import { ddescribe, describe, it, iit, xit, expect, beforeEach, afterEach, fakeAsync, tick, el } from 'angular2/testing_internal'; import {ControlGroup, Control, Validators, AbstractControl, ControlArray} from 'angular2/core'; import {PromiseWrapper} from 'angular2/src/core/facade/promise'; import {EventEmitter, ObservableWrapper, TimerWrapper} from 'angular2/src/core/facade/async'; import {CONST_EXPR} from 'angular2/src/core/facade/lang'; export function main() { function validator(key: string, error: any) { return function(c: AbstractControl) { var r = {}; r[key] = error; return r; } } describe("Validators", () => { describe("required", () => { it("should error on an empty string", () => { expect(Validators.required(new Control(""))).toEqual({"required": true}); }); it("should error on null", () => { expect(Validators.required(new Control(null))).toEqual({"required": true}); }); it("should not error on a non-empty string", () => { expect(Validators.required(new Control("not empty"))).toEqual(null); }); }); describe("minLength", () => { it("should not error on an empty string", () => { expect(Validators.minLength(2)(new Control(""))).toEqual(null); }); it("should not error on null", () => { expect(Validators.minLength(2)(new Control(null))).toEqual(null); }); it("should not error on valid strings", () => { expect(Validators.minLength(2)(new Control("aa"))).toEqual(null); }); it("should error on short strings", () => { expect(Validators.minLength(2)(new Control("a"))) .toEqual({"minlength": {"requiredLength": 2, "actualLength": 1}}); }); }); describe("maxLength", () => { it("should not error on an empty string", () => { expect(Validators.maxLength(2)(new Control(""))).toEqual(null); }); it("should not error on null", () => { expect(Validators.maxLength(2)(new Control(null))).toEqual(null); }); it("should not error on valid strings", () => { expect(Validators.maxLength(2)(new Control("aa"))).toEqual(null); }); it("should error on short strings", () => { expect(Validators.maxLength(2)(new Control("aaa"))) .toEqual({"maxlength": {"requiredLength": 2, "actualLength": 3}}); }); }); describe("compose", () => { it("should return null when given null", () => { expect(Validators.compose(null)).toBe(null); }); it("should collect errors from all the validators", () => { var c = Validators.compose([validator("a", true), validator("b", true)]); expect(c(new Control(""))).toEqual({"a": true, "b": true}); }); it("should run validators left to right", () => { var c = Validators.compose([validator("a", 1), validator("a", 2)]); expect(c(new Control(""))).toEqual({"a": 2}); }); it("should return null when no errors", () => { var c = Validators.compose([Validators.nullValidator, Validators.nullValidator]); expect(c(new Control(""))).toEqual(null); }); it("should ignore nulls", () => { var c = Validators.compose([null, Validators.required]); expect(c(new Control(""))).toEqual({"required": true}); }); }); describe("composeAsync", () => { function asyncValidator(expected, response) { return (c) => { var emitter = new EventEmitter(); var res = c.value != expected ? response : null; PromiseWrapper.scheduleMicrotask(() => { ObservableWrapper.callNext(emitter, res); // this is required because of a bug in ObservableWrapper // where callComplete can fire before callNext // remove this one the bug is fixed TimerWrapper.setTimeout(() => { ObservableWrapper.callComplete(emitter); }, 0); }); return emitter; }; } it("should return null when given null", () => { expect(Validators.composeAsync(null)).toEqual(null); }); it("should collect errors from all the validators", fakeAsync(() => { var c = Validators.composeAsync([ asyncValidator("expected", {"one": true}), asyncValidator("expected", {"two": true}) ]); var value = null; c(new Control("invalid")).then(v => value = v); tick(1); expect(value).toEqual({"one": true, "two": true}); })); it("should return null when no errors", fakeAsync(() => { var c = Validators.composeAsync([asyncValidator("expected", {"one": true})]); var value = null; c(new Control("expected")).then(v => value = v); tick(1); expect(value).toEqual(null); })); it("should ignore nulls", fakeAsync(() => { var c = Validators.composeAsync([asyncValidator("expected", {"one": true}), null]); var value = null; c(new Control("invalid")).then(v => value = v); tick(1); expect(value).toEqual({"one": true}); })); }); }); }