/** * @license * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ import * as html from '../../src/ml_parser/ast'; import {ParseTreeResult} from '../../src/ml_parser/html_parser'; import {ParseLocation} from '../../src/parse_util'; export function humanizeDom(parseResult: ParseTreeResult, addSourceSpan: boolean = false): any[] { if (parseResult.errors.length > 0) { const errorString = parseResult.errors.join('\n'); throw new Error(`Unexpected parse errors:\n${errorString}`); } return humanizeNodes(parseResult.rootNodes, addSourceSpan); } export function humanizeDomSourceSpans(parseResult: ParseTreeResult): any[] { return humanizeDom(parseResult, true); } export function humanizeNodes(nodes: html.Node[], addSourceSpan: boolean = false): any[] { const humanizer = new _Humanizer(addSourceSpan); html.visitAll(humanizer, nodes); return humanizer.result; } export function humanizeLineColumn(location: ParseLocation): string { return `${location.line}:${location.col}`; } class _Humanizer implements html.Visitor { result: any[] = []; elDepth: number = 0; constructor(private includeSourceSpan: boolean) {} visitElement(element: html.Element, context: any): any { const res = this._appendContext(element, [html.Element, element.name, this.elDepth++]); this.result.push(res); html.visitAll(this, element.attrs); html.visitAll(this, element.children); this.elDepth--; } visitAttribute(attribute: html.Attribute, context: any): any { const res = this._appendContext(attribute, [html.Attribute, attribute.name, attribute.value]); this.result.push(res); } visitText(text: html.Text, context: any): any { const res = this._appendContext(text, [html.Text, text.value, this.elDepth]); this.result.push(res); } visitComment(comment: html.Comment, context: any): any { const res = this._appendContext(comment, [html.Comment, comment.value, this.elDepth]); this.result.push(res); } visitExpansion(expansion: html.Expansion, context: any): any { const res = this._appendContext( expansion, [html.Expansion, expansion.switchValue, expansion.type, this.elDepth++]); this.result.push(res); html.visitAll(this, expansion.cases); this.elDepth--; } visitExpansionCase(expansionCase: html.ExpansionCase, context: any): any { const res = this._appendContext(expansionCase, [html.ExpansionCase, expansionCase.value, this.elDepth]); this.result.push(res); } private _appendContext(ast: html.Node, input: any[]): any[] { if (!this.includeSourceSpan) return input; input.push(ast.sourceSpan!.toString()); return input; } }