# How to update the CLI project The Angular CLI default setup is updated using `ng update`. Any necessary file changes will be done automatically through migration schematics. In the `cli` folder, update the Angular CLI depedencies to the latest version: ``` ng update @angular/cli --next ``` Then update the Angular Framework dependencies to the latest version: ``` ng update @angular/core --next ``` Commit any changes to the `cli` folder to the repository. ## Updating other CLI-based projects Along with the boilerplate files for the `cli` folder, the other cli-based projects need to be updated also. Each cli-based project has slightly modified files specific to the project type. Make sure any necessary changes to these projects are made also to be in alignment with the `cli` project files. The specific changes to each project type are listed below: * i18n - angular.json - Includes additional configurations for `build`, `serve`, and `e2e` for different locales - package.json - Includes custom scripts for building and serving different locales * ivy - cli/tsconfig.app.json - Includes an `angularCompilerOptions` object with `enableIvy` set to `true` * schematics - angular.json - Includes a `my-lib` project that contains a library with example schematics * service-worker - angular.json - Has `serviceWorker` set to `true` in the `production` build target - package.json - Includes `@angular/service-worker` in `dependencies` * testing - angular.json - Includes `src/test.css` in the `styles` for the `test` target * universal - angular.json - Includes a `server` target in the `build` architect runners - package.json - Includes custom scripts for building the `server` - Includes additional `dependencies` on `@angular/platform-server`, `@nguniversal/express-engine`, and `express` - Includes additional `devDependencies` on `@nguniversal/builders` and `@types/express`