This is the Angular Phonecat application adjusted to fit our boilerplate project structure. The following changes from vanilla Phonecat are applied: * Karma config for unit tests is in karma.conf.ajs.js because the boilerplate Karma config is not compatible with the way AngularJS tests need to be run. The shell script can be used to run the unit tests. * Also for the Karma shim, there is a `karma-test-shim.1.js` file which isn't used but is shown in the test appendix. * Instead of using Bower, AngularJS and its dependencies are fetched from a CDN in index.html and karma.conf.ajs.js. * E2E tests have been moved to the parent directory, where `run-e2e-tests` can discover and run them along with all the other examples. * Most of the phone JSON and image data removed in the interest of keeping repo weight down. Keeping enough to retain testability of the app. ## Running the app Start like any example npm run start ## Running unit tests ./ ## Running E2E tests Like for any example (at the project root): gulp run-e2e-tests --filter=phonecat-2