const fs = fsExtra = require('fs-extra'); const globby = require('globby'); const path = require('path'); const Q = require("q"); const shelljs = require('shelljs'); const EXAMPLES_PATH = path.join(__dirname, '/../content/examples'); const BOILERPLATE_PATH = path.join(EXAMPLES_PATH, '_boilerplate'); const EXAMPLES_TESTING_PATH = path.join(EXAMPLES_PATH, 'testing'); const files = { exampleBoilerplate: [ 'src/styles.css', 'src/systemjs.config.js', 'src/tsconfig.json', 'bs-config.json', 'bs-config.e2e.json', 'package.json', 'tslint.json' ], exampleUnitTestingBoilerplate: [ 'src/browser-test-shim.js', 'karma-test-shim.js', 'karma.conf.js' ], exampleConfigFilename: 'example-config.json' }; // requires admin access because it adds symlinks function add() { const realPath = path.join(EXAMPLES_PATH, '/node_modules'); const nodeModulesPaths = getNodeModulesPaths(EXAMPLES_PATH); // we install the examples modules first installNodeModules(); => { console.log("symlinking " + linkPath + ' -> ' + realPath) fs.ensureSymlinkSync(realPath, linkPath); }); return copyExampleBoilerplate(); } function copyExampleBoilerplate() { console.log('Copying example boilerplate files'); const examplePaths = getExamplePaths(EXAMPLES_PATH); // Make boilerplate files read-only to avoid that they be edited by mistake. const destFileMode = '444'; let foo = copyFiles(files.exampleBoilerplate, BOILERPLATE_PATH, examplePaths, destFileMode) // copy the unit test boilerplate .then(() => { const unittestPaths = getUnitTestingPaths(EXAMPLES_PATH); return copyFiles(files.exampleUnitTestingBoilerplate, EXAMPLES_TESTING_PATH, unittestPaths, destFileMode); }) .catch((err) => { console.error(err); throw err; }); } // Copies fileNames into destPaths, setting the mode of the // files at the destination as optional_destFileMode if given. // returns a promise function copyFiles(fileNames, originPath, destPaths, optional_destFileMode) { const copy = Q.denodeify(fsExtra.copy); const chmod = Q.denodeify(fsExtra.chmod); let copyPromises = []; => { fileNames.forEach((fileName) => { const originName = path.join(originPath, fileName); const destName = path.join(destPath, fileName); let p = copy(originName, destName, { clobber: true}); if(optional_destFileMode !== undefined) { p = p.then(() => { return chmod(destName, optional_destFileMode); }); } copyPromises.push(p); }); }); return Q.all(copyPromises); } function getExamplePaths(basePath, includeBase) { // includeBase defaults to false return getPaths(basePath, files.exampleConfigFilename, includeBase); } function getFilenames(basePath, filename, includeBase) { let includePatterns = [path.join(basePath, "**/" + filename)]; if (!includeBase) { // ignore (skip) the top level version. includePatterns.push("!" + path.join(basePath, "/" + filename)); } // ignore (skip) the files in BOILERPLATE_PATH. includePatterns.push("!" + path.join(BOILERPLATE_PATH, "/" + filename)); const nmPattern = path.join(basePath, "**/node_modules/**"); return globby.sync(includePatterns, {ignore: [nmPattern]}); } function getNodeModulesPaths(basePath) { return getExamplePaths(basePath).map((examplePath) => { return path.join(examplePath, "/node_modules"); }); } function getPaths(basePath, filename, includeBase) { const filenames = getFilenames(basePath, filename, includeBase); return => { return path.dirname(fileName); }); } function getUnitTestingPaths(basePath) { const examples = getPaths(basePath, files.exampleConfigFilename, true); return examples.filter((example) => { const exampleConfig = fs.readJsonSync(`${example}/${files.exampleConfigFilename}`, {throws: false}); return exampleConfig && !!exampleConfig.unittesting; }); } function installNodeModules() { shelljs.exec('yarn', {cwd: EXAMPLES_PATH}); } function remove() { shelljs.exec('git clean -xdf', {cwd: EXAMPLES_PATH}); } module.exports = { add: add, remove: remove }; // being executed from shell script switch (process.argv[2]) { case 'add': add(); break; case 'remove': remove(); break; default: console.error(`There is no function with the name: ${process.argv}`); }