay out the elements correctly, if an element skips multiple positions when sorting vertically": {
"error": "Error: Expected $[0] = 'Zero' to equal 'One'.",
"notes": "Unknown"
"CdkDrag in a drop container should lay out the elements correctly, when swapping down with a taller element": {
"error": "Error: Expected '' to be 'translate3d(0px, 25px, 0px)'.",
"notes": "Unknown"
"CdkDrag in a drop container should lay out the elements correctly, when swapping up with a taller element": {
"error": "Error: Expected '' to be 'translate3d(0px, -25px, 0px)'.",
"notes": "Unknown"
"CdkDrag in a drop container should lay out elements correctly, when swapping an item with margin": {
"error": "Error: Expected '' to be 'translate3d(0px, 37px, 0px)'.",
"notes": "Unknown"
"CdkDrag in a drop container should lay out the elements correctly, if an element skips multiple positions when sorting horizontally": {
"error": "Error: Expected $[0] = 'Zero' to equal 'One'.",
"notes": "Unknown"
"CdkDrag in a drop container should lay out the elements correctly, when swapping to the right with a wider element": {
"error": "Error: Expected '' to be 'translate3d(75px, 0px, 0px)'.",
"notes": "Unknown"
"CdkDrag in a drop container should lay out the elements correctly, when swapping left with a wider element": {
"error": "Error: Expected '' to be 'translate3d(-75px, 0px, 0px)'.",
"notes": "Unknown"
"CdkDrag in a drop container should lay out elements correctly, when horizontally swapping an item with margin": {
"error": "Error: Expected '' to be 'translate3d(87px, 0px, 0px)'.",
"notes": "Unknown"
"CdkDrag in a drop container should not swap position for tiny pointer movements": {
"error": "Error: Expected $[0] = 'Zero' to equal 'One'.",
"notes": "Unknown"
"CdkDrag in a drop container should swap position for pointer movements in the opposite direction": {
"error": "Error: Expected $[0] = 'Zero' to equal 'One'.",
"notes": "Unknown"
"CdkDrag in a drop container should be able to customize the preview element": {
"error": "Error: Expected cdk-drag cdk-drag-preview to contain 'custom-preview'.",
"notes": "Unknown"
"CdkDrag in a drop container should position custom previews next to the pointer": {
"error": "Error: Expected 'translate3d(8px, 3533px, 0px)' to be 'translate3d(50px, 50px, 0px)'.",
"notes": "Unknown"
"CdkDrag in a drop container should lock position inside a drop container along the x axis": {
"error": "Error: Expected 'translate3d(58px, 3533px, 0px)' to be 'translate3d(100px, 50px, 0px)'.",
"notes": "Unknown"
"CdkDrag in a drop container should lock position inside a drop container along the y axis": {
"error": "Error: Expected 'translate3d(8px, 3583px, 0px)' to be 'translate3d(50px, 100px, 0px)'.",
"notes": "Unknown"
"CdkDrag in a drop container should inherit the position locking from the drop container": {
"error": "Error: Expected 'translate3d(58px, 3533px, 0px)' to be 'translate3d(100px, 50px, 0px)'.",
"notes": "Unknown"
"CdkDrag in a drop container should be able to customize the placeholder": {
"error": "Error: Expected cdk-drag cdk-drag-placeholder to contain 'custom-placeholder'.",
"notes": "Unknown"
"CdkDrag in a drop container should clear the `transform` value from siblings when item is dropped`": {
"error": "Error: Expected '' to be truthy.",
"notes": "Unknown"
"CdkDrag in a drop container should not move the item if the group is disabled": {
"error": "Error: Expected $.length = 0 to equal 4.",
"notes": "Unknown"
"CdkDrag in a connected drop container should dispatch the `dropped` event when an item has been dropped into a new container": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'element' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1010: onDestroy hook is called twice for directives that are also used in a provider"
"CdkDrag in a connected drop container should be able to move the element over a new container and return it": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'element' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1010: onDestroy hook is called twice for directives that are also used in a provider"
"CdkDrag in a connected drop container should be able to move the element over a new container and return it to the initial one, even if it no longer matches the enterPredicate": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'element' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1010: onDestroy hook is called twice for directives that are also used in a provider"
"CdkDrag in a connected drop container should transfer the DOM element from one drop zone to another": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'element' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1010: onDestroy hook is called twice for directives that are also used in a provider"
"CdkDrag in a connected drop container should not be able to transfer an item into a container that is not in `connectedTo`": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'element' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1010: onDestroy hook is called twice for directives that are also used in a provider"
"CdkDrag in a connected drop container should not be able to transfer an item that does not match the `enterPredicate`": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'element' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1010: onDestroy hook is called twice for directives that are also used in a provider"
"CdkDrag in a connected drop container should call the `enterPredicate` with the item and the container it is entering": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'element' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1010: onDestroy hook is called twice for directives that are also used in a provider"
"CdkDrag in a connected drop container should be able to start dragging after an item has been transferred": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'element' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1010: onDestroy hook is called twice for directives that are also used in a provider"
"CdkDrag in a connected drop container should be able to return the last item inside its initial container": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'element' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1010: onDestroy hook is called twice for directives that are also used in a provider"
"CdkDrag in a connected drop container should be able to connect two drop zones by id": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'element' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1010: onDestroy hook is called twice for directives that are also used in a provider"
"CdkDrag in a connected drop container should be able to connect two drop zones using the drop list group": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'element' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1010: onDestroy hook is called twice for directives that are also used in a provider"
"CdkDrag in a connected drop container should be able to pass a single id to `connectedTo`": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'element' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1010: onDestroy hook is called twice for directives that are also used in a provider"
"CdkDrag in a connected drop container should return DOM element to its initial container after it is dropped, in a container with one draggable item": {
"error": "Error: Expected $.container.element.nativeElement =
to equal
"notes": "Unknown"
"CdkDrag in a connected drop container should be able to return an element to its initial container in the same sequence, even if it is not connected to the current container": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'element' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1010: onDestroy hook is called twice for directives that are also used in a provider"
"CdkDrag in a connected drop container should not be able to drop an element into a container that is under another element": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'element' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1010: onDestroy hook is called twice for directives that are also used in a provider"
"CdkDrag in a connected drop container should set a class when a container can receive an item": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'element' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1010: onDestroy hook is called twice for directives that are also used in a provider"
"CdkDrag in a connected drop container should toggle the `receiving` class when the item enters a new list": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'element' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1010: onDestroy hook is called twice for directives that are also used in a provider"
"CdkTree should clear out the `mostRecentTreeNode` on destroy": {
"error": "Error: Expected false to be true.",
"notes": "Unknown"
"CdkTree flat tree should initialize with a connected data source": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'dataSource' of undefined",
"notes": "Unknown"
"CdkTree flat tree should initialize with rendered dataNodes": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'classList' of undefined",
"notes": "Unknown"
"CdkTree flat tree with toggle should expand/collapse the node": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'click' of undefined",
"notes": "Unknown"
"CdkTree flat tree with toggle should expand/collapse the node recursively": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'click' of undefined",
"notes": "Unknown"
"CdkTree flat tree with array data source with the right data": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of null",
"notes": "Unknown"
"CdkTree flat tree with trackBy should add/remove/move nodes with reference-based trackBy": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'getAttribute' of undefined",
"notes": "Unknown"
"CdkTree flat tree with trackBy should add/remove/move nodes with property-based trackBy": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'getAttribute' of undefined",
"notes": "Unknown"
"CdkTree flat tree with trackBy should add/remove/move nodes with index-based trackBy": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'getAttribute' of undefined",
"notes": "Unknown"
"CdkTree nested tree should initialize with a connected data source": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'dataSource' of undefined",
"notes": "Unknown"
"CdkTree nested tree should initialize with rendered dataNodes": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'classList' of undefined",
"notes": "Unknown"
"CdkTree nested tree with toggle should expand/collapse the node multiple times": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'click' of undefined",
"notes": "Unknown"
"CdkTree nested tree with toggle should expand/collapse the node recursively": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'click' of undefined",
"notes": "Unknown"
"CdkTree nested tree with trackBy should add/remove/move children nodes with reference-based trackBy": {
"error": "Error: Expected 0 to be 3.",
"notes": "Unknown"
"CdkTree nested tree with trackBy should add/remove/move children nodes with property-based trackBy": {
"error": "Error: Expected 0 to be 3.",
"notes": "Unknown"
"CdkTree nested tree with trackBy should add/remove/move children nodes with index-based trackBy": {
"error": "Error: Expected 0 to be 3.",
"notes": "Unknown"
"CdkTree nested tree should throw an error when missing function in nested tree": {
"error": "Error: Expected function to throw an exception with message 'Could not find functions for nested/flat tree in tree control.', but it threw an exception with message 'Cannot read property 'viewContainer' of undefined'.",
"notes": "Unknown"
"CdkTree nested tree should throw an error when missing function in flat tree": {
"error": "Error: Expected function to throw an exception with message 'Could not find functions for nested/flat tree in tree control.', but it threw an exception with message 'Cannot read property 'viewContainer' of undefined'.",
"notes": "Unknown"
"CdkTree with depth should have correct depth for nested tree": {
"error": "Error: Expected 0 to be 5.",
"notes": "Unknown"
"MatButton should expose the ripple instance": {
"error": "Error: Expected undefined to be truthy.",
"notes": "Unknown"
"MatButton should apply class based on color attribute": {
"error": "Template error: Can't bind to 'disabled' since it isn't a known property of 'a'",
"notes": "FW-1037: Host bindings for host objects in metadata are inherited"
"MatButton should not clear previous defined classes": {
"error": "Template error: Can't bind to 'disabled' since it isn't a known property of 'a'",
"notes": "FW-1037: Host bindings for host objects in metadata are inherited"
"MatButton button[mat-fab] should have accent palette by default": {
"error": "Template error: Can't bind to 'disabled' since it isn't a known property of 'a'",
"notes": "FW-1037: Host bindings for host objects in metadata are inherited"
"MatButton button[mat-mini-fab] should have accent palette by default": {
"error": "Template error: Can't bind to 'disabled' since it isn't a known property of 'a'",
"notes": "FW-1037: Host bindings for host objects in metadata are inherited"
"MatButton button[mat-button] should not increment if disabled": {
"error": "Template error: Can't bind to 'disabled' since it isn't a known property of 'a'",
"notes": "FW-1037: Host bindings for host objects in metadata are inherited"
"MatButton button[mat-button] should disable the native button element": {
"error": "Template error: Can't bind to 'disabled' since it isn't a known property of 'a'",
"notes": "FW-1037: Host bindings for host objects in metadata are inherited"
"MatButton a[mat-button] should not redirect if disabled": {
"error": "Template error: Can't bind to 'disabled' since it isn't a known property of 'a'",
"notes": "FW-1037: Host bindings for host objects in metadata are inherited"
"MatButton a[mat-button] should remove tabindex if disabled": {
"error": "Template error: Can't bind to 'disabled' since it isn't a known property of 'a'",
"notes": "FW-1037: Host bindings for host objects in metadata are inherited"
"MatButton a[mat-button] should add aria-disabled attribute if disabled": {
"error": "Template error: Can't bind to 'disabled' since it isn't a known property of 'a'",
"notes": "FW-1037: Host bindings for host objects in metadata are inherited"
"MatButton a[mat-button] should not add aria-disabled attribute if disabled is false": {
"error": "Template error: Can't bind to 'disabled' since it isn't a known property of 'a'",
"notes": "FW-1037: Host bindings for host objects in metadata are inherited"
"MatButton a[mat-button] should be able to set a custom tabindex": {
"error": "Template error: Can't bind to 'disabled' since it isn't a known property of 'a'",
"notes": "FW-1037: Host bindings for host objects in metadata are inherited"
"MatButton button ripples should disable the ripple if matRippleDisabled input is set": {
"error": "Template error: Can't bind to 'disabled' since it isn't a known property of 'a'",
"notes": "FW-1037: Host bindings for host objects in metadata are inherited"
"MatButton button ripples should disable the ripple when the button is disabled": {
"error": "Template error: Can't bind to 'disabled' since it isn't a known property of 'a'",
"notes": "FW-1037: Host bindings for host objects in metadata are inherited"
"MatTabHeader focusing should initialize to the selected index": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'nativeElement' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1019: Design new API to replace static queries"
"MatTabHeader focusing should send focus change event": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'nativeElement' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1019: Design new API to replace static queries"
"MatTabHeader focusing should not set focus a disabled tab": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'nativeElement' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1019: Design new API to replace static queries"
"MatTabHeader focusing should move focus right and skip disabled tabs": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'nativeElement' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1019: Design new API to replace static queries"
"MatTabHeader focusing should move focus left and skip disabled tabs": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'nativeElement' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1019: Design new API to replace static queries"
"MatTabHeader focusing should support key down events to move and select focus": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'nativeElement' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1019: Design new API to replace static queries"
"MatTabHeader focusing should move focus to the first tab when pressing HOME": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'nativeElement' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1019: Design new API to replace static queries"
"MatTabHeader focusing should skip disabled items when moving focus using HOME": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'nativeElement' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1019: Design new API to replace static queries"
"MatTabHeader focusing should move focus to the last tab when pressing END": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'nativeElement' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1019: Design new API to replace static queries"
"MatTabHeader focusing should skip disabled items when moving focus using END": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'nativeElement' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1019: Design new API to replace static queries"
"MatTabHeader pagination ltr should show width when tab list width exceeds container": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'nativeElement' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1019: Design new API to replace static queries"
"MatTabHeader pagination ltr should scroll to show the focused tab label": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'nativeElement' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1019: Design new API to replace static queries"
"MatTabHeader pagination ltr should show ripples for pagination buttons": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'nativeElement' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1019: Design new API to replace static queries"
"MatTabHeader pagination ltr should allow disabling ripples for pagination buttons": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'nativeElement' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1019: Design new API to replace static queries"
"MatTabHeader pagination rtl should scroll to show the focused tab label": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'nativeElement' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1019: Design new API to replace static queries"
"MatTabHeader pagination should re-align the ink bar when the direction changes": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property '_inkBar' of undefined",
"notes": "Unknown"
"MatTabHeader pagination should re-align the ink bar when the window is resized": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'nativeElement' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1019: Design new API to replace static queries"
"MatTabHeader pagination should update arrows when the window is resized": {
"error": "Error: : could not find an object to spy upon for _checkPaginationEnabled()",
"notes": "Unknown"
"MatTabHeader pagination should update the pagination state if the content of the labels changes": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'nativeElement' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1019: Design new API to replace static queries"
"MatChipList StandardChipList basic behaviors should toggle the chips disabled state based on whether it is disabled": {
"error": "Error: Expected true to be false.",
"notes": "Unknown"
"MatChipList StandardChipList with selected chips should have role listbox": {
"error": "Error: Expected null to be 'listbox'.",
"notes": "Unknown"
"MatChipList StandardChipList focus behaviors should focus the first chip on focus": {
"error": "Error: Expected -1 to be 0.",
"notes": "Unknown"
"MatChipList StandardChipList focus behaviors should watch for chip focus": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'focus' of undefined",
"notes": "MatChipList does not find MatChip content children because descendants is not true anymore. TODO: Fix spec so that it does not have the wrapping div"
"MatChipList StandardChipList focus behaviors on chip destroy should focus the next item": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'focus' of undefined",
"notes": "MatChipList does not find MatChip content children because descendants is not true anymore. TODO: Fix spec so that it does not have the wrapping div"
"MatChipList StandardChipList focus behaviors on chip destroy should focus the previous item": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'focus' of undefined",
"notes": "MatChipList does not find MatChip content children because descendants is not true anymore. TODO: Fix spec so that it does not have the wrapping div"
"MatChipList StandardChipList focus behaviors on chip destroy should not focus if chip list is not focused": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'focus' of undefined",
"notes": "MatChipList does not find MatChip content children because descendants is not true anymore. TODO: Fix spec so that it does not have the wrapping div"
"MatChipList StandardChipList focus behaviors on chip destroy should move focus to the last chip when the focused chip was deleted inside acomponent with animations": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'focus' of undefined",
"notes": "MatChipList does not find MatChip content children because descendants is not true anymore. TODO: Fix spec so that it does not have the wrapping div"
"MatChipList StandardChipList keyboard behavior LTR (default) should focus previous item when press LEFT ARROW": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'focus' of undefined",
"notes": "MatChipList does not find MatChip content children because descendants is not true anymore. TODO: Fix spec so that it does not have the wrapping div"
"MatChipList StandardChipList keyboard behavior LTR (default) should focus next item when press RIGHT ARROW": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'focus' of undefined",
"notes": "MatChipList does not find MatChip content children because descendants is not true anymore. TODO: Fix spec so that it does not have the wrapping div"
"MatChipList StandardChipList keyboard behavior LTR (default) should focus the first item when pressing HOME": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'focus' of undefined",
"notes": "MatChipList does not find MatChip content children because descendants is not true anymore. TODO: Fix spec so that it does not have the wrapping div"
"MatChipList StandardChipList keyboard behavior RTL should focus previous item when press RIGHT ARROW": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'focus' of undefined",
"notes": "MatChipList does not find MatChip content children because descendants is not true anymore. TODO: Fix spec so that it does not have the wrapping div"
"MatChipList StandardChipList keyboard behavior RTL should focus next item when press LEFT ARROW": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'focus' of undefined",
"notes": "MatChipList does not find MatChip content children because descendants is not true anymore. TODO: Fix spec so that it does not have the wrapping div"
"MatChipList StandardChipList keyboard behavior should account for the direction changing": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'focus' of undefined",
"notes": "MatChipList does not find MatChip content children because descendants is not true anymore. TODO: Fix spec so that it does not have the wrapping div"
"MatChipList FormFieldChipList keyboard behavior should maintain focus if the active chip is deleted": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'nativeElement' of null",
"notes": "Unknown"
"MatChipList FormFieldChipList keyboard behavior when the input has focus should not focus the last chip when press DELETE": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'nativeElement' of null",
"notes": "Unknown"
"MatChipList FormFieldChipList keyboard behavior when the input has focus should focus the last chip when press BACKSPACE": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'nativeElement' of null",
"notes": "Unknown"
"MatChipList FormFieldChipList should complete the stateChanges stream on destroy": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'nativeElement' of null",
"notes": "Unknown"
"MatChipList FormFieldChipList should point the label id to the chip input": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'nativeElement' of null",
"notes": "Unknown"
"MatChipList with chip remove should properly focus next item if chip is removed through click": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'focus' of undefined",
"notes": "MatChipList does not find MatChip content children because descendants is not true anymore. TODO: Fix spec so that it does not have the wrapping div"
"MatChipList selection logic should float placeholder if chip is selected": {
"error": "Error: Expected false to be true, 'placeholder should be floating'.",
"notes": "Unknown"
"MatChipList selection logic should select an option that was added after initialization": {
"error": "Error: Expected undefined to contain 'potatoes-8', 'Expect value contain the value of the last option'.",
"notes": "Unknown"
"MatChipList selection logic should not select disabled chips": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'selected' of undefined",
"notes": "Unknown"
"MatChipList forms integration single selection should take an initial view value with reactive forms": {
"error": "Error: Expected false to be truthy 'Expect pizza-1 chip to be selected'.",
"notes": "Unknown"
"MatChipList forms integration single selection should set the view value from the form": {
"error": "Error: Expected false to be truthy 'Expect chip to be selected'.",
"notes": "Unknown"
"MatChipList forms integration single selection should update the form value when the view changes": {
"error": "Error: Expected null to equal 'steak-0'.",
"notes": "Unknown"
"MatChipList forms integration single selection should clear the selection when a nonexistent option value is selected": {
"error": "Error: Expected false to be truthy 'Expected chip with the value to be selected.'.",
"notes": "Unknown"
"MatChipList forms integration single selection should set the control to dirty when the chip list's value changes in the DOM": {
"error": "Error: Expected false to equal true.",
"notes": "Unknown"
"MatChipList forms integration single selection should be able to programmatically select a falsy option": {
"error": "Error: Expected false to be true, 'Expected first option to be selected'.",
"notes": "Unknown"
"MatChipList forms integration single selection should blur the form field when the active chip is blurred": {
"error": "Error: Expected ng-tns-c10704-0 mat-primary mat-form-field mat-form-field-type-mat-chip-list mat-form-field-appearance-legacy mat-form-field-can-float mat-form-field-has-label mat-form-field-hide-placeholder ng-untouched ng-pristine ng-valid _mat-animation-noopable to contain 'mat-focused'.",
"notes": "Unknown"
"MatChipList forms integration multiple selection should take an initial view value with reactive forms": {
"error": "Error: Expected false to be truthy 'Expect pizza-1 chip to be selected'.",
"notes": "Unknown"
"MatChipList forms integration multiple selection should set the view value from the form": {
"error": "Error: Expected false to be truthy 'Expect chip to be selected'.",
"notes": "Unknown"
"MatChipList forms integration multiple selection should update the form value when the view changes": {
"error": "Error: Expected null to equal [ 'steak-0' ].",
"notes": "Unknown"
"MatChipList forms integration multiple selection should clear the selection when a nonexistent option value is selected": {
"error": "Error: Expected false to be truthy 'Expected chip with the value to be selected.'.",
"notes": "Unknown"
"MatChipList chip list with chip input should take an initial view value with reactive forms": {
"error": "Error: Expected false to be truthy 'Expect pizza-1 chip to be selected'.",
"notes": "Unknown"
"MatChipList chip list with chip input should set the view value from the form": {
"error": "Error: Expected false to be truthy 'Expect chip to be selected'.",
"notes": "Unknown"
"MatChipList chip list with chip input should update the form value when the view changes": {
"error": "Error: Expected null to equal [ 'steak-0' ].",
"notes": "Unknown"
"MatChipList chip list with chip input should clear the selection when a nonexistent option value is selected": {
"error": "Error: Expected false to be truthy 'Expected chip with the value to be selected.'.",
"notes": "Unknown"
"MatChipList chip list with chip input should set the control to dirty when the chip list's value changes in the DOM": {
"error": "Error: Expected false to equal true.",
"notes": "Unknown"
"MatChipList chip list with chip input should set aria-invalid if the form field is invalid": {
"error": "Error: Expected 'true' to be 'false'.",
"notes": "Unknown"
"MatStepper basic stepper should default to the first step": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[MatStepper]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"MatStepper basic stepper should throw when a negative `selectedIndex` is assigned": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[MatStepper]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"MatStepper basic stepper should throw when an out-of-bounds `selectedIndex` is assigned": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[MatStepper]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"MatStepper basic stepper should change selected index on header click": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[MatStepper]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"MatStepper basic stepper should set the \"tablist\" role on stepper": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[MatStepper]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"MatStepper basic stepper should set aria-expanded of content correctly": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[MatStepper]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"MatStepper basic stepper should display the correct label": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[MatStepper]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"MatStepper basic stepper should go to next available step when the next button is clicked": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[MatStepper]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"MatStepper basic stepper should set the next stepper button type to \"submit\"": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[MatStepper]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"MatStepper basic stepper should go to previous available step when the previous button is clicked": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[MatStepper]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"MatStepper basic stepper should set the previous stepper button type to \"button\"": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[MatStepper]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"MatStepper basic stepper should set the correct step position for animation": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[MatStepper]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"MatStepper basic stepper should not set focus on header of selected step if header is not clicked": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[MatStepper]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"MatStepper basic stepper should focus next step header if focus is inside the stepper": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[MatStepper]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"MatStepper basic stepper should only be able to return to a previous step if it is editable": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[MatStepper]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"MatStepper basic stepper should set create icon if step is editable and completed": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[MatStepper]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"MatStepper basic stepper should set done icon if step is not editable and is completed": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[MatStepper]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"MatStepper basic stepper should emit an event when the enter animation is done": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[MatStepper]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"MatStepper basic stepper should set the correct aria-posinset and aria-setsize": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[MatStepper]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"MatStepper basic stepper should adjust the index when removing a step before the current one": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[MatStepper]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"MatStepper basic stepper should not do anything when pressing the ENTER key with a modifier": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[MatStepper]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"MatStepper basic stepper should not do anything when pressing the SPACE key with a modifier": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[MatStepper]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"MatStepper basic stepper when attempting to set the selected step too early should not throw": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[MatStepper]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"MatStepper basic stepper with i18n label change should re-render when the i18n labels change": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[MatStepper]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"MatStepper icon overrides should allow for the `edit` icon to be overridden": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[MatStepper]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"MatStepper icon overrides should allow for the `done` icon to be overridden": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[MatStepper]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"MatStepper icon overrides should allow for the `number` icon to be overridden with context": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[MatStepper]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"MatStepper RTL should reverse animation in RTL mode": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[MatStepper]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"MatStepper linear stepper should have true linear attribute": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[MatStepper]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"MatStepper linear stepper should not move to next step if current step is invalid": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[MatStepper]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"MatStepper linear stepper should not move to next step if current step is pending": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[MatStepper]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"MatStepper linear stepper should be able to focus step header upon click if it is unable to be selected": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[MatStepper]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"MatStepper linear stepper should be able to move to next step even when invalid if current step is optional": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[MatStepper]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"MatStepper linear stepper should be able to reset the stepper to its initial state": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[MatStepper]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"MatStepper linear stepper should reset back to the first step when some of the steps are not editable": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[MatStepper]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"MatStepper linear stepper should not clobber the `complete` binding when resetting": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[MatStepper]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"MatStepper linear stepper with a pre-defined selectedIndex should not throw": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[MatStepper]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"MatStepper linear stepper with no `stepControl` should not move to the next step if the current one is not completed ": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[MatStepper]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"MatStepper linear stepper with `stepControl` should have the `stepControl` take precedence when `completed` is set": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[MatStepper]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"MatStepper vertical stepper should set the aria-orientation to \"vertical\"": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[MatStepper]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"MatStepper vertical stepper should support using the left/right arrows to move focus": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[MatStepper]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"MatStepper vertical stepper should support using the up/down arrows to move focus": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[MatStepper]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"MatStepper vertical stepper should reverse arrow key focus in RTL mode": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[MatStepper]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"MatStepper horizontal stepper should set the aria-orientation to \"horizontal\"": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[MatStepper]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"MatStepper horizontal stepper should support using the left/right arrows to move focus": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[MatStepper]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"MatStepper horizontal stepper should reverse arrow key focus in RTL mode": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[MatStepper]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"MatStepper horizontal stepper should reverse arrow key focus when switching into RTL after init": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[MatStepper]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"MatStepper linear stepper with valid step must be visited if not optional": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[MatStepper]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"MatStepper linear stepper with valid step can be skipped entirely if optional": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[MatStepper]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"MatStepper aria labelling should not set aria-label or aria-labelledby attributes if they are not passed in": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[MatStepper]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"MatStepper aria labelling should set the aria-label attribute": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[MatStepper]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"MatStepper aria labelling should set the aria-labelledby attribute": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[MatStepper]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"MatStepper aria labelling should not be able to set both an aria-label and aria-labelledby": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[MatStepper]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"MatStepper stepper with error state should show error state": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[MatStepper]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"MatStepper stepper with error state should respect a custom falsy hasError value": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[MatStepper]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"MatStepper stepper using Material UI Guideline logic should show done state when step is completed and its not the current step": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[MatStepper]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"MatStepper stepper using Material UI Guideline logic should show edit state when step is editable and its the current step": {
"error": "Error: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[MatStepper]: ",
"notes": "FW-966: Extended components missing from the directive registry"
"MatSlideToggle without forms custom action configuration should not change value on click when click action is noop": {
"error": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'nativeElement' of undefined",
"notes": "FW-1019: Design new API to replace static queries"
"MatSlideToggle without forms custom action configuration should not change value on dragging when drag action is noop": {
"error": "Error: Expected mat-slide-toggle-thumb-container to contain 'mat-dragging'.",
"notes": "Unknown"
"MatSlider slider with set min and max should adjust fill and ticks on mouse enter when min changes": {
"error": "Error: Expected '0% 2px' to be '75% 2px'.",
"notes": "Unknown"
"MatSlider slider with set min and max should adjust fill and ticks on mouse enter when max changes": {
"error": "Error: Expected '0% 2px' to be '50% 2px'.",
"notes": "Unknown"
"MatSlider slider with auto ticks should set the correct tick separation on mouse enter": {
"error": "Error: Expected '0% 2px' to be '30% 2px'.",
"notes": "Unknown"
"MatSlider slider with set tick interval should set the correct tick separation on mouse enter": {
"error": "Error: Expected '0% 2px' to be '18% 2px'.",
"notes": "Unknown"
"MatButtonToggle without forms as standalone should have correct aria-pressed attribute": {
"error": "Error: Expected 'false' to be 'true'.",
"notes": "Unknown"
"MatDrawer methods should be able to open": {
"error": "Error: Expected 0 to be 1.",
"notes": "Unknown"
"MatDrawer methods should be able to close": {
"error": "Error: Expected 0 to be 1.",
"notes": "Unknown"
"MatDrawer methods should be able to close while the open animation is running": {
"error": "Error: Expected 0 to be 1.",
"notes": "Unknown"
"MatDrawer methods should close when pressing escape": {
"error": "Error: Expected 0 to be 1, 'Expected one open event.'.",
"notes": "Unknown"
"MatDrawer methods should fire the open event when open on init": {
"error": "Error: Expected spy open callback to have been called once. It was called 0 times.",
"notes": "Unknown"
"MatDrawer methods should restore focus on close if focus is inside drawer": {
"error": "Error: Expected to be