include ../_util-fns // #docregion intro - var langName = current.path[1] == 'ts' ? 'TypeScript' : 'JavaScript' figure img(src="/resources/images/devguide/intro/people.png" alt="Us" align="left" style="width:200px; margin-left:-40px;margin-right:10px" ) :marked This is a practical guide to Angular for experienced programmers who are building client applications in HTML and #{langName}. 这是一份Angular实战指南。面向的是正在用HTML和#{langName}构建客户端应用的、有经验的程序员。 We are on a journey together to understand how Angular works and, more importantly, how to make it work for us. This overview begins the journey. 在这次旅程中,我们将一起理解Angular是如何工作的,以及 —— 更重要的 —— 如何让它为我们工作。本概览就是这次旅程的起点。
// #enddocregion intro // #docregion how-to-read-1 :marked # Organization # 组织结构 The documentation is divided into major thematic sections, each a collection of chapters devoted to that theme. 本文档分成几大主题区,区里的一组章节都是围绕那个主题的。 // #enddocregion how-to-read-1 // #docregion how-to-read-2 - var top="vertical-align:top" table(width="100%") col(width="15%") col tr(style=top) td p Tutorial p 教程 td :marked A step-by-step, immersive approach to learning Angular. It begins with the [QuickStart](../quickstart.html), the foundation for every chapter and sample in this documentation, followed by the [*Tour of Heroes* tutorial](../tutorial) that introduces the major features of Angular in an application context. 一场按部就班、沉浸式的Angular学习之旅。 从[QuickStart](../quickstart.html)开始,本文档中的每一个章节和范例,都基于一个[*英雄指南* 教程](../tutorial), 它会在一个假想的应用场景中逐步引出Angular的各个主要特性。 tr(style=top) td p Basics p 基础 td :marked The essential ingredients of Angular development. Angular开发中必不可少的要素。 tr(style=top) td p Developer Guide p 开发人员指南 td :marked In depth analysis of Angular features and development practices. 深入分析Angular的特性和开发实践。 tr(style=top) td p Cookbook p 烹饪书 td :marked Recipes for specific application challenges, mostly code snippets with a minimum of exposition. 一组解决实际应用中某些特定挑战的食谱,大部分是代码片段,也有少量的详细阐述。 tr(style=top) td p Reference p 参考 td :marked Angular-specific reference material, most notably the [API Guide](../api) with its authoritative details about each member in the Angular libraries. 特定于Angular的参考资料,最受欢迎的[API 指南](../api),包括Angular库中每一个成员的详尽、权威的资料。 tr(style=top) td p Resources p 资源 td :marked Other places to go for help and information. 可以获得帮助、获取消息的其它地方。 :marked # Learning Path # 学习路径 We don't have to read the guide straight through. Most chapters stand on their own. 我们并不需要从头到尾依次阅读本指南。大部分章节都是独立的。 We recommend a learning path for those new to Angular. Most of that path runs through the *Basics* section: 这里我们只给Angular新手推荐一个学习路径。 此路径上的大部分文章都在*基础知识*区。 1. Read the [Architecture Overview](architecture.html) to get the big picture. 1. 阅读[架构概览](architecture.html)以获得宏观视图。 1. Try the [QuickStart](../quickstart.html). The QuickStart is the "Hello, World" of Angular 2. It shows us how to setup the libraries and tools we'll need to write *any* Angular app. 1. 试用[QuickStart](../quickstart.html)。QuickStart是Angular 2世界中的“Hello, World”。 它会告诉我们如何安装写*任何*Angular应用时都会用到的那些库和工具。 1. Take the *Tour of Heroes* [Tutorial](../tutorial) which picks up from where the QuickStart leaves off and builds a simple data-driven app. Simple, yes, but with the essential characteristics we'd expect of a professional application: a sensible project structure, data binding, master/detail, services, dependency injection, navigation, and remote data access. 1. 学习*英雄指南*[教程](../tutorial) ,它将从QuickStart出发,最终构建出一个简单的“数据驱动”的应用。 它虽简单,但也具有我们写一个专业应用时所需的一切基本特性: 实用的项目结构、数据绑定、主从视图、服务、依赖注入、导航,以及远程数据访问。 Return to the *Basics* section and continue in the suggested order: 返回*基础知识*区,继续按建议的顺序前进: 1. [Displaying Data](displaying-data.html) explains how to get information on to the screen. 1. [显示数据](displaying-data.html)解释了如何把信息显示到屏幕上。 1. [User Input](user-input.html) covers the basics of responding to user behavior. 1. [用户输入](user-input.html)覆盖了响应用户行为的基本方法。 1. [Forms](forms.html) handle user data entry and validation within the UI. 1. [表单](forms.html)处理用户输入的数据,并在UI中进行有效性验证。 1. [Dependency Injection](dependency-injection.html) is the way we build large, maintainable applications from small, single purpose parts. 1. [依赖注入](dependency-injection.html)这种方式,让我们能把小型、单一用途的部件组装成大型、可维护的应用。 1. [Template Syntax](template-syntax.html) is a comprehensive study of Angular template HTML. 1. [模板语法](template-syntax.html)是对Angular模板HTML的全面讲解。 With this foundation, we can read and understand any chapter in the guide. 有了这些基础,我们就可以阅读和理解本指南中的任何章节了。 // #enddocregion how-to-read-2 // #docregion the-rest :marked # Code Samples # 代码范例 Every chapter includes code snippets that we can reuse in our own applications. These snippets are excerpts from a sample application that accompanies the chapter. 每一章都包含一些能在我们自己的应用中复用的代码片段。 这些片段节选自那一章附带的范例应用。 Look for a link to a running version of that sample near the top of each page such as this [live example](/resources/live-examples/architecture/ts/plnkr.html) from the [Architecture](architecture.html) chapter. 在每页靠近顶部的地方都可以看到一个链接,指向这个范例的可执行版本,比如[架构](architecture.html)一章中的[在线例子](/resources/live-examples/architecture/ts/plnkr.html)。 The link launches a browser-based code editor where we can inspect, modify, save, and download the code. 这个链接启动一个基于浏览器的代码编辑器,在这里,我们可以调试、修改、保存和下载这些代码。 A few early chapters are written as tutorials and are clearly marked as such. Most chapters are *not* tutorials. They highlight key points in code rather than explain each step necessary to build the sample. We can always get the full source by way of the live link. 少量早期章节是作为教程来写的,并被清晰的标注出来。 但大部分章节都不在教程中。 它们的目的是展示代码中的关键点,而不是解释构建这个范例所需的每一个步骤。 我们可以从在线例子的链接找到完整的源代码。 ## References ## 参考资料 The [Cheat Sheet](cheatsheet.html) lists Angular syntax for common scenarios. [小抄](cheatsheet.html)列出了Angular在常见场景下的语法。 The [Glossary](glossary.html) defines terms that Angular developers should know. [词汇表](glossary.html)定义了Angular开发者需要知道的词汇。 The [API Guide](../api/) is the authority on every public-facing member of the Angular libraries. [API指南](../api/)是关于Angular库中每一个公有成员的权威指南。 # Feedback # 提供反馈 We welcome feedback! Leave a comment by clicking the icon in upper right corner of the banner. 我们期待您的反馈!请点击Banner右上角的图标,给我们留言。 Post *documentation* issues and pull requests on the []( github repository. 如果是*文档方面*的问题或Pull Requests,请到Github上的[](仓库。 Post issues with *Angular 2 itself* to the [angular]( github repository. 如果是*Angular 2本身*的问题,请到Github上的[angular](仓库。 // #enddocregion the-rest