/** * @license * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ import {noop} from '../../../compiler/src/render3/view/util'; import {getTranslationForTemplate, ɵɵi18nAttributes, ɵɵi18nPostprocess, ɵɵi18nStart} from '../../src/render3/i18n'; import {setDelayProjection, ɵɵelementEnd, ɵɵelementStart} from '../../src/render3/instructions/all'; import {COMMENT_MARKER, ELEMENT_MARKER, I18nMutateOpCode, I18nUpdateOpCode, I18nUpdateOpCodes, TI18n} from '../../src/render3/interfaces/i18n'; import {HEADER_OFFSET, LView, TVIEW} from '../../src/render3/interfaces/view'; import {getNativeByIndex} from '../../src/render3/util/view_utils'; import {TemplateFixture} from './render_util'; describe('Runtime i18n', () => { afterEach(() => { setDelayProjection(false); }); describe('getTranslationForTemplate', () => { it('should crop messages for the selected template', () => { let message = `simple text`; expect(getTranslationForTemplate(message)).toEqual(message); message = `Hello �0�!`; expect(getTranslationForTemplate(message)).toEqual(message); message = `Hello �#2��0��/#2�!`; expect(getTranslationForTemplate(message)).toEqual(message); // Embedded sub-templates message = `�0� is rendered as: �*2:1�before�*1:2�middle�/*1:2�after�/*2:1�!`; expect(getTranslationForTemplate(message)).toEqual('�0� is rendered as: �*2:1��/*2:1�!'); expect(getTranslationForTemplate(message, 1)).toEqual('before�*1:2��/*1:2�after'); expect(getTranslationForTemplate(message, 2)).toEqual('middle'); // Embedded & sibling sub-templates message = `�0� is rendered as: �*2:1�before�*1:2�middle�/*1:2�after�/*2:1� and also �*4:3�before�*1:4�middle�/*1:4�after�/*4:3�!`; expect(getTranslationForTemplate(message)) .toEqual('�0� is rendered as: �*2:1��/*2:1� and also �*4:3��/*4:3�!'); expect(getTranslationForTemplate(message, 1)).toEqual('before�*1:2��/*1:2�after'); expect(getTranslationForTemplate(message, 2)).toEqual('middle'); expect(getTranslationForTemplate(message, 3)).toEqual('before�*1:4��/*1:4�after'); expect(getTranslationForTemplate(message, 4)).toEqual('middle'); }); it('should throw if the template is malformed', () => { const message = `�*2:1�message!`; expect(() => getTranslationForTemplate(message)).toThrowError(/Tag mismatch/); }); }); function prepareFixture( createTemplate: () => void, updateTemplate: (() => void)|null, nbConsts = 0, nbVars = 0): TemplateFixture { return new TemplateFixture(createTemplate, updateTemplate || noop, nbConsts, nbVars); } function getOpCodes( createTemplate: () => void, updateTemplate: (() => void)|null, nbConsts: number, index: number): TI18n|I18nUpdateOpCodes { const fixture = prepareFixture(createTemplate, updateTemplate, nbConsts); const tView = fixture.hostView[TVIEW]; return tView.data[index + HEADER_OFFSET] as TI18n; } describe('i18nStart', () => { it('for text', () => { const MSG_DIV = `simple text`; const nbConsts = 1; const index = 0; const opCodes = getOpCodes(() => { ɵɵi18nStart(index, MSG_DIV); }, null, nbConsts, index); // Check debug const debugOps = (opCodes as any).create.debug!.operations; expect(debugOps[0].__raw_opCode).toBe('simple text'); expect(debugOps[0].type).toBe('Create Text Node'); expect(debugOps[0].nodeIndex).toBe(1); expect(debugOps[0].text).toBe('simple text'); expect(debugOps[1].__raw_opCode).toBe(1); expect(debugOps[1].type).toBe('AppendChild'); expect(debugOps[1].nodeIndex).toBe(0); expect(opCodes).toEqual({ vars: 1, create: [ 'simple text', nbConsts, index << I18nMutateOpCode.SHIFT_PARENT | I18nMutateOpCode.AppendChild ], update: [], icus: null }); }); it('for elements', () => { const MSG_DIV = `Hello �#2�world�/#2� and �#3�universe�/#3�!`; // Template: `
and universe!` // 3 consts for the 2 divs and 1 span + 1 const for `i18nStart` = 4 consts const nbConsts = 4; const index = 1; const elementIndex = 2; const elementIndex2 = 3; const opCodes = getOpCodes(() => { ɵɵi18nStart(index, MSG_DIV); }, null, nbConsts, index); expect(opCodes).toEqual({ vars: 5, create: [ 'Hello ', nbConsts, index << I18nMutateOpCode.SHIFT_PARENT | I18nMutateOpCode.AppendChild, elementIndex << I18nMutateOpCode.SHIFT_REF | I18nMutateOpCode.Select, index << I18nMutateOpCode.SHIFT_PARENT | I18nMutateOpCode.AppendChild, 'world', nbConsts + 1, elementIndex << I18nMutateOpCode.SHIFT_PARENT | I18nMutateOpCode.AppendChild, elementIndex << I18nMutateOpCode.SHIFT_REF | I18nMutateOpCode.ElementEnd, ' and ', nbConsts + 2, index << I18nMutateOpCode.SHIFT_PARENT | I18nMutateOpCode.AppendChild, elementIndex2 << I18nMutateOpCode.SHIFT_REF | I18nMutateOpCode.Select, index << I18nMutateOpCode.SHIFT_PARENT | I18nMutateOpCode.AppendChild, 'universe', nbConsts + 3, elementIndex2 << I18nMutateOpCode.SHIFT_PARENT | I18nMutateOpCode.AppendChild, elementIndex2 << I18nMutateOpCode.SHIFT_REF | I18nMutateOpCode.ElementEnd, '!', nbConsts + 4, index << I18nMutateOpCode.SHIFT_PARENT | I18nMutateOpCode.AppendChild, ], update: [], icus: null }); }); it('for simple bindings', () => { const MSG_DIV = `Hello �0�!`; const nbConsts = 2; const index = 1; const opCodes = getOpCodes(() => { ɵɵi18nStart(index, MSG_DIV); }, null, nbConsts, index); expect((opCodes as any).update.debug.operations).toEqual([ {__raw_opCode: 8, checkBit: 1, type: 'Text', nodeIndex: 2, text: 'Hello �0�!'} ]); expect(opCodes).toEqual({ vars: 1, create: ['', nbConsts, index << I18nMutateOpCode.SHIFT_PARENT | I18nMutateOpCode.AppendChild], update: [ 0b1, // bindings mask 4, // if no update, skip 4 'Hello ', -1, // binding index '!', (index + 1) << I18nUpdateOpCode.SHIFT_REF | I18nUpdateOpCode.Text ], icus: null }); }); it('for multiple bindings', () => { const MSG_DIV = `Hello �0� and �1�, again �0�!`; const nbConsts = 2; const index = 1; const opCodes = getOpCodes(() => { ɵɵi18nStart(index, MSG_DIV); }, null, nbConsts, index); expect(opCodes).toEqual({ vars: 1, create: ['', nbConsts, index << I18nMutateOpCode.SHIFT_PARENT | I18nMutateOpCode.AppendChild], update: [ 0b11, // bindings mask 8, // if no update, skip 8 'Hello ', -1, ' and ', -2, ', again ', -1, '!', (index + 1) << I18nUpdateOpCode.SHIFT_REF | I18nUpdateOpCode.Text ], icus: null }); }); it('for sub-templates', () => { // Template: //
// {{value}} is rendered as: // // before middle after // // ! //
const MSG_DIV = `�0� is rendered as: �*2:1��#1:1�before�*2:2��#1:2�middle�/#1:2��/*2:2�after�/#1:1��/*2:1�!`; /**** Root template ****/ // �0� is rendered as: �*2:1��/*2:1�! let nbConsts = 3; let index = 1; const firstTextNode = 3; const rootTemplate = 2; let opCodes = getOpCodes(() => { ɵɵi18nStart(index, MSG_DIV); }, null, nbConsts, index); expect(opCodes).toEqual({ vars: 2, create: [ '', nbConsts, index << I18nMutateOpCode.SHIFT_PARENT | I18nMutateOpCode.AppendChild, ~rootTemplate << I18nMutateOpCode.SHIFT_REF | I18nMutateOpCode.Select, index << I18nMutateOpCode.SHIFT_PARENT | I18nMutateOpCode.AppendChild, '!', nbConsts + 1, index << I18nMutateOpCode.SHIFT_PARENT | I18nMutateOpCode.AppendChild, ], update: [ 0b1, // bindings mask 3, // if no update, skip 3 -1, // binding index ' is rendered as: ', firstTextNode << I18nUpdateOpCode.SHIFT_REF | I18nUpdateOpCode.Text ], icus: null }); /**** First sub-template ****/ // �#1:1�before�*2:2�middle�/*2:2�after�/#1:1� nbConsts = 3; index = 0; const spanElement = 1; const bElementSubTemplate = 2; opCodes = getOpCodes(() => { ɵɵi18nStart(index, MSG_DIV, 1); }, null, nbConsts, index); expect(opCodes).toEqual({ vars: 2, create: [ spanElement << I18nMutateOpCode.SHIFT_REF | I18nMutateOpCode.Select, index << I18nMutateOpCode.SHIFT_PARENT | I18nMutateOpCode.AppendChild, 'before', nbConsts, spanElement << I18nMutateOpCode.SHIFT_PARENT | I18nMutateOpCode.AppendChild, ~bElementSubTemplate << I18nMutateOpCode.SHIFT_REF | I18nMutateOpCode.Select, spanElement << I18nMutateOpCode.SHIFT_PARENT | I18nMutateOpCode.AppendChild, 'after', nbConsts + 1, spanElement << I18nMutateOpCode.SHIFT_PARENT | I18nMutateOpCode.AppendChild, spanElement << I18nMutateOpCode.SHIFT_REF | I18nMutateOpCode.ElementEnd, ], update: [], icus: null }); /**** Second sub-template ****/ // middle nbConsts = 2; index = 0; const bElement = 1; opCodes = getOpCodes(() => { ɵɵi18nStart(index, MSG_DIV, 2); }, null, nbConsts, index); expect(opCodes).toEqual({ vars: 1, create: [ bElement << I18nMutateOpCode.SHIFT_REF | I18nMutateOpCode.Select, index << I18nMutateOpCode.SHIFT_PARENT | I18nMutateOpCode.AppendChild, 'middle', nbConsts, bElement << I18nMutateOpCode.SHIFT_PARENT | I18nMutateOpCode.AppendChild, bElement << I18nMutateOpCode.SHIFT_REF | I18nMutateOpCode.ElementEnd, ], update: [], icus: null }); }); it('for ICU expressions', () => { const MSG_DIV = `{�0�, plural, =0 {no emails!} =1 {one email} other {�0� emails} }`; const nbConsts = 1; const index = 0; const opCodes = getOpCodes(() => { ɵɵi18nStart(index, MSG_DIV); }, null, nbConsts, index); const tIcuIndex = 0; const icuCommentNodeIndex = index + 1; const firstTextNodeIndex = index + 2; const bElementNodeIndex = index + 3; const iElementNodeIndex = index + 3; const spanElementNodeIndex = index + 3; const innerTextNode = index + 4; const lastTextNode = index + 5; const debugOps = (opCodes as any).update.debug.operations; expect(debugOps[0].__raw_opCode).toBe(6); expect(debugOps[0].checkBit).toBe(1); expect(debugOps[0].type).toBe('IcuSwitch'); expect(debugOps[0].nodeIndex).toBe(1); expect(debugOps[0].tIcuIndex).toBe(0); expect(debugOps[0].mainBinding).toBe('�0�'); expect(debugOps[1].__raw_opCode).toBe(7); expect(debugOps[1].checkBit).toBe(3); expect(debugOps[1].type).toBe('IcuUpdate'); expect(debugOps[1].nodeIndex).toBe(1); expect(debugOps[1].tIcuIndex).toBe(0); const icuDebugOps = (opCodes as any).icus[0].create[0].debug.operations; let op: any; let i = 0; op = icuDebugOps[i++]; expect(op.__raw_opCode).toBe('no '); expect(op.type).toBe('Create Text Node'); expect(op.nodeIndex).toBe(2); expect(op.text).toBe('no '); op = icuDebugOps[i++]; expect(op.__raw_opCode).toBe(131073); expect(op.type).toBe('AppendChild'); expect(op.nodeIndex).toBe(1); op = icuDebugOps[i++]; expect(op.__raw_opCode).toEqual({marker: 'element'}); expect(op.type).toBe('ELEMENT_MARKER'); op = icuDebugOps[i++]; expect(op.__raw_opCode).toBe('b'); expect(op.type).toBe('Create Text Node'); expect(op.nodeIndex).toBe(3); expect(op.text).toBe('b'); op = icuDebugOps[i++]; expect(op.__raw_opCode).toBe(131073); expect(op.type).toBe('AppendChild'); expect(op.nodeIndex).toBe(1); op = icuDebugOps[i++]; expect(op.__raw_opCode).toBe(28); expect(op.type).toBe('Attr'); expect(op.nodeIndex).toBe(3); expect(op.attrName).toBe('title'); expect(op.attrValue).toBe('none'); op = icuDebugOps[i++]; expect(op.__raw_opCode).toBe('emails'); expect(op.type).toBe('Create Text Node'); expect(op.nodeIndex).toBe(4); expect(op.text).toBe('emails'); op = icuDebugOps[i++]; expect(op.__raw_opCode).toBe(393217); expect(op.type).toBe('AppendChild'); expect(op.nodeIndex).toBe(3); op = icuDebugOps[i++]; expect(op.__raw_opCode).toBe('!'); expect(op.type).toBe('Create Text Node'); expect(op.nodeIndex).toBe(5); expect(op.text).toBe('!'); op = icuDebugOps[i++]; expect(op.__raw_opCode).toBe(131073); expect(op.type).toBe('AppendChild'); expect(op.nodeIndex).toBe(1); expect(opCodes).toEqual({ vars: 5, create: [ COMMENT_MARKER, 'ICU 1', icuCommentNodeIndex, index << I18nMutateOpCode.SHIFT_PARENT | I18nMutateOpCode.AppendChild ], update: [ 0b1, // mask for ICU main binding 3, // skip 3 if not changed -1, // icu main binding icuCommentNodeIndex << I18nUpdateOpCode.SHIFT_REF | I18nUpdateOpCode.IcuSwitch, tIcuIndex, 0b11, // mask for all ICU bindings 2, // skip 2 if not changed icuCommentNodeIndex << I18nUpdateOpCode.SHIFT_REF | I18nUpdateOpCode.IcuUpdate, tIcuIndex ], icus: [{ type: 1, vars: [4, 3, 3], childIcus: [[], [], []], cases: ['0', '1', 'other'], create: [ [ 'no ', firstTextNodeIndex, icuCommentNodeIndex << I18nMutateOpCode.SHIFT_PARENT | I18nMutateOpCode.AppendChild, ELEMENT_MARKER, 'b', bElementNodeIndex, icuCommentNodeIndex << I18nMutateOpCode.SHIFT_PARENT | I18nMutateOpCode.AppendChild, bElementNodeIndex << I18nMutateOpCode.SHIFT_REF | I18nMutateOpCode.Attr, 'title', 'none', 'emails', innerTextNode, bElementNodeIndex << I18nMutateOpCode.SHIFT_PARENT | I18nMutateOpCode.AppendChild, '!', lastTextNode, icuCommentNodeIndex << I18nMutateOpCode.SHIFT_PARENT | I18nMutateOpCode.AppendChild, ], [ 'one ', firstTextNodeIndex, icuCommentNodeIndex << I18nMutateOpCode.SHIFT_PARENT | I18nMutateOpCode.AppendChild, ELEMENT_MARKER, 'i', iElementNodeIndex, icuCommentNodeIndex << I18nMutateOpCode.SHIFT_PARENT | I18nMutateOpCode.AppendChild, 'email', innerTextNode, iElementNodeIndex << I18nMutateOpCode.SHIFT_PARENT | I18nMutateOpCode.AppendChild ], [ '', firstTextNodeIndex, icuCommentNodeIndex << I18nMutateOpCode.SHIFT_PARENT | I18nMutateOpCode.AppendChild, ELEMENT_MARKER, 'span', spanElementNodeIndex, icuCommentNodeIndex << I18nMutateOpCode.SHIFT_PARENT | I18nMutateOpCode.AppendChild, 'emails', innerTextNode, spanElementNodeIndex << I18nMutateOpCode.SHIFT_PARENT | I18nMutateOpCode.AppendChild ] ], remove: [ [ firstTextNodeIndex << I18nMutateOpCode.SHIFT_REF | I18nMutateOpCode.Remove, innerTextNode << I18nMutateOpCode.SHIFT_REF | I18nMutateOpCode.Remove, bElementNodeIndex << I18nMutateOpCode.SHIFT_REF | I18nMutateOpCode.Remove, lastTextNode << I18nMutateOpCode.SHIFT_REF | I18nMutateOpCode.Remove, ], [ firstTextNodeIndex << I18nMutateOpCode.SHIFT_REF | I18nMutateOpCode.Remove, innerTextNode << I18nMutateOpCode.SHIFT_REF | I18nMutateOpCode.Remove, iElementNodeIndex << I18nMutateOpCode.SHIFT_REF | I18nMutateOpCode.Remove, ], [ firstTextNodeIndex << I18nMutateOpCode.SHIFT_REF | I18nMutateOpCode.Remove, innerTextNode << I18nMutateOpCode.SHIFT_REF | I18nMutateOpCode.Remove, spanElementNodeIndex << I18nMutateOpCode.SHIFT_REF | I18nMutateOpCode.Remove, ] ], update: [ [], [], [ 0b1, // mask for the first binding 3, // skip 3 if not changed -1, // binding index ' ', // text string to concatenate to the binding value firstTextNodeIndex << I18nUpdateOpCode.SHIFT_REF | I18nUpdateOpCode.Text, 0b10, // mask for the title attribute binding 4, // skip 4 if not changed -2, // binding index bElementNodeIndex << I18nUpdateOpCode.SHIFT_REF | I18nUpdateOpCode.Attr, 'title', // attribute name null // sanitize function ] ] }] }); }); it('for nested ICU expressions', () => { const MSG_DIV = `{�0�, plural, =0 {zero} other {�0� {�1�, select, cat {cats} dog {dogs} other {animals} }!} }`; const nbConsts = 1; const index = 0; const opCodes = getOpCodes(() => { ɵɵi18nStart(index, MSG_DIV); }, null, nbConsts, index); const icuCommentNodeIndex = index + 1; const firstTextNodeIndex = index + 2; const nestedIcuCommentNodeIndex = index + 3; const lastTextNodeIndex = index + 4; const nestedTextNodeIndex = index + 5; const tIcuIndex = 1; const nestedTIcuIndex = 0; expect(opCodes).toEqual({ vars: 6, create: [ COMMENT_MARKER, 'ICU 1', icuCommentNodeIndex, index << I18nMutateOpCode.SHIFT_PARENT | I18nMutateOpCode.AppendChild ], update: [ 0b1, // mask for ICU main binding 3, // skip 3 if not changed -1, // icu main binding icuCommentNodeIndex << I18nUpdateOpCode.SHIFT_REF | I18nUpdateOpCode.IcuSwitch, tIcuIndex, 0b11, // mask for all ICU bindings 2, // skip 2 if not changed icuCommentNodeIndex << I18nUpdateOpCode.SHIFT_REF | I18nUpdateOpCode.IcuUpdate, tIcuIndex ], icus: [ { type: 0, vars: [1, 1, 1], childIcus: [[], [], []], cases: ['cat', 'dog', 'other'], create: [ [ 'cats', nestedTextNodeIndex, nestedIcuCommentNodeIndex << I18nMutateOpCode.SHIFT_PARENT | I18nMutateOpCode.AppendChild ], [ 'dogs', nestedTextNodeIndex, nestedIcuCommentNodeIndex << I18nMutateOpCode.SHIFT_PARENT | I18nMutateOpCode.AppendChild ], [ 'animals', nestedTextNodeIndex, nestedIcuCommentNodeIndex << I18nMutateOpCode.SHIFT_PARENT | I18nMutateOpCode.AppendChild ] ], remove: [ [nestedTextNodeIndex << I18nMutateOpCode.SHIFT_REF | I18nMutateOpCode.Remove], [nestedTextNodeIndex << I18nMutateOpCode.SHIFT_REF | I18nMutateOpCode.Remove], [nestedTextNodeIndex << I18nMutateOpCode.SHIFT_REF | I18nMutateOpCode.Remove] ], update: [[], [], []] }, { type: 1, vars: [1, 4], childIcus: [[], [0]], cases: ['0', 'other'], create: [ [ 'zero', firstTextNodeIndex, icuCommentNodeIndex << I18nMutateOpCode.SHIFT_PARENT | I18nMutateOpCode.AppendChild ], [ '', firstTextNodeIndex, icuCommentNodeIndex << I18nMutateOpCode.SHIFT_PARENT | I18nMutateOpCode.AppendChild, COMMENT_MARKER, 'nested ICU 0', nestedIcuCommentNodeIndex, icuCommentNodeIndex << I18nMutateOpCode.SHIFT_PARENT | I18nMutateOpCode.AppendChild, '!', lastTextNodeIndex, icuCommentNodeIndex << I18nMutateOpCode.SHIFT_PARENT | I18nMutateOpCode.AppendChild ] ], remove: [ [firstTextNodeIndex << I18nMutateOpCode.SHIFT_REF | I18nMutateOpCode.Remove], [ firstTextNodeIndex << I18nMutateOpCode.SHIFT_REF | I18nMutateOpCode.Remove, lastTextNodeIndex << I18nMutateOpCode.SHIFT_REF | I18nMutateOpCode.Remove, 0 << I18nMutateOpCode.SHIFT_REF | I18nMutateOpCode.RemoveNestedIcu, nestedIcuCommentNodeIndex << I18nMutateOpCode.SHIFT_REF | I18nMutateOpCode.Remove, ] ], update: [ [], [ 0b1, // mask for ICU main binding 3, // skip 3 if not changed -1, // binding index ' ', // text string to concatenate to the binding value firstTextNodeIndex << I18nUpdateOpCode.SHIFT_REF | I18nUpdateOpCode.Text, 0b10, // mask for inner ICU main binding 3, // skip 3 if not changed -2, // inner ICU main binding nestedIcuCommentNodeIndex << I18nUpdateOpCode.SHIFT_REF | I18nUpdateOpCode.IcuSwitch, nestedTIcuIndex, 0b10, // mask for all inner ICU bindings 2, // skip 2 if not changed nestedIcuCommentNodeIndex << I18nUpdateOpCode.SHIFT_REF | I18nUpdateOpCode.IcuUpdate, nestedTIcuIndex ] ] } ] }); }); }); describe(`i18nAttribute`, () => { it('for text', () => { const MSG_title = `Hello world!`; const MSG_div_attr = ['title', MSG_title]; const nbConsts = 2; const index = 1; const fixture = prepareFixture(() => { ɵɵelementStart(0, 'div'); ɵɵi18nAttributes(index, MSG_div_attr); ɵɵelementEnd(); }, null, nbConsts, index); const tView = fixture.hostView[TVIEW]; const opCodes = tView.data[index + HEADER_OFFSET] as I18nUpdateOpCodes; expect(opCodes).toEqual([]); expect( (getNativeByIndex(0, fixture.hostView as LView) as any as Element).getAttribute('title')) .toEqual(MSG_title); }); it('for simple bindings', () => { const MSG_title = `Hello �0�!`; const MSG_div_attr = ['title', MSG_title]; const nbConsts = 2; const index = 1; const opCodes = getOpCodes(() => { ɵɵi18nAttributes(index, MSG_div_attr); }, null, nbConsts, index); expect(opCodes).toEqual([ 0b1, // bindings mask 6, // if no update, skip 4 'Hello ', -1, // binding index '!', (index - 1) << I18nUpdateOpCode.SHIFT_REF | I18nUpdateOpCode.Attr, 'title', null ]); }); it('for multiple bindings', () => { const MSG_title = `Hello �0� and �1�, again �0�!`; const MSG_div_attr = ['title', MSG_title]; const nbConsts = 2; const index = 1; const opCodes = getOpCodes(() => { ɵɵi18nAttributes(index, MSG_div_attr); }, null, nbConsts, index); expect(opCodes).toEqual([ 0b11, // bindings mask 10, // size 'Hello ', -1, ' and ', -2, ', again ', -1, '!', (index - 1) << I18nUpdateOpCode.SHIFT_REF | I18nUpdateOpCode.Attr, 'title', null ]); }); it('for multiple attributes', () => { const MSG_title = `Hello �0�!`; const MSG_div_attr = ['title', MSG_title, 'aria-label', MSG_title]; const nbConsts = 2; const index = 1; const opCodes = getOpCodes(() => { ɵɵi18nAttributes(index, MSG_div_attr); }, null, nbConsts, index); expect(opCodes).toEqual([ 0b1, // bindings mask 6, // if no update, skip 4 'Hello ', -1, // binding index '!', (index - 1) << I18nUpdateOpCode.SHIFT_REF | I18nUpdateOpCode.Attr, 'title', null, 0b1, // bindings mask 6, // if no update, skip 4 'Hello ', -1, // binding index '!', (index - 1) << I18nUpdateOpCode.SHIFT_REF | I18nUpdateOpCode.Attr, 'aria-label', null ]); }); }); describe('i18nPostprocess', () => { it('should handle valid cases', () => { const arr = ['�*1:1��#2:1�', '�#4:1�', '�6:1�', '�/#2:1��/*1:1�']; const str = `[${arr.join('|')}]`; const cases = [ // empty string ['', {}, ''], // string without any special cases ['Foo [1,2,3] Bar - no ICU here', {}, 'Foo [1,2,3] Bar - no ICU here'], // multi-value cases [ `Start: ${str}, ${str} and ${str}, ${str} end.`, {}, `Start: ${arr[0]}, ${arr[1]} and ${arr[2]}, ${arr[3]} end.` ], // replace VAR_SELECT [ 'My ICU: {VAR_SELECT, select, =1 {one} other {other}}', {VAR_SELECT: '�1:2�'}, 'My ICU: {�1:2�, select, =1 {one} other {other}}' ], [ 'My ICU: {\n\n\tVAR_SELECT_1 \n\n, select, =1 {one} other {other}}', {VAR_SELECT_1: '�1:2�'}, 'My ICU: {\n\n\t�1:2� \n\n, select, =1 {one} other {other}}' ], // replace VAR_PLURAL [ 'My ICU: {VAR_PLURAL, plural, one {1} other {other}}', {VAR_PLURAL: '�1:2�'}, 'My ICU: {�1:2�, plural, one {1} other {other}}' ], [ 'My ICU: {\n\n\tVAR_PLURAL_1 \n\n, select, =1 {one} other {other}}', {VAR_PLURAL_1: '�1:2�'}, 'My ICU: {\n\n\t�1:2� \n\n, select, =1 {one} other {other}}' ], // do not replace VAR_* anywhere else in a string (only in ICU) [ 'My ICU: {VAR_PLURAL, plural, one {1} other {other}} VAR_PLURAL and VAR_SELECT', {VAR_PLURAL: '�1:2�'}, 'My ICU: {�1:2�, plural, one {1} other {other}} VAR_PLURAL and VAR_SELECT' ], // replace VAR_*'s in nested ICUs [ 'My ICU: {VAR_PLURAL, plural, one {1 - {VAR_SELECT, age, 50 {fifty} other {other}}} other {other}}', {VAR_PLURAL: '�1:2�', VAR_SELECT: '�5�'}, 'My ICU: {�1:2�, plural, one {1 - {�5�, age, 50 {fifty} other {other}}} other {other}}' ], [ 'My ICU: {VAR_PLURAL, plural, one {1 - {VAR_PLURAL_1, age, 50 {fifty} other {other}}} other {other}}', {VAR_PLURAL: '�1:2�', VAR_PLURAL_1: '�5�'}, 'My ICU: {�1:2�, plural, one {1 - {�5�, age, 50 {fifty} other {other}}} other {other}}' ], // ICU replacement [ 'My ICU #1: �I18N_EXP_ICU�, My ICU #2: �I18N_EXP_ICU�', {ICU: ['ICU_VALUE_1', 'ICU_VALUE_2']}, 'My ICU #1: ICU_VALUE_1, My ICU #2: ICU_VALUE_2' ], // mixed case [ `Start: ${str}, ${str}. ICU: {VAR_SELECT, count, 10 {ten} other {other}}. Another ICU: �I18N_EXP_ICU� and ${str}, ${str} and one more ICU: �I18N_EXP_ICU� and end.`, {VAR_SELECT: '�1:2�', ICU: ['ICU_VALUE_1', 'ICU_VALUE_2']}, `Start: ${arr[0]}, ${arr[1]}. ICU: {�1:2�, count, 10 {ten} other {other}}. Another ICU: ICU_VALUE_1 and ${arr[2]}, ${arr[3]} and one more ICU: ICU_VALUE_2 and end.`, ], ]; cases.forEach(([input, replacements, output]) => { expect(ɵɵi18nPostprocess(input as string, replacements as any)).toEqual(output as string); }); }); it('should handle nested template represented by multi-value placeholders', () => { /** *
* * Hello - 1 * * * Hello - 2 * * Hello - 3 * * Hello - 4 * * * * * Hello - 5 * *
*/ const generated = ` [�#2�|�#4�] Bonjour - 1 [�/#2�|�/#1:3��/*2:3�|�/#1:2��/*2:2�|�/#1:1��/*3:1�|�/#4�] [�*3:1��#1:1�|�*2:2��#1:2�|�*2:3��#1:3�] Bonjour - 2 [�*3:1��#1:1�|�*2:2��#1:2�|�*2:3��#1:3�] Bonjour - 3 [�*3:1��#1:1�|�*2:2��#1:2�|�*2:3��#1:3�] Bonjour - 4 [�/#2�|�/#1:3��/*2:3�|�/#1:2��/*2:2�|�/#1:1��/*3:1�|�/#4�] [�/#2�|�/#1:3��/*2:3�|�/#1:2��/*2:2�|�/#1:1��/*3:1�|�/#4�] [�/#2�|�/#1:3��/*2:3�|�/#1:2��/*2:2�|�/#1:1��/*3:1�|�/#4�] [�#2�|�#4�] Bonjour - 5 [�/#2�|�/#1:3��/*2:3�|�/#1:2��/*2:2�|�/#1:1��/*3:1�|�/#4�] `; const final = ` �#2� Bonjour - 1 �/#2� �*3:1� �#1:1� Bonjour - 2 �*2:2� �#1:2� Bonjour - 3 �*2:3� �#1:3� Bonjour - 4 �/#1:3� �/*2:3� �/#1:2� �/*2:2� �/#1:1� �/*3:1� �#4� Bonjour - 5 �/#4� `; expect(ɵɵi18nPostprocess(generated.replace(/\s+/g, ''))).toEqual(final.replace(/\s+/g, '')); }); it('should throw in case we have invalid string', () => { expect( () => ɵɵi18nPostprocess( 'My ICU #1: �I18N_EXP_ICU�, My ICU #2: �I18N_EXP_ICU�', {ICU: ['ICU_VALUE_1']})) .toThrowError(); }); }); });