#!/usr/bin/env bash # because this script is being source-ed via .travis.yaml, # we need to restore the original options so that that we don't interfere with # travis' internals readonly ORIGINAL_SHELL_OPTIONS=$(set +o) # this script is extra noisy and used in many places during the build so we suppress the trace with +x to reduce the noise set -u -e -o pipefail # sets and optionally prints environmental variable # usage: setEnvVar variableName variableValue function setEnvVar() { local name=$1 local value=$2 if [[ ${print} == "print" ]]; then echo ${name}=${value} fi export ${name}=${value} } # use BASH_SOURCE so that we get the right path when this script is called AND source-d readonly thisDir=$(cd $(dirname ${BASH_SOURCE[0]}); pwd) readonly print=${1:-} # print bash version just so that we know what is running all the scripts if [[ ${print} == "print" ]]; then bash --version fi ####################### # CUSTOM GLOBALS # ####################### setEnvVar NODE_VERSION 6.9.5 setEnvVar YARN_VERSION 1.0.2 setEnvVar SAUCE_CONNECT_VERSION 4.4.9 setEnvVar ANGULAR_CLI_VERSION 1.4.0-rc.2 setEnvVar PROJECT_ROOT $(cd ${thisDir}/../..; pwd) if [[ ${TRAVIS:-} ]]; then case ${CI_MODE} in js) setEnvVar KARMA_JS_BROWSERS ChromeNoSandbox ;; saucelabs_required) setEnvVar KARMA_JS_BROWSERS `node -e "console.log(require('/home/travis/build/angular/angular/browser-providers.conf').sauceAliases.CI_REQUIRED.join(','))"` ;; browserstack_required) setEnvVar KARMA_JS_BROWSERS `node -e "console.log(require('/home/travis/build/angular/angular/browser-providers.conf').browserstackAliases.CI_REQUIRED.join(','))"` ;; saucelabs_optional) setEnvVar KARMA_JS_BROWSERS `node -e "console.log(require('/home/travis/build/angular/angular/browser-providers.conf').sauceAliases.CI_OPTIONAL.join(','))"` ;; browserstack_optional) setEnvVar KARMA_JS_BROWSERS `node -e "console.log(require('/home/travis/build/angular/angular/browser-providers.conf').browserstackAliases.CI_OPTIONAL.join(','))"` ;; aio) # Determine the current stable branch. readonly versionRe="^\s*([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)\.[0-9]+.*$" setEnvVar STABLE_BRANCH `npm info @angular/core dist-tags.latest | sed -r "s/$versionRe/\1.x/"` setEnvVar MIN_PWA_SCORE 95 ;; esac else setEnvVar KARMA_JS_BROWSERS Chrome fi if [[ ${TRAVIS:-} ]]; then # used by xvfb that is used by Chromium setEnvVar DISPLAY :99.0 # Use newer version of GCC to that is required to compile native npm modules for Node v4+ on Ubuntu Precise # more info: https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/languages/javascript-with-nodejs#Node.js-v4-(or-io.js-v3)-compiler-requirements setEnvVar CXX g++-4.8 # If NGBUILDS_IO_KEY not set yet, export the NGBUILDS_IO_KEY using the JWT token that Travis generated and exported for SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY. # This is a workaround for travis-ci/travis-ci#7223 # WARNING: NGBUILDS_IO_KEY should NOT be printed export NGBUILDS_IO_KEY=${NGBUILDS_IO_KEY:-$SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY} # Used by karma and karma-chrome-launcher # In order to have a meaningful SauceLabs badge on the repo page, # the angular2-ci account is used only when pushing commits to master; # in all other cases, the regular angular-ci account is used. if [ "${TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST}" = "false" ] && [ "${TRAVIS_BRANCH}" = "master" ]; then setEnvVar SAUCE_USERNAME angular2-ci # - not using use setEnvVar so that we don't print the key # - we overwrite the value set by Travis JWT addon here to work around travis-ci/travis-ci#7223 for NGBUILDS_IO_KEY export SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY=693ebc16208a-0b5b-1614-8d66-a2662f4e else setEnvVar SAUCE_USERNAME angular-ci # - not using use setEnvVar so that we don't print the key # - we overwrite the value set by Travis JWT addon here to work around travis-ci/travis-ci#7223 for NGBUILDS_IO_KEY export SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY=9b988f434ff8-fbca-8aa4-4ae3-35442987 fi setEnvVar BROWSER_STACK_USERNAME angularteam1 # not using use setEnvVar so that we don't print the key export BROWSER_STACK_ACCESS_KEY=BWCd4SynLzdDcv8xtzsB setEnvVar BROWSER_PROVIDER_READY_FILE /tmp/angular-build/browser-provider-tunnel-init.lock fi ####################### # PREEXISTING GLOBALS # ####################### # Prepend `~/.yarn/bin` to the PATH setEnvVar PATH $HOME/.yarn/bin:$PATH # Append dist/all to the NODE_PATH so that cjs module resolver finds find the packages that use # absolute module ids (e.g. @angular/core) setEnvVar NODE_PATH ${NODE_PATH:-}:${PROJECT_ROOT}/dist/all:${PROJECT_ROOT}/dist/tools setEnvVar LOGS_DIR /tmp/angular-build/logs # strip leading "/home/travis/build/angular/angular/" or "./" path. Could this be done in one shot? CURRENT_SHELL_SOURCE_FILE=${BASH_SOURCE#${PROJECT_ROOT}/} export CURRENT_SHELL_SOURCE_FILE=${CURRENT_SHELL_SOURCE_FILE#./} # Prefix xtrace output with file name/line and optionally function name # http://wiki.bash-hackers.org/scripting/debuggingtips#making_xtrace_more_useful # TODO(i): I couldn't figure out how to set this via `setEnvVar` so I just set it manually export PS4='+(${CURRENT_SHELL_SOURCE_FILE}:${LINENO}): ${FUNCNAME[0]:+${FUNCNAME[0]}(): }' if [[ ${print} == "print" ]]; then echo PS4=${PS4} fi eval "${ORIGINAL_SHELL_OPTIONS}"