#!/bin/bash set -eux -o pipefail # Set up env source "`dirname $0`/_env.sh" # Build `scripts-js/` ( cd "$SCRIPTS_JS_DIR" yarn install yarn build ) # Preverify PR AIO_GITHUB_ORGANIZATION="angular" \ AIO_GITHUB_TEAM_SLUGS="angular-core,aio-contributors" \ AIO_GITHUB_TOKEN=$(echo ${GITHUB_TEAM_MEMBERSHIP_CHECK_KEY} | rev) \ AIO_REPO_SLUG=$TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG \ AIO_TRUSTED_PR_LABEL="aio: preview" \ AIO_PREVERIFY_PR=$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST \ node "$SCRIPTS_JS_DIR/dist/lib/upload-server/index-preverify-pr" # Exit codes: # - 0: The PR can be automatically trusted (i.e. author belongs to trusted team or PR has the "trusted PR" label). # - 1: An error occurred. # - 2: The PR cannot be automatically trusted.