export var appLang = { appIsTs: false, appIsJs: false, appIsDart: false, appIsUnknown: false }; export function describeIf(cond: boolean, name: string, func: () => void): void { if (cond) { describe(name, func); } else { xdescribe(name, func); } } export function itIf(cond: boolean, name: string, func: (done: DoneFn) => void): void { if (cond) { it(name, func); } else { xit(name, func); } } // TODO Jesus - figure out what's needed here for the new upgrade chapters // Allow changing bootstrap mode to NG1 for upgrade tests export function setProtractorToNg1Mode(): void { // browser.rootEl = 'body'; // let disableNgAnimate = function() { // angular.module('disableNgAnimate', []).run(['$animate', function($animate: any) { // $animate.enabled(false); // }]); // }; // browser.addMockModule('disableNgAnimate', disableNgAnimate); }