load( "@io_bazel_rules_webtesting//web/internal:platform_http_file.bzl", _platform_http_file = "platform_http_file", ) def platform_http_file(name, licenses, sha256, urls): """Platform specific browser repository. This works around a deficiency in io_bazel_rules_webtesting platform_http_file in that it selects the platform when the repository rule is executed. This limits browsers tests to run on the local user platform only. For cross-platform RBE we want a repository to be defined per platform so the correct one can be selected. """ _platform_http_file( name = name, amd64_sha256 = sha256, amd64_urls = urls, licenses = licenses, macos_sha256 = sha256, macos_urls = urls, windows_sha256 = sha256, windows_urls = urls, )