/** * @license * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ import {Adapter, Context} from './adapter'; import {CacheState, NormalizedUrl, UpdateCacheStatus, UpdateSource} from './api'; import {AssetGroup, LazyAssetGroup, PrefetchAssetGroup} from './assets'; import {DataGroup} from './data'; import {Database} from './database'; import {DebugHandler} from './debug'; import {IdleScheduler} from './idle'; import {Manifest} from './manifest'; const BACKWARDS_COMPATIBILITY_NAVIGATION_URLS = [ {positive: true, regex: '^/.*$'}, {positive: false, regex: '^/.*\\.[^/]*$'}, {positive: false, regex: '^/.*__'}, ]; /** * A specific version of the application, identified by a unique manifest * as determined by its hash. * * Each `AppVersion` can be thought of as a published version of the app * that can be installed as an update to any previously installed versions. */ export class AppVersion implements UpdateSource { /** * A Map of absolute URL paths (`/foo.txt`) to the known hash of their contents (if available). */ private hashTable = new Map(); /** * All of the asset groups active in this version of the app. */ private assetGroups: AssetGroup[]; /** * All of the data groups active in this version of the app. */ private dataGroups: DataGroup[]; /** * Requests to URLs that match any of the `include` RegExps and none of the `exclude` RegExps * are considered navigation requests and handled accordingly. */ private navigationUrls: {include: RegExp[], exclude: RegExp[]}; /** * The normalized URL to the file that serves as the index page to satisfy navigation requests. * Usually this is `/index.html`. */ private indexUrl = this.adapter.normalizeUrl(this.manifest.index); /** * Tracks whether the manifest has encountered any inconsistencies. */ private _okay = true; get okay(): boolean { return this._okay; } constructor( private scope: ServiceWorkerGlobalScope, private adapter: Adapter, private database: Database, private idle: IdleScheduler, private debugHandler: DebugHandler, readonly manifest: Manifest, readonly manifestHash: string) { // The hashTable within the manifest is an Object - convert it to a Map for easier lookups. Object.keys(this.manifest.hashTable).forEach(url => { this.hashTable.set(adapter.normalizeUrl(url), this.manifest.hashTable[url]); }); // Process each `AssetGroup` declared in the manifest. Each declared group gets an `AssetGroup` // instance // created for it, of a type that depends on the configuration mode. this.assetGroups = (manifest.assetGroups || []).map(config => { // Every asset group has a cache that's prefixed by the manifest hash and the name of the // group. const prefix = `${adapter.cacheNamePrefix}:${this.manifestHash}:assets`; // Check the caching mode, which determines when resources will be fetched/updated. switch (config.installMode) { case 'prefetch': return new PrefetchAssetGroup( this.scope, this.adapter, this.idle, config, this.hashTable, this.database, prefix); case 'lazy': return new LazyAssetGroup( this.scope, this.adapter, this.idle, config, this.hashTable, this.database, prefix); } }); // Process each `DataGroup` declared in the manifest. this.dataGroups = (manifest.dataGroups || []) .map( config => new DataGroup( this.scope, this.adapter, config, this.database, this.debugHandler, `${adapter.cacheNamePrefix}:${config.version}:data`)); // This keeps backwards compatibility with app versions without navigation urls. // Fix: https://github.com/angular/angular/issues/27209 manifest.navigationUrls = manifest.navigationUrls || BACKWARDS_COMPATIBILITY_NAVIGATION_URLS; // Create `include`/`exclude` RegExps for the `navigationUrls` declared in the manifest. const includeUrls = manifest.navigationUrls.filter(spec => spec.positive); const excludeUrls = manifest.navigationUrls.filter(spec => !spec.positive); this.navigationUrls = { include: includeUrls.map(spec => new RegExp(spec.regex)), exclude: excludeUrls.map(spec => new RegExp(spec.regex)), }; } /** * Fully initialize this version of the application. If this Promise resolves successfully, all * required * data has been safely downloaded. */ async initializeFully(updateFrom?: UpdateSource): Promise { try { // Fully initialize each asset group, in series. Starts with an empty Promise, // and waits for the previous groups to have been initialized before initializing // the next one in turn. await this.assetGroups.reduce>(async (previous, group) => { // Wait for the previous groups to complete initialization. If there is a // failure, this will throw, and each subsequent group will throw, until the // whole sequence fails. await previous; // Initialize this group. return group.initializeFully(updateFrom); }, Promise.resolve()); } catch (err) { this._okay = false; throw err; } } async handleFetch(req: Request, context: Context): Promise { // Check the request against each `AssetGroup` in sequence. If an `AssetGroup` can't handle the // request, // it will return `null`. Thus, the first non-null response is the SW's answer to the request. // So reduce // the group list, keeping track of a possible response. If there is one, it gets passed // through, and if // not the next group is consulted to produce a candidate response. const asset = await this.assetGroups.reduce(async (potentialResponse, group) => { // Wait on the previous potential response. If it's not null, it should just be passed // through. const resp = await potentialResponse; if (resp !== null) { return resp; } // No response has been found yet. Maybe this group will have one. return group.handleFetch(req, context); }, Promise.resolve(null)); // The result of the above is the asset response, if there is any, or null otherwise. Return the // asset // response if there was one. If not, check with the data caching groups. if (asset !== null) { return asset; } // Perform the same reduction operation as above, but this time processing // the data caching groups. const data = await this.dataGroups.reduce(async (potentialResponse, group) => { const resp = await potentialResponse; if (resp !== null) { return resp; } return group.handleFetch(req, context); }, Promise.resolve(null)); // If the data caching group returned a response, go with it. if (data !== null) { return data; } // Next, check if this is a navigation request for a route. Detect circular // navigations by checking if the request URL is the same as the index URL. if (this.adapter.normalizeUrl(req.url) !== this.indexUrl && this.isNavigationRequest(req)) { if (this.manifest.navigationRequestStrategy === 'freshness') { // For navigation requests the freshness was configured. The request will always go trough // the network and fallback to default `handleFetch` behavior in case of failure. try { return await this.scope.fetch(req); } catch { // Navigation request failed - application is likely offline. // Proceed forward to the default `handleFetch` behavior, where // `indexUrl` will be requested and it should be available in the cache. } } // This was a navigation request. Re-enter `handleFetch` with a request for // the URL. return this.handleFetch(this.adapter.newRequest(this.indexUrl), context); } return null; } /** * Determine whether the request is a navigation request. * Takes into account: Request mode, `Accept` header, `navigationUrls` patterns. */ isNavigationRequest(req: Request): boolean { if (req.mode !== 'navigate') { return false; } if (!this.acceptsTextHtml(req)) { return false; } const urlPrefix = this.scope.registration.scope.replace(/\/$/, ''); const url = req.url.startsWith(urlPrefix) ? req.url.substr(urlPrefix.length) : req.url; const urlWithoutQueryOrHash = url.replace(/[?#].*$/, ''); return this.navigationUrls.include.some(regex => regex.test(urlWithoutQueryOrHash)) && !this.navigationUrls.exclude.some(regex => regex.test(urlWithoutQueryOrHash)); } /** * Check this version for a given resource with a particular hash. */ async lookupResourceWithHash(url: NormalizedUrl, hash: string): Promise { // Verify that this version has the requested resource cached. If not, // there's no point in trying. if (!this.hashTable.has(url)) { return null; } // Next, check whether the resource has the correct hash. If not, any cached // response isn't usable. if (this.hashTable.get(url) !== hash) { return null; } const cacheState = await this.lookupResourceWithoutHash(url); return cacheState && cacheState.response; } /** * Check this version for a given resource regardless of its hash. */ lookupResourceWithoutHash(url: NormalizedUrl): Promise { // Limit the search to asset groups, and only scan the cache, don't // load resources from the network. return this.assetGroups.reduce(async (potentialResponse, group) => { const resp = await potentialResponse; if (resp !== null) { return resp; } // fetchFromCacheOnly() avoids any network fetches, and returns the // full set of cache data, not just the Response. return group.fetchFromCacheOnly(url); }, Promise.resolve(null)); } /** * List all unhashed resources from all asset groups. */ previouslyCachedResources(): Promise { return this.assetGroups.reduce( async (resources, group) => (await resources).concat(await group.unhashedResources()), Promise.resolve([])); } async recentCacheStatus(url: string): Promise { return this.assetGroups.reduce(async (current, group) => { const status = await current; if (status === UpdateCacheStatus.CACHED) { return status; } const groupStatus = await group.cacheStatus(url); if (groupStatus === UpdateCacheStatus.NOT_CACHED) { return status; } return groupStatus; }, Promise.resolve(UpdateCacheStatus.NOT_CACHED)); } /** * Erase this application version, by cleaning up all the caches. */ async cleanup(): Promise { await Promise.all(this.assetGroups.map(group => group.cleanup())); await Promise.all(this.dataGroups.map(group => group.cleanup())); } /** * Get the opaque application data which was provided with the manifest. */ get appData(): Object|null { return this.manifest.appData || null; } /** * Check whether a request accepts `text/html` (based on the `Accept` header). */ private acceptsTextHtml(req: Request): boolean { const accept = req.headers.get('Accept'); if (accept === null) { return false; } const values = accept.split(','); return values.some(value => value.trim().toLowerCase() === 'text/html'); } }