/** * @license * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ import {Directive, OnChanges, OnDestroy, Pipe, PipeTransform, SimpleChange, SimpleChanges, WrappedValue} from '@angular/core'; import {expect} from '@angular/platform-browser/testing/src/matchers'; import {NgOnChangesFeature, defineComponent, defineDirective, definePipe} from '../../src/render3/definition'; import {bind, container, containerRefreshEnd, containerRefreshStart, elementEnd, elementProperty, elementStart, embeddedViewEnd, embeddedViewStart, interpolation1, load, text, textBinding} from '../../src/render3/instructions'; import {pipe, pipeBind1, pipeBind3, pipeBind4, pipeBindV} from '../../src/render3/pipe'; import {RenderLog, getRendererFactory2, patchLoggingRenderer2} from './imported_renderer2'; import {renderComponent, renderToHtml} from './render_util'; let log: string[] = []; let person: Person; let renderLog: RenderLog = new RenderLog(); const rendererFactory2 = getRendererFactory2(document); patchLoggingRenderer2(rendererFactory2, renderLog); describe('pipe', () => { beforeEach(() => { log = []; renderLog.clear(); person = new Person(); }); it('should support interpolation', () => { function Template(person: Person, cm: boolean) { if (cm) { text(0); pipe(1, CountingPipe.ngPipeDef); } textBinding(0, interpolation1('', pipeBind1(1, person.name), '')); } person.init('bob', null); expect(renderToHtml(Template, person)).toEqual('bob state:0'); }); it('should support bindings', () => { let directive: any = null; @Directive({selector: '[my-dir]', inputs: ['dirProp: elprop'], exportAs: 'mydir'}) class MyDir { dirProp: string; constructor() { this.dirProp = ''; } static ngDirectiveDef = defineDirective({type: MyDir, factory: () => new MyDir(), inputs: {dirProp: 'elprop'}}); } @Pipe({name: 'double'}) class DoublePipe implements PipeTransform { transform(value: any) { return `${value}${value}`; } static ngPipeDef = definePipe({ type: DoublePipe, factory: function DoublePipe_Factory() { return new DoublePipe(); }, }); } function Template(ctx: string, cm: boolean) { if (cm) { elementStart(0, 'div', null, [MyDir]); pipe(2, DoublePipe.ngPipeDef); elementEnd(); } elementProperty(0, 'elprop', bind(pipeBind1(2, ctx))); directive = load(1); } renderToHtml(Template, 'a'); expect(directive !.dirProp).toEqual('aa'); }); it('should support arguments in pipes', () => { function Template(person: Person, cm: boolean) { if (cm) { text(0); pipe(1, MultiArgPipe.ngPipeDef); } textBinding( 0, interpolation1('', pipeBind3(1, person.name, 'one', person.address !.city), '')); } person.init('value', new Address('two')); expect(renderToHtml(Template, person)).toEqual('value one two default'); }); it('should support calling pipes with different number of arguments', () => { function Template(person: Person, cm: boolean) { if (cm) { text(0); pipe(1, MultiArgPipe.ngPipeDef); pipe(2, MultiArgPipe.ngPipeDef); } textBinding( 0, interpolation1('', pipeBind4(2, pipeBindV(1, [person.name, 'a', 'b']), 0, 1, 2), '')); } person.init('value', null); expect(renderToHtml(Template, person)).toEqual('value a b default 0 1 2'); }); it('should do nothing when no change', () => { @Pipe({name: 'identityPipe'}) class IdentityPipe implements PipeTransform { transform(value: any) { return value; } static ngPipeDef = definePipe({ type: IdentityPipe, factory: function IdentityPipe_Factory() { return new IdentityPipe(); }, }); } function Template(person: Person, cm: boolean) { if (cm) { elementStart(0, 'div'); pipe(1, IdentityPipe.ngPipeDef); elementEnd(); } elementProperty(0, 'someProp', bind(pipeBind1(1, 'Megatron'))); } renderToHtml(Template, person, rendererFactory2); expect(renderLog.log).toEqual(['someProp=Megatron']); renderLog.clear(); renderToHtml(Template, person, rendererFactory2); expect(renderLog.log).toEqual([]); }); describe('pure', () => { it('should call pure pipes only if the arguments change', () => { function Template(person: Person, cm: boolean) { if (cm) { text(0); pipe(1, CountingPipe.ngPipeDef); } textBinding(0, interpolation1('', pipeBind1(1, person.name), '')); } // change from undefined -> null person.name = null; expect(renderToHtml(Template, person)).toEqual('null state:0'); expect(renderToHtml(Template, person)).toEqual('null state:0'); // change from null -> some value person.name = 'bob'; expect(renderToHtml(Template, person)).toEqual('bob state:1'); expect(renderToHtml(Template, person)).toEqual('bob state:1'); // change from some value -> some other value person.name = 'bart'; expect(renderToHtml(Template, person)).toEqual('bart state:2'); expect(renderToHtml(Template, person)).toEqual('bart state:2'); }); it('should cache pure pipes', () => { function Template(ctx: any, cm: boolean) { let pipeInstance; if (cm) { elementStart(0, 'div'); pipeInstance = pipe(1, CountingPipe.ngPipeDef); elementEnd(); elementStart(2, 'div'); pipe(3, CountingPipe.ngPipeDef, pipeInstance); elementEnd(); container(4); } elementProperty(0, 'someProp', bind(pipeBind1(1, true))); elementProperty(2, 'someProp', bind(pipeBind1(3, true))); pipeInstances.push(load(1), load(3)); containerRefreshStart(4); { for (let i of [1, 2]) { let cm1 = embeddedViewStart(1); { if (cm1) { elementStart(0, 'div'); pipe(1, CountingPipe.ngPipeDef, pipeInstance); elementEnd(); } elementProperty(0, 'someProp', bind(pipeBind1(1, true))); pipeInstances.push(load(1)); } embeddedViewEnd(); } } containerRefreshEnd(); } const pipeInstances: CountingPipe[] = []; renderToHtml(Template, {}, rendererFactory2); expect(pipeInstances.length).toEqual(4); expect(pipeInstances[0]).toBeAnInstanceOf(CountingPipe); expect(pipeInstances[1]).toBe(pipeInstances[0]); expect(pipeInstances[2]).toBe(pipeInstances[0]); expect(pipeInstances[3]).toBe(pipeInstances[0]); }); }); describe('impure', () => { it('should call impure pipes on each change detection run', () => { function Template(person: Person, cm: boolean) { if (cm) { text(0); pipe(1, CountingImpurePipe.ngPipeDef); } textBinding(0, interpolation1('', pipeBind1(1, person.name), '')); } person.name = 'bob'; expect(renderToHtml(Template, person)).toEqual('bob state:0'); expect(renderToHtml(Template, person)).toEqual('bob state:1'); }); it('should not cache impure pipes', () => { function Template(ctx: any, cm: boolean) { if (cm) { elementStart(0, 'div'); pipe(1, CountingImpurePipe.ngPipeDef); elementEnd(); elementStart(2, 'div'); pipe(3, CountingImpurePipe.ngPipeDef); elementEnd(); container(4); } elementProperty(0, 'someProp', bind(pipeBind1(1, true))); elementProperty(2, 'someProp', bind(pipeBind1(3, true))); pipeInstances.push(load(1), load(3)); containerRefreshStart(4); { for (let i of [1, 2]) { let cm1 = embeddedViewStart(1); { if (cm1) { elementStart(0, 'div'); pipe(1, CountingImpurePipe.ngPipeDef); elementEnd(); } elementProperty(0, 'someProp', bind(pipeBind1(1, true))); pipeInstances.push(load(1)); } embeddedViewEnd(); } } containerRefreshEnd(); } const pipeInstances: CountingImpurePipe[] = []; renderToHtml(Template, {}, rendererFactory2); expect(pipeInstances.length).toEqual(4); expect(pipeInstances[0]).toBeAnInstanceOf(CountingImpurePipe); expect(pipeInstances[1]).toBeAnInstanceOf(CountingImpurePipe); expect(pipeInstances[1]).not.toBe(pipeInstances[0]); expect(pipeInstances[2]).toBeAnInstanceOf(CountingImpurePipe); expect(pipeInstances[2]).not.toBe(pipeInstances[0]); expect(pipeInstances[3]).toBeAnInstanceOf(CountingImpurePipe); expect(pipeInstances[3]).not.toBe(pipeInstances[0]); }); }); describe('lifecycles', () => { @Pipe({name: 'pipeWithOnDestroy'}) class PipeWithOnDestroy implements PipeTransform, OnDestroy { ngOnDestroy() { log.push('pipeWithOnDestroy - ngOnDestroy'); } transform(value: any): any { return null; } static ngPipeDef = definePipe({ type: PipeWithOnDestroy, factory: function PipeWithOnDestroy_Factory() { return new PipeWithOnDestroy(); }, }); } it('should call ngOnDestroy on pipes', () => { function Template(person: Person, cm: boolean) { if (cm) { container(0); } containerRefreshStart(0); { if (person.age > 20) { let cm1 = embeddedViewStart(1); { if (cm1) { text(0); pipe(1, PipeWithOnDestroy.ngPipeDef); } textBinding(0, interpolation1('', pipeBind1(1, person.age), '')); } embeddedViewEnd(); } } containerRefreshEnd(); } person.age = 25; renderToHtml(Template, person); person.age = 15; renderToHtml(Template, person); expect(log).toEqual(['pipeWithOnDestroy - ngOnDestroy']); log = []; person.age = 30; renderToHtml(Template, person); expect(log).toEqual([]); log = []; person.age = 10; renderToHtml(Template, person); expect(log).toEqual(['pipeWithOnDestroy - ngOnDestroy']); }); }); }); @Pipe({name: 'countingPipe'}) class CountingPipe implements PipeTransform { state: number = 0; transform(value: any) { return `${value} state:${this.state++}`; } static ngPipeDef = definePipe({ type: CountingPipe, factory: function CountingPipe_Factory() { return new CountingPipe(); }, }); } @Pipe({name: 'countingImpurePipe', pure: false}) class CountingImpurePipe implements PipeTransform { state: number = 0; transform(value: any) { return `${value} state:${this.state++}`; } static ngPipeDef = definePipe({ type: CountingImpurePipe, factory: function CountingImpurePipe_Factory() { return new CountingImpurePipe(); }, pure: false, }); } @Pipe({name: 'multiArgPipe'}) class MultiArgPipe implements PipeTransform { transform(value: any, arg1: any, arg2: any, arg3 = 'default') { return `${value} ${arg1} ${arg2} ${arg3}`; } static ngPipeDef = definePipe({ type: MultiArgPipe, factory: function MultiArgPipe_Factory() { return new MultiArgPipe(); }, }); } class Person { age: number; name: string|null; address: Address|null = null; phones: number[]; init(name: string|null, address: Address|null = null) { this.name = name; this.address = address; } sayHi(m: any): string { return `Hi, ${m}`; } passThrough(val: any): any { return val; } toString(): string { const address = this.address == null ? '' : ' address=' + this.address.toString(); return 'name=' + this.name + address; } } class Address { cityGetterCalls: number = 0; zipCodeGetterCalls: number = 0; constructor(public _city: string, public _zipcode: any = null) {} get city() { this.cityGetterCalls++; return this._city; } get zipcode() { this.zipCodeGetterCalls++; return this._zipcode; } set city(v) { this._city = v; } set zipcode(v) { this._zipcode = v; } toString(): string { return this.city || '-'; } }