import * as express from 'express'; import {promisify} from 'util'; import {UploadError} from './upload-error'; /** * Update the response to report that an error has occurred. * @param res The response to configure as an error. * @param err The error that needs to be reported. */ export async function respondWithError(res: express.Response, err: any) { if (!(err instanceof UploadError)) { err = new UploadError(500, String((err && err.message) || err)); } res.status(err.status); await promisify(res.end.bind(res))(err.message); } /** * Throw an exception that describes the given error information. * @param status The HTTP status code include in the error. * @param error The error message to include in the error. * @param req The request that triggered this error. */ export function throwRequestError(status: number, error: string, req: express.Request): never { const message = `${error} in request: ${req.method} ${req.originalUrl}` + (!req.body ? '' : ` ${JSON.stringify(req.body)}`); throw new UploadError(status, message); }