/** * @license * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ /* eslint no-console: "off" */ function createPackage(changedFile) { const marketingMatch = /^aio\/content\/(?:marketing\/|navigation\.json)/.exec(changedFile); if (marketingMatch) { console.log('Building marketing docs'); return require('./marketing-package').createPackage(); } const tutorialMatch = /^aio\/content\/tutorial\/([^.]+)\.md/.exec(changedFile); const tutorialExampleMatch = /^aio\/content\/examples\/(toh-[^\/]+)\//.exec(changedFile); if (tutorialMatch || tutorialExampleMatch) { const tutorialName = tutorialMatch && tutorialMatch[1] || tutorialExampleMatch[1]; console.log('Building tutorial docs'); return require('./tutorial-package').createPackage(tutorialName); } const gettingStartedMatch = /^aio\/content\/start\/([^.]+)\.md/.exec(changedFile); const gettingStartedExampleMatch = /^aio\/content\/examples\/getting-started\/([^\/]+)\//.exec(changedFile); if (gettingStartedMatch || gettingStartedExampleMatch) { const gettingStartedName = gettingStartedMatch && gettingStartedMatch[1] || 'index'; console.log('Building getting started docs'); return require('./getting-started-package').createPackage(gettingStartedName); } const guideMatch = /^aio\/content\/guide\/([^.]+)\.md/.exec(changedFile); const exampleMatch = /^aio\/content\/examples\/(?:cb-)?([^\/]+)\//.exec(changedFile); if (guideMatch || exampleMatch) { const guideName = guideMatch && guideMatch[1] || exampleMatch[1]; console.log(`Building guide doc: ${guideName}.md`); return require('./guide-package').createPackage(guideName); } const apiExamplesMatch = /^packages\/examples\/([^\/]+)\//.exec(changedFile); const apiMatch = /^packages\/([^\/]+)\//.exec(changedFile); if (apiExamplesMatch || apiMatch) { const packageName = apiExamplesMatch && apiExamplesMatch[1] || apiMatch[1]; console.log('Building API docs for', packageName); return require('./api-package').createPackage(packageName); } } module.exports = { generateDocs: function(changedFile, options = {}) { const {Dgeni} = require('dgeni'); const package = createPackage(changedFile); if (package === undefined) { console.log('The changed file was not matched to a dgeni package - skipping doc-gen'); return Promise.resolve(); } if (options.silent) { package.config(function(log) { log.level = 'error'; }); } var dgeni = new Dgeni([package]); const start = Date.now(); return dgeni.generate() .then( () => console.log('Generated docs in ' + (Date.now() - start)/1000 + ' secs'), err => console.log('Error generating docs', err)); } };