include ../_util-fns // The docs standard h4 style uppercases, making code terms unreadable. Override it. style. h4 {font-size: 17px !important; text-transform: none !important;} .syntax { font-family: Consolas, 'Lucida Sans', Courier, sans-serif; color: black; font-size: 85%; } :marked [**Webpack**]( is a popular module bundler, a tool for bundling application source code in convenient _chunks_ and for loading that code from a server into a browser. [**Webpack**](是一个广受欢迎的模块打包器, 这个工具用来把程序源码打包到一些方便易用的_块_中,以便把这些代码从服务器加载到浏览器中。 It's an excellent alternative to the *SystemJS* approach used elsewhere in the documentation. This guide offers a taste of Webpack and explains how to use it with Angular applications. 它是我们在文档中到处使用的*SystemJS*的一个优秀替代品。这篇指南会带我们尝尝Webpack的滋味,并解释如何在Angular程序中使用它。 a#top :marked # Contents # 目录 *[What is Webpack?](#what-is-webpack) [什么是Webpack?](#what-is-webpack) * [Entries and outputs](#entries-outputs) [入口与输出](#entries-outputs) * [Multiple bundles](#multiple-bundles) [多重包](#multiple-bundles) * [Loaders](#loaders) [加载器](#loaders) * [Plugins](#plugins) [插件](#plugins) * [Configuring Webpack](#configure-webpack) [配置Webpack](#configure-webpack) * [Polyfills](#polyfills) * [Common configuration](#common-configuration) [公共配置](#common-configuration) * [Inside `webpack.common.js`](#inside-webpack-commonjs) [深入`webpack.common.js`](#inside-webpack-commonjs) * [entry](#common-entries) [入口](#common-entries) * [resolve extension-less imports](#common-resolves) [解析无扩展名的导入](#common-resolves) * [`module.rules`](#common-rules) * [Plugins](#plugins) [插件](#plugins) * [`CommonsChunkPlugin`](#commons-chunk-plugin) * [`HtmlWebpackPlugin`](#html-webpack-plugin) * [Environment specific configuration](#environment-configuration) [针对特定环境进行配置](#environment-configuration) * [Development configuration](#development-configuration) [开发环境配置](#development-configuration) * [Production configuration](#production-configuration) [生产环境配置](#production-configuration) * [Test configuration](#test-configuration) [测试环境配置](#test-configuration) * [Trying it out](#try) [试一下](#try) * [Highlights](#highlights) [重点](#highlights) * [Conclusion](#conclusion) [总结](#conclusion) You can also download the final result. 你还可以点这里下载最终结果。 .l-main-section :marked ## What is Webpack? ## 什么是Webpack? Webpack is a powerful module bundler. A _bundle_ is a JavaScript file that incorporates _assets_ that *belong* together and should be served to the client in a response to a single file request. A bundle can include JavaScript, CSS styles, HTML, and almost any other kind of file. Webpack是一个强力的模块打包器。 所谓_包(bundle)_就是一个JavaScript文件,它把一堆_资源(assets)_合并在一起,以便它们可以在同一个文件请求中发回给客户端。 包中可以包含JavaScript、CSS样式、HTML以及很多其它类型的文件。 Webpack roams over your application source code, looking for `import` statements, building a dependency graph, and emitting one or more _bundles_. With plugins and rules, Webpack can preprocess and minify different non-JavaScript files such as TypeScript, SASS, and LESS files. Webpack会遍历你应用中的所有源码,查找`import`语句,构建出依赖图谱,并产出一个(或多个)_包_。 通过插件和规则,Webpack可以对各种非JavaScript文件进行预处理和最小化(Minify),比如TypeScript、SASS和LESS文件等。 You determine what Webpack does and how it does it with a JavaScript configuration file, `webpack.config.js`. 我们通过一个JavaScript配置文件`webpack.config.js`来决定Webpack做什么以及如何做。 a(id="entries-outputs") .l-main-section :marked ### Entries and outputs ### 入口与输出 You supply Webpack with one or more *entry* files and let it find and incorporate the dependencies that radiate from those entries. The one entry point file in this example is the application's root file, `src/main.ts`: 我们给Webpack提供一个或多个*入口*文件,来让它查找与合并那些从这些入口点发散出去的依赖。 在下面这个例子中,我们的入口点是该应用的根文件`src/app.ts`: +makeExample('webpack/ts/config/webpack.common.js', 'one-entry', 'webpack.config.js (single entry)')(format=".") :marked Webpack inspects that file and traverses its `import` dependencies recursively. Webpack探查那个文件,并且递归遍历它的`import`依赖。 +makeExample('webpack/ts/src/app/app.component.ts', 'component', 'src/main.ts')(format=".") :marked It sees that you're importing `@angular/core` so it adds that to its dependency list for potential inclusion in the bundle. It opens the `@angular/core` file and follows _its_ network of `import` statements until it has built the complete dependency graph from `main.ts` down. 这里,Webpack看到我们正在导入`@angular/core`,于是就这个文件加入到它的依赖列表里,为(有可能)把该文件打进包中做准备。 它打开`@angular/core`并追踪由_该文件的_`import`语句构成的网络,直到构建出从`main.ts`往下的整个依赖图谱。 Then it **outputs** these files to the `app.js` _bundle file_ designated in configuration: 然后它把这些文件**输出**到当前配置所指定的_包文件_`app.js`中: .code-example code-example(name="webpack.config.js (single output)" language="javascript"). output: { filename: 'app.js' } :marked This `app.js` output bundle is a single JavaScript file that contains the application source and its dependencies. You'll load it later with a `