block includes
include ../_util-fns
img(src="/resources/images/devguide/intro/people.png" width="200px" height="152px" alt="Us" align="left" style="margin-left:-40px;margin-right:10px" )
Everyone learns differently.
You don't have to read the documentation straight through. Most pages stand on their own.
Those new to Angular may wish to follow this popular learning path.
1. [Setup](setup.html "Setup locally withe Quickstart seed") for local Angular development, if you haven't already done so.
1. Take the [*Tour of Heroes* tutorial](../tutorial "Tour of Heroes").
The *Tour of Heroes* takes you step-by-step from [setup](setup.html)
to a full-featured example that demonstrates the essential characteristics of a professional application:
a sensible project structure, data binding, master/detail, services, dependency injection, navigation, and remote data access.
1. Read the [Architecture](architecture.html) overview for the big picture.
[The Root Module](appmodule.html) introduces the `NgModule` class that tells Angular how to compile and run your application.