import { browser, element, by } from 'protractor'; import { logging } from 'selenium-webdriver'; describe('Binding syntax e2e tests', () => { beforeEach(function () { browser.get(''); }); // helper function used to test what's logged to the console async function logChecker(button, contents) { const logs = await browser.manage().logs().get(logging.Type.BROWSER); const message = logs.filter(({ message }) => message.indexOf(contents) !== -1 ? true : false); expect(message.length).toBeGreaterThan(0); } it('should display Binding syntax', function () { expect(element(by.css('h1')).getText()).toEqual('Binding syntax'); }); it('should display Save button', function () { expect(element.all(by.css('button')).get(0).getText()).toBe('Save'); }); it('should display HTML attributes and DOM properties', function () { expect(element.all(by.css('h2')).get(1).getText()).toBe('HTML attributes and DOM properties'); }); it('should display 1. Use the inspector...', function () { expect(element.all(by.css('p')).get(0).getText()).toContain('1. Use the inspector'); }); it('should display Disabled property vs. attribute', function () { expect(element.all(by.css('h3')).get(0).getText()).toBe('Disabled property vs. attribute'); }); it('should log a message including Sarah', async () => { let attributeButton = element.all(by.css('button')).get(1); await; const contents = 'Sarah'; logChecker(attributeButton, contents); }); it('should log a message including Sarah for DOM property', async () => { let DOMPropertyButton = element.all(by.css('button')).get(2); await; const contents = 'Sarah'; logChecker(DOMPropertyButton, contents); }); it('should log a message including Sally for DOM property', async () => { let DOMPropertyButton = element.all(by.css('button')).get(2); let input = element(by.css('input')); input.sendKeys('Sally'); await; const contents = 'Sally'; logChecker(DOMPropertyButton, contents); }); it('should log a message that Test Button works', async () => { let testButton = element.all(by.css('button')).get(3); await; const contents = 'Test'; logChecker(testButton, contents); }); it('should toggle Test Button disabled', async () => { let toggleButton = element.all(by.css('button')).get(4); await; const contents = 'true'; logChecker(toggleButton, contents); }); });