import { Component, ElementRef, HostBinding, HostListener, OnInit, QueryList, ViewChild, ViewChildren } from '@angular/core'; import { MdSidenav } from '@angular/material'; import { CurrentNode, NavigationService, NavigationViews, NavigationNode, VersionInfo } from 'app/navigation/navigation.service'; import { DocumentService, DocumentContents } from 'app/documents/document.service'; import { DocViewerComponent } from 'app/layout/doc-viewer/doc-viewer.component'; import { LocationService } from 'app/shared/location.service'; import { NavMenuComponent } from 'app/layout/nav-menu/nav-menu.component'; import { ScrollService } from 'app/shared/scroll.service'; import { SearchResultsComponent } from 'app/search/search-results/search-results.component'; import { SearchBoxComponent } from 'app/search/search-box/search-box.component'; import { SearchService } from 'app/search/search.service'; import { SwUpdateNotificationsService } from 'app/sw-updates/sw-update-notifications.service'; const sideNavView = 'SideNav'; @Component({ selector: 'aio-shell', templateUrl: './app.component.html', }) export class AppComponent implements OnInit { currentDocument: DocumentContents; currentDocVersion: NavigationNode; currentNode: CurrentNode; currentPath: string; docVersions: NavigationNode[]; dtOn = false; footerNodes: NavigationNode[]; /** * An HTML friendly identifier for the currently displayed page. * This is computed from the `` by replacing `/` with `-` */ pageId: string; /** * An HTML friendly identifer for the "folder" of the currently displayed page. * This is computed by taking everything up to the first `/` in the `` */ folderId: string; /** * These CSS classes are computed from the current state of the application * (e.g. what document is being viewed) to allow for fine grain control over * the styling of individual pages. * You will get three classes: * * * `page-...`: computed from the current document id (e.g. news, guide-security, tutorial-toh-pt2) * * `folder-...`: computed from the top level folder for an id (e.g. guide, tutorial, etc) * * `view-...`: computef from the navigation view (e.g. SideNav, TopBar, etc) */ @HostBinding('class') hostClasses = ''; isStarting = true; isSideBySide = false; private isSideNavDoc = false; private previousNavView: string; private sideBySideWidth = 1032; sideNavNodes: NavigationNode[]; topMenuNodes: NavigationNode[]; tocMaxHeight: string; private tocMaxHeightOffset = 0; versionInfo: VersionInfo; get homeImageUrl() { return this.isSideBySide ? 'assets/images/logos/standard/logo-nav@2x.png' : 'assets/images/logos/standard/shield-large@2x.png'; } get isOpened() { return this.isSideBySide && this.isSideNavDoc; } get mode() { return this.isSideBySide ? 'side' : 'over'; } // Need the doc-viewer element for scrolling the contents @ViewChild(DocViewerComponent, { read: ElementRef }) docViewer: ElementRef; // Search related properties showSearchResults = false; @ViewChildren('searchBox, searchResults', { read: ElementRef }) searchElements: QueryList; @ViewChild(SearchResultsComponent) searchResults: SearchResultsComponent; @ViewChild(SearchBoxComponent) searchBox: SearchBoxComponent; @ViewChild(MdSidenav) sidenav: MdSidenav; constructor( private documentService: DocumentService, private hostElement: ElementRef, private locationService: LocationService, private navigationService: NavigationService, private scrollService: ScrollService, private searchService: SearchService, private swUpdateNotifications: SwUpdateNotificationsService ) { } ngOnInit() { this.searchService.initWorker('app/search/search-worker.js'); this.searchService.loadIndex(); this.onResize(window.innerWidth); /* No need to unsubscribe because this root component never dies */ this.documentService.currentDocument.subscribe(doc => { this.currentDocument = doc; this.setPageId(; this.setFolderId(; this.updateHostClasses(); }); this.locationService.currentPath.subscribe(path => { if (this.currentPath && path === this.currentPath) { // scroll only if on same page (most likely a change to the hash) this.autoScroll(); } else { // don't scroll; leave that to `onDocRendered` this.currentPath = path; } }); this.navigationService.currentNode.subscribe(currentNode => { this.currentNode = currentNode; // Preserve current sidenav open state by default let openSideNav = this.sidenav.opened; if (this.previousNavView !== currentNode.view) { this.previousNavView = currentNode.view; // View type changed. Is it now a sidenav view (e.g, guide or tutorial)? // Open if changed to a sidenav doc; close if changed to a marketing doc. openSideNav = this.isSideNavDoc = currentNode.view === sideNavView; } // May be open or closed when wide; always closed when narrow this.sideNavToggle(this.isSideBySide ? openSideNav : false); }); this.navigationService.navigationViews.subscribe(views => { this.docVersions = views['docVersions'] || []; this.footerNodes = views['Footer'] || []; this.sideNavNodes = views['SideNav'] || []; this.topMenuNodes = views['TopBar'] || []; this.currentDocVersion = this.docVersions[0]; }); this.navigationService.versionInfo.subscribe( vi => this.versionInfo = vi ); this.swUpdateNotifications.enable(); } // Scroll to the anchor in the hash fragment or top of doc. autoScroll() { this.scrollService.scroll(); } onDocRendered() { // Scroll after the doc-viewer has finished rendering the new doc this.autoScroll(); this.isStarting = false; } onDocVersionChange(versionIndex: number) { const version = this.docVersions[versionIndex]; if (version.url) { this.locationService.go(version.url); } } @HostListener('window:resize', ['$']) onResize(width) { this.isSideBySide = width > this.sideBySideWidth; } @HostListener('click', ['$', '$event.button', '$event.ctrlKey', '$event.metaKey', '$event.altKey']) onClick(eventTarget: HTMLElement, button: number, ctrlKey: boolean, metaKey: boolean, altKey: boolean): boolean { // Hide the search results if we clicked outside both the "search box" and the "search results" if (!this.searchElements.some(element => element.nativeElement.contains(eventTarget))) { this.hideSearchResults(); } // Show developer source view if the footer is clicked while holding the meta and alt keys if (eventTarget.tagName === 'FOOTER' && metaKey && altKey) { this.dtOn = !this.dtOn; return false; } // Deal with anchor clicks; climb DOM tree until anchor found (or null) let target = eventTarget; while (target && !(target instanceof HTMLAnchorElement)) { target = target.parentElement; } if (target instanceof HTMLAnchorElement) { return this.locationService.handleAnchorClick(target, button, ctrlKey, metaKey); } // Allow the click to pass through return true; } sideNavToggle(value?: boolean) { this.sidenav.toggle(value); } setPageId(id: string) { // Special case the home page this.pageId = (id === 'index') ? 'home' : id.replace('/', '-'); } setFolderId(id: string) { // Special case the home page this.folderId = (id === 'index') ? 'home' : id.split('/', 1)[0]; } updateHostClasses() { const pageClass = `page-${this.pageId}`; const folderClass = `folder-${this.folderId}`; const viewClass = `view-${this.currentNode && this.currentNode.view}`; this.hostClasses = `${pageClass} ${folderClass} ${viewClass}`; } // Dynamically change height of table of contents container @HostListener('window:scroll') onScroll() { if (!this.tocMaxHeightOffset) { // Must wait until now for md-toolbar to be measurable. const el = this.hostElement.nativeElement as Element; this.tocMaxHeightOffset = el.querySelector('footer').clientHeight + el.querySelector('').clientHeight + 44; // margin } this.tocMaxHeight = (document.body.scrollHeight - window.pageYOffset - this.tocMaxHeightOffset).toFixed(2); } // Search related methods and handlers hideSearchResults() { this.showSearchResults = false; } focusSearchBox() { if (this.searchBox) { this.searchBox.focus(); } } doSearch(query) {; this.showSearchResults = !!query; } @HostListener('document:keyup', ['$event.key', '$event.which']) onKeyUp(key: string, keyCode: number) { // forward slash "/" if (key === '/' || keyCode === 191) { this.focusSearchBox(); } if (key === 'Escape' || keyCode === 27 ) { // escape key if (this.showSearchResults) { this.hideSearchResults(); this.focusSearchBox(); } } } }