/* * Angular.io Example File Path Directive * * Usage: * some_path * * * The latter gets treated as a block tag in markdown when at the start of a line. * * Yields * some_path_possibly_adjusted * * The given path is assumed to be a TS app directory or * source file path. When this directive is used in Dart docs * it adjusts the path to conform to Dart directory and file * name conventions. See NgIoUtil.adjustTsExamplePathForDart() * for details. */ angularIO.directive('ngioEx', ['$location', function ($location) { return { restrict: 'AE', compile: function (tElement, attrs) { var examplePath = attrs.path || tElement.text(); if (NgIoUtil.isDartDoc($location) || attrs.lang === 'dart') { examplePath = NgIoUtil.adjustTsExamplePathForDart(examplePath); } var template = '' + examplePath + ''; // UPDATE ELEMENT WITH NEW TEMPLATE tElement.html(template); // RETURN ELEMENT return function (scope, element, attrs) { }; } }; }]);