// tslint:disable-next-line: no-reference /// import { resolve as resolvePath } from 'canonical-path'; import { load as loadJson } from 'cjson'; import { readFileSync } from 'fs'; import { get as httpGet } from 'http'; import { get as httpsGet } from 'https'; import { processNavigationUrls } from '../../../../packages/service-worker/config/src/generator'; import { FirebaseRedirector, FirebaseRedirectConfig } from '../../../tools/firebase-test-utils/FirebaseRedirector'; const AIO_DIR = resolvePath(__dirname, '../../..'); export const PATH_TO_LEGACY_URLS = resolvePath(__dirname, 'URLS_TO_REDIRECT.txt'); export function getRedirector() { return new FirebaseRedirector(loadRedirects()); } export function getSwNavigationUrlChecker() { const config = loadJson(`${AIO_DIR}/src/generated/ngsw-config.json`); const navigationUrlSpecs = processNavigationUrls('', config.navigationUrls); const includePatterns = navigationUrlSpecs .filter(spec => spec.positive) .map(spec => new RegExp(spec.regex)); const excludePatterns = navigationUrlSpecs .filter(spec => !spec.positive) .map(spec => new RegExp(spec.regex)); return (url: string) => includePatterns.some(regex => regex.test(url)) && !excludePatterns.some(regex => regex.test(url)); } export function loadRedirects(): FirebaseRedirectConfig[] { const pathToFirebaseJSON = `${AIO_DIR}/firebase.json`; const contents = loadJson(pathToFirebaseJSON); return contents.hosting.redirects; } export function loadLegacyUrls() { const urls = readFileSync(PATH_TO_LEGACY_URLS, 'utf8') .split('\n') .filter(line => line.trim() !== '') .map(line => line.split(/\s*-->\s*/)); return urls; } export function loadLocalSitemapUrls() { const pathToSiteMap = `${AIO_DIR}/src/generated/sitemap.xml`; const xml = readFileSync(pathToSiteMap, 'utf8'); return extractSitemapUrls(xml); } export async function loadRemoteSitemapUrls(host: string) { host = host.replace(/\/$/, ''); const urlToSiteMap = `${host}/generated/sitemap.xml`; const get = /^https:/.test(host) ? httpsGet : httpGet; const xml = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let responseText = ''; get(urlToSiteMap, res => res .on('data', chunk => responseText += chunk) .on('end', () => resolve(responseText)) .on('error', reject)); }); return extractSitemapUrls(xml); } // Private functions function extractSitemapUrls(xml: string) { // Currently, all sitemaps use `angular.io` as host in URLs (which is fine since we only use the // sitemap in `angular.io`). See also `aio/src/extra-files/*/robots.txt`. const host = 'https://angular.io'; const urls: string[] = []; xml.replace(/([^<]+)<\/loc>/g, (_, loc) => urls.push(loc.replace(host, '')) as any); // Ensure none of the URLs contains the scheme/host. // (That would mean that the URL contains a different than expected host, which can in turn lead // to tests passing while they shouldn't). urls.forEach(url => { if (url.includes('://')) { throw new Error(`Sitemap URL (${url}) contains unexpected host. Expected: ${host}`); } }); return urls; }