/// describe('Server Communication', function () { beforeAll(function () { browser.get(''); }); describe('Tour of Heroes (Observable)', function () { let initialHeroCount = 4; let newHeroName = 'Mr. IQ'; let heroCountAfterAdd = 5; let heroListComp = element(by.tagName('hero-list')); let addButton = heroListComp.element(by.tagName('button')); let heroTags = heroListComp.all(by.tagName('li')); let heroNameInput = heroListComp.element(by.tagName('input')); it('should exist', function() { expect(heroListComp).toBeDefined(' must exist'); }); it('should display ' + initialHeroCount + ' heroes after init', function () { expect(heroTags.count()).toBe(initialHeroCount); }); it('should not add hero with empty name', function () { expect(addButton).toBeDefined('"Add Hero" button must be defined'); addButton.click().then(function() { expect(heroTags.count()).toBe(initialHeroCount, 'No new hero should be added'); }); }) it('should add a new hero to the list', function () { expect(heroNameInput).toBeDefined(' for hero name must exist'); expect(addButton).toBeDefined('"Add Hero" button must be defined'); sendKeys(heroNameInput, newHeroName); addButton.click().then(function() { expect(heroTags.count()).toBe(heroCountAfterAdd, 'A new hero should be added'); let newHeroInList = heroTags.get(heroCountAfterAdd - 1).getText(); expect(newHeroInList).toBe(newHeroName, 'The hero should be added to the end of the list'); }); }) }); describe('Wikipedia Demo', function () { it('should initialize the demo with empty result list', function () { let myWikiComp = element(by.tagName('my-wiki')); expect(myWikiComp).toBeDefined(' must exist'); let resultList = myWikiComp.all(by.tagName('li')); expect(resultList.count()).toBe(0, 'result list must be empty'); }); describe('Fetches after each keystroke', function () { it('should fetch results after "B"', function(done) { testForRefreshedResult('B', done); }); it('should fetch results after "Ba"', function(done) { testForRefreshedResult('a', done); }); it('should fetch results after "Bas"', function(done) { testForRefreshedResult('s', done); }); it('should fetch results after "Basic"', function(done) { testForRefreshedResult('ic', done); }); }); function testForRefreshedResult(keyPressed, done) { testForResult('my-wiki', keyPressed, false, done) } }); describe('Smarter Wikipedia Demo', function () { it('should initialize the demo with empty result list', function () { let myWikiSmartComp = element(by.tagName('my-wiki-smart')); expect(myWikiSmartComp).toBeDefined(' must exist'); let resultList = myWikiSmartComp.all(by.tagName('li')); expect(resultList.count()).toBe(0, 'result list must be empty'); }); it('should fetch results after "Java"', function(done) { testForNewResult('Java', done); }); it('should fetch results after "JavaS"', function(done) { testForStaleResult('S', done); }); it('should fetch results after "JavaSc"', function(done) { testForStaleResult('c', done); }); it('should fetch results after "JavaScript"', function(done) { testForStaleResult('ript', done); }); function testForNewResult(keyPressed, done) { testForResult('my-wiki-smart', keyPressed, false, done) } function testForStaleResult(keyPressed, done) { testForResult('my-wiki-smart', keyPressed, true, done) } }); function testForResult(componentTagName, keyPressed, hasListBeforeSearch, done) { let searchWait = 1000; // Wait for wikipedia but not so long that tests timeout let wikiComponent = element(by.tagName(componentTagName)); expect(wikiComponent).toBeDefined('<' + componentTagName + '> must exist'); let searchBox = wikiComponent.element(by.tagName('input')); expect(searchBox).toBeDefined(' for search must exist'); searchBox.sendKeys(keyPressed).then(function () { let resultList = wikiComponent.all(by.tagName('li')); if (hasListBeforeSearch) { expect(resultList.count()).toBeGreaterThan(0, 'result list should not be empty before search'); } setTimeout(function() { expect(resultList.count()).toBeGreaterThan(0, 'result list should not be empty after search'); done(); }, searchWait); }); } });