/** * @license * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ import * as o from '@angular/compiler/src/output/output_ast'; import {NodePath, PluginObj, transformSync} from '@babel/core'; import generate from '@babel/generator'; import * as t from '@babel/types'; import {FileLinker} from '../../../linker'; import {MockFileSystemNative} from '../../../src/ngtsc/file_system/testing'; import {MockLogger} from '../../../src/ngtsc/logging/testing'; import {PartialDirectiveLinkerVersion1} from '../../src/file_linker/partial_linkers/partial_directive_linker_1'; import {createEs2015LinkerPlugin} from '../src/es2015_linker_plugin'; describe('createEs2015LinkerPlugin()', () => { it('should return a Babel plugin visitor that handles Program (enter/exit) and CallExpression nodes', () => { const fileSystem = new MockFileSystemNative(); const logger = new MockLogger(); const plugin = createEs2015LinkerPlugin({fileSystem, logger}); expect(plugin.visitor).toEqual({ Program: { enter: jasmine.any(Function), exit: jasmine.any(Function), }, CallExpression: jasmine.any(Function), }); }); it('should return a Babel plugin that calls FileLinker.isPartialDeclaration() on each call expression', () => { const isPartialDeclarationSpy = spyOn(FileLinker.prototype, 'isPartialDeclaration'); const fileSystem = new MockFileSystemNative(); const logger = new MockLogger(); const plugin = createEs2015LinkerPlugin({fileSystem, logger}); transformSync( [ 'var core;', `fn1()`, 'fn2({prop: () => fn3({})});', `x.method(() => fn4());`, 'spread(...x);' ].join('\n'), { plugins: [plugin], filename: '/test.js', parserOpts: {sourceType: 'unambiguous'}, }); expect(isPartialDeclarationSpy.calls.allArgs()).toEqual([ ['fn1'], ['fn2'], ['fn3'], ['method'], ['fn4'], ['spread'], ]); }); it('should return a Babel plugin that calls FileLinker.linkPartialDeclaration() on each matching declaration', () => { const linkSpy = spyOn(FileLinker.prototype, 'linkPartialDeclaration') .and.returnValue(t.identifier('REPLACEMENT')); const fileSystem = new MockFileSystemNative(); const logger = new MockLogger(); const plugin = createEs2015LinkerPlugin({fileSystem, logger}); transformSync( [ 'var core;', `ɵɵngDeclareDirective({version: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER', ngImport: core, x: 1});`, `ɵɵngDeclareComponent({version: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER', ngImport: core, foo: () => ɵɵngDeclareDirective({version: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER', ngImport: core, x: 2})});`, `x.qux(() => ɵɵngDeclareDirective({version: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER', ngImport: core, x: 3}));`, 'spread(...x);', ].join('\n'), { plugins: [createEs2015LinkerPlugin({fileSystem, logger})], filename: '/test.js', parserOpts: {sourceType: 'unambiguous'}, }); expect(humanizeLinkerCalls(linkSpy.calls)).toEqual([ ['ɵɵngDeclareDirective', '{version:\'0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER\',ngImport:core,x:1}'], [ 'ɵɵngDeclareComponent', '{version:\'0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER\',ngImport:core,foo:()=>ɵɵngDeclareDirective({version:\'0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER\',ngImport:core,x:2})}' ], // Note we do not process `x:2` declaration since it is nested within another declaration ['ɵɵngDeclareDirective', '{version:\'0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER\',ngImport:core,x:3}'] ]); }); it('should return a Babel plugin that replaces call expressions with the return value from FileLinker.linkPartialDeclaration()', () => { let replaceCount = 0; spyOn(FileLinker.prototype, 'linkPartialDeclaration') .and.callFake(() => t.identifier('REPLACEMENT_' + ++replaceCount)); const fileSystem = new MockFileSystemNative(); const logger = new MockLogger(); const plugin = createEs2015LinkerPlugin({fileSystem, logger}); const result = transformSync( [ 'var core;', 'ɵɵngDeclareDirective({version: \'0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER\', ngImport: core});', 'ɵɵngDeclareDirective({version: \'0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER\', ngImport: core, foo: () => bar({})});', 'x.qux();', 'spread(...x);', ].join('\n'), { plugins: [createEs2015LinkerPlugin({fileSystem, logger})], filename: '/test.js', parserOpts: {sourceType: 'unambiguous'}, generatorOpts: {compact: true}, }); expect(result!.code).toEqual('var core;REPLACEMENT_1;REPLACEMENT_2;x.qux();spread(...x);'); }); it('should return a Babel plugin that adds shared statements after any imports', () => { spyOnLinkPartialDeclarationWithConstants(o.literal('REPLACEMENT')); const fileSystem = new MockFileSystemNative(); const logger = new MockLogger(); const plugin = createEs2015LinkerPlugin({fileSystem, logger}); const result = transformSync( [ 'import * as core from \'some-module\';', 'import {id} from \'other-module\';', `ɵɵngDeclareDirective({version: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER', ngImport: core})`, `ɵɵngDeclareDirective({version: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER', ngImport: core})`, `ɵɵngDeclareDirective({version: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER', ngImport: core})`, ].join('\n'), { plugins: [createEs2015LinkerPlugin({fileSystem, logger})], filename: '/test.js', parserOpts: {sourceType: 'unambiguous'}, generatorOpts: {compact: true}, }); expect(result!.code) .toEqual( 'import*as core from\'some-module\';import{id}from\'other-module\';const _c0=[1];const _c1=[2];const _c2=[3];"REPLACEMENT";"REPLACEMENT";"REPLACEMENT";'); }); it('should return a Babel plugin that adds shared statements at the start of the program if it is an ECMAScript Module and there are no imports', () => { spyOnLinkPartialDeclarationWithConstants(o.literal('REPLACEMENT')); const fileSystem = new MockFileSystemNative(); const logger = new MockLogger(); const plugin = createEs2015LinkerPlugin({fileSystem, logger}); const result = transformSync( [ 'var core;', `ɵɵngDeclareDirective({version: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER', ngImport: core})`, `ɵɵngDeclareDirective({version: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER', ngImport: core})`, `ɵɵngDeclareDirective({version: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER', ngImport: core})`, ].join('\n'), { plugins: [createEs2015LinkerPlugin({fileSystem, logger})], filename: '/test.js', // We declare the file as a module because this cannot be inferred from the source parserOpts: {sourceType: 'module'}, generatorOpts: {compact: true}, }); expect(result!.code) .toEqual( 'const _c0=[1];const _c1=[2];const _c2=[3];var core;"REPLACEMENT";"REPLACEMENT";"REPLACEMENT";'); }); it('should return a Babel plugin that adds shared statements at the start of the function body if the ngImport is from a function parameter', () => { spyOnLinkPartialDeclarationWithConstants(o.literal('REPLACEMENT')); const fileSystem = new MockFileSystemNative(); const logger = new MockLogger(); const plugin = createEs2015LinkerPlugin({fileSystem, logger}); const result = transformSync( [ 'function run(core) {', ` ɵɵngDeclareDirective({version: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER', ngImport: core})`, ` ɵɵngDeclareDirective({version: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER', ngImport: core})`, ` ɵɵngDeclareDirective({version: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER', ngImport: core})`, '}' ].join('\n'), { plugins: [createEs2015LinkerPlugin({fileSystem, logger})], filename: '/test.js', parserOpts: {sourceType: 'unambiguous'}, generatorOpts: {compact: true}, }); expect(result!.code) .toEqual( 'function run(core){const _c0=[1];const _c1=[2];const _c2=[3];"REPLACEMENT";"REPLACEMENT";"REPLACEMENT";}'); }); it('should return a Babel plugin that adds shared statements into an IIFE if no scope could not be derived for the ngImport', () => { spyOnLinkPartialDeclarationWithConstants(o.literal('REPLACEMENT')); const fileSystem = new MockFileSystemNative(); const logger = new MockLogger(); const plugin = createEs2015LinkerPlugin({fileSystem, logger}); const result = transformSync( [ 'function run() {', ` ɵɵngDeclareDirective({version: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER', ngImport: core})`, ` ɵɵngDeclareDirective({version: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER', ngImport: core})`, ` ɵɵngDeclareDirective({version: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER', ngImport: core})`, '}', ].join('\n'), { plugins: [createEs2015LinkerPlugin({fileSystem, logger})], filename: '/test.js', parserOpts: {sourceType: 'unambiguous'}, generatorOpts: {compact: true}, }); expect(result!.code).toEqual([ `function run(){`, `(function(){const _c0=[1];return"REPLACEMENT";})();`, `(function(){const _c0=[2];return"REPLACEMENT";})();`, `(function(){const _c0=[3];return"REPLACEMENT";})();`, `}`, ].join('')); }); it('should still execute other plugins that match AST nodes inside the result of the replacement', () => { spyOnLinkPartialDeclarationWithConstants(o.fn([], [], null, null, 'FOO')); const fileSystem = new MockFileSystemNative(); const logger = new MockLogger(); const plugin = createEs2015LinkerPlugin({fileSystem, logger}); const result = transformSync( [ `ɵɵngDeclareDirective({version: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER', ngImport: core}); FOO;`, ].join('\n'), { plugins: [ createEs2015LinkerPlugin({fileSystem, logger}), createIdentifierMapperPlugin('FOO', 'BAR'), createIdentifierMapperPlugin('_c0', 'x1'), ], filename: '/test.js', parserOpts: {sourceType: 'module'}, generatorOpts: {compact: true}, }); expect(result!.code).toEqual([ `(function(){const x1=[1];return function BAR(){};})();BAR;`, ].join('')); }); it('should not process call expressions within inserted functions', () => { spyOn(PartialDirectiveLinkerVersion1.prototype, 'linkPartialDeclaration') .and.callFake((constantPool => { // Insert a call expression into the constant pool. This is inserted into // Babel's AST upon program exit, and will therefore be visited by Babel // outside of an active linker context. constantPool.statements.push( o.fn(/* params */[], /* body */[], /* type */ undefined, /* sourceSpan */ undefined, /* name */ 'inserted') .callFn([]) .toStmt()); return o.literal('REPLACEMENT'); }) as typeof PartialDirectiveLinkerVersion1.prototype.linkPartialDeclaration); const isPartialDeclarationSpy = spyOn(FileLinker.prototype, 'isPartialDeclaration').and.callThrough(); const fileSystem = new MockFileSystemNative(); const logger = new MockLogger(); const plugin = createEs2015LinkerPlugin({fileSystem, logger}); const result = transformSync( [ 'import * as core from \'some-module\';', `ɵɵngDeclareDirective({version: '0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER', ngImport: core})`, ].join('\n'), { plugins: [createEs2015LinkerPlugin({fileSystem, logger})], filename: '/test.js', parserOpts: {sourceType: 'unambiguous'}, generatorOpts: {compact: true}, }); expect(result!.code) .toEqual('import*as core from\'some-module\';(function inserted(){})();"REPLACEMENT";'); expect(isPartialDeclarationSpy.calls.allArgs()).toEqual([['ɵɵngDeclareDirective']]); }); }); /** * Convert the arguments of the spied-on `calls` into a human readable array. */ function humanizeLinkerCalls( calls: jasmine.Calls) { return calls.all().map(({args: [fn, args]}) => [fn, generate(args[0], {compact: true}).code]); } /** * Spy on the `PartialDirectiveLinkerVersion1.linkPartialDeclaration()` method, triggering * shared constants to be created. */ function spyOnLinkPartialDeclarationWithConstants(replacement: o.Expression) { let callCount = 0; spyOn(PartialDirectiveLinkerVersion1.prototype, 'linkPartialDeclaration') .and.callFake((constantPool => { const constArray = o.literalArr([o.literal(++callCount)]); // We have to add the constant twice or it will not create a shared statement constantPool.getConstLiteral(constArray); constantPool.getConstLiteral(constArray); return replacement; }) as typeof PartialDirectiveLinkerVersion1.prototype.linkPartialDeclaration); } /** * A simple Babel plugin that will replace all identifiers that match `` with identifiers * called ``. */ function createIdentifierMapperPlugin(src: string, dest: string): PluginObj { return { visitor: { Identifier(path: NodePath) { if (path.node.name === src) { path.replaceWith(t.identifier(dest)); } } }, }; }