import { AsyncTestCompleter, beforeEach, ddescribe, describe, expect, iit, inject, it, xdescribe, xit } from 'angular2/test_lib'; import {isPresent, stringify} from 'angular2/src/core/facade/lang'; import {bootstrap, ApplicationRef} from 'angular2/src/core/application'; import {Component, Directive, View} from 'angular2/metadata'; import {DOM} from 'angular2/src/core/dom/dom_adapter'; import {PromiseWrapper} from 'angular2/src/core/facade/async'; import {bind, Inject, Injector} from 'angular2/di'; import {LifeCycle} from 'angular2/core'; import {ExceptionHandler} from 'angular2/src/core/exception_handler'; import {Testability, TestabilityRegistry} from 'angular2/src/core/testability/testability'; import {DOCUMENT} from 'angular2/src/core/render/render'; import {IS_DART} from '../platform'; @Component({selector: 'hello-app'}) @View({template: '{{greeting}} world!'}) class HelloRootCmp { greeting: string; constructor() { this.greeting = 'hello'; } } @Component({selector: 'hello-app'}) @View({template: 'before: after: done'}) class HelloRootCmpContent { constructor() {} } @Component({selector: 'hello-app-2'}) @View({template: '{{greeting}} world, again!'}) class HelloRootCmp2 { greeting: string; constructor() { this.greeting = 'hello'; } } @Component({selector: 'hello-app'}) @View({template: ''}) class HelloRootCmp3 { appBinding; constructor(@Inject("appBinding") appBinding) { this.appBinding = appBinding; } } @Component({selector: 'hello-app'}) @View({template: ''}) class HelloRootCmp4 { lc; constructor(@Inject(LifeCycle) lc) { = lc; } } @Component({selector: 'hello-app'}) class HelloRootMissingTemplate { } @Directive({selector: 'hello-app'}) class HelloRootDirectiveIsNotCmp { } class _ArrayLogger { res: any[] = []; log(s: any): void { this.res.push(s); } logGroup(s: any): void { this.res.push(s); } logGroupEnd(){}; } export function main() { var fakeDoc, el, el2, testBindings, lightDom; describe('bootstrap factory method', () => { beforeEach(() => { fakeDoc = DOM.createHtmlDocument(); el = DOM.createElement('hello-app', fakeDoc); el2 = DOM.createElement('hello-app-2', fakeDoc); lightDom = DOM.createElement('light-dom-el', fakeDoc); DOM.appendChild(fakeDoc.body, el); DOM.appendChild(fakeDoc.body, el2); DOM.appendChild(el, lightDom); DOM.setText(lightDom, 'loading'); testBindings = [bind(DOCUMENT).toValue(fakeDoc)]; }); it('should throw if bootstrapped Directive is not a Component', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => { var logger = new _ArrayLogger(); var exceptionHandler = new ExceptionHandler(logger, false); var refPromise = bootstrap(HelloRootDirectiveIsNotCmp, [testBindings, bind(ExceptionHandler).toValue(exceptionHandler)]); PromiseWrapper.then(refPromise, null, (exception) => { expect(exception).toContainError( `Could not load '${stringify(HelloRootDirectiveIsNotCmp)}' because it is not a component.`); expect(logger.res.join("")).toContain("Could not load"); async.done(); return null; }); })); it('should throw if no element is found', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => { var logger = new _ArrayLogger(); var exceptionHandler = new ExceptionHandler(logger, IS_DART ? false : true); var refPromise = bootstrap(HelloRootCmp, [bind(ExceptionHandler).toValue(exceptionHandler)]); PromiseWrapper.then(refPromise, null, (reason) => { expect(reason.message).toContain('The selector "hello-app" did not match any elements'); async.done(); return null; }); })); if (DOM.supportsDOMEvents()) { it('should invoke the default exception handler when bootstrap fails', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => { var logger = new _ArrayLogger(); var exceptionHandler = new ExceptionHandler(logger, IS_DART ? false : true); var refPromise = bootstrap(HelloRootCmp, [bind(ExceptionHandler).toValue(exceptionHandler)]); PromiseWrapper.then(refPromise, null, (reason) => { expect(logger.res.join("")) .toContain('The selector "hello-app" did not match any elements'); async.done(); return null; }); })); } it('should create an injector promise', () => { var refPromise = bootstrap(HelloRootCmp, testBindings); expect(refPromise).not.toBe(null); }); it('should display hello world', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => { var refPromise = bootstrap(HelloRootCmp, testBindings); refPromise.then((ref) => { expect(el).toHaveText('hello world!'); async.done(); }); })); it('should support multiple calls to bootstrap', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => { var refPromise1 = bootstrap(HelloRootCmp, testBindings); var refPromise2 = bootstrap(HelloRootCmp2, testBindings); PromiseWrapper.all([refPromise1, refPromise2]) .then((refs) => { expect(el).toHaveText('hello world!'); expect(el2).toHaveText('hello world, again!'); async.done(); }); })); it("should make the provided bindings available to the application component", inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => { var refPromise = bootstrap(HelloRootCmp3, [testBindings, bind("appBinding").toValue("BoundValue")]); refPromise.then((ref) => { expect(ref.hostComponent.appBinding).toEqual("BoundValue"); async.done(); }); })); it("should avoid cyclic dependencies when root component requires Lifecycle through DI", inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => { var refPromise = bootstrap(HelloRootCmp4, testBindings); refPromise.then((ref) => { expect(; async.done(); }); })); it('should register each application with the testability registry', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => { var refPromise1 = bootstrap(HelloRootCmp, testBindings); var refPromise2 = bootstrap(HelloRootCmp2, testBindings); PromiseWrapper.all([refPromise1, refPromise2]) .then((refs: ApplicationRef[]) => { var registry = refs[0].injector.get(TestabilityRegistry); var testabilities = [refs[0].injector.get(Testability), refs[1].injector.get(Testability)]; PromiseWrapper.all(testabilities) .then((testabilities: Testability[]) => { expect(registry.findTestabilityInTree(el)).toEqual(testabilities[0]); expect(registry.findTestabilityInTree(el2)).toEqual(testabilities[1]); async.done(); }); }); })); }); }