#!/bin/bash set -e -x function publishRepo { COMPONENT=$1 ARTIFACTS_DIR=$2 BUILD_REPO="${COMPONENT}-builds" REPO_DIR="tmp/${BUILD_REPO}" echo "Pushing build artifacts to angular/${BUILD_REPO}" # create local repo folder and clone build repo into it rm -rf $REPO_DIR mkdir -p $REPO_DIR ( cd $REPO_DIR && \ git init && \ git remote add origin $REPO_URL && \ git fetch origin master && \ git checkout origin/master && \ git checkout -b master ) # copy over build artifacts into the repo directory rm -rf $REPO_DIR/* cp -R $ARTIFACTS_DIR/* $REPO_DIR/ grep -v /typings/ .gitignore > $REPO_DIR/.gitignore # Replace $$ANGULAR_VESION$$ with the build version. BUILD_VER="2.0.0-${SHORT_SHA}" if [[ ${TRAVIS} ]]; then find $REPO_DIR/ -type f -name package.json -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i "s/\\\$\\\$ANGULAR_VERSION\\\$\\\$/${BUILD_VER}/g" UMD=$(find $REPO_DIR/ -type f -name "*umd.js" -print0) if [[ ${UMD} ]]; then sed -i "s/\\\$\\\$ANGULAR_VERSION\\\$\\\$/${BUILD_VER}/g" ${UMD} fi else find $REPO_DIR/ -type f -name package.json -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i '' "s/\\\$\\\$ANGULAR_VERSION\\\$\\\$/${BUILD_VER}/g" find $REPO_DIR/ -type f -name "*umd.js" -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i '' "s/\\\$\\\$ANGULAR_VERSION\\\$\\\$/${BUILD_VER}/g" fi echo `date` > $REPO_DIR/BUILD_INFO echo $SHA >> $REPO_DIR/BUILD_INFO ( cd $REPO_DIR && \ git config credential.helper "store --file=.git/credentials" && \ echo "https://${GITHUB_TOKEN_ANGULAR}:@github.com" > .git/credentials && \ git config user.name "${COMMITTER_USER_NAME}" && \ git config user.email "${COMMITTER_USER_EMAIL}" && \ git add --all && \ git commit -m "${COMMIT_MSG}" && \ git push origin master && \ git tag "${BUILD_VER}" && \ git push origin --tags ) } # Publish all individual packages from packages-dist. if [[ "$TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG" == "angular/angular" && \ "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" == "false" && \ "$CI_MODE" == "e2e" ]]; then for dir in dist/packages-dist/*/ do COMPONENT="$(basename ${dir})" # Replace _ with - in component name. COMPONENT="${COMPONENT//_/-}" JS_BUILD_ARTIFACTS_DIR="${dir}" REPO_URL="https://github.com/angular/${COMPONENT}-builds.git" # Use the below URL for testing when using SSH authentication # REPO_URL="git@github.com:angular/${COMPONENT}-builds.git" SHA=`git rev-parse HEAD` SHORT_SHA=`git rev-parse --short HEAD` COMMIT_MSG=`git log --oneline | head -n1` COMMITTER_USER_NAME=`git --no-pager show -s --format='%cN' HEAD` COMMITTER_USER_EMAIL=`git --no-pager show -s --format='%cE' HEAD` publishRepo "${COMPONENT}" "${JS_BUILD_ARTIFACTS_DIR}" done echo "Finished publishing build artifacts" else echo "Not building the upstream/master branch, build artifacts won't be published." fi