/** * @license * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ export class MockBody implements Body { bodyUsed: boolean = false; constructor(public _body: string|null) {} async arrayBuffer(): Promise { this.bodyUsed = true; if (this._body !== null) { const buffer = new ArrayBuffer(this._body.length); const access = new Uint8Array(buffer); for (let i = 0; i < this._body.length; i++) { access[i] = this._body.charCodeAt(i); } return buffer; } else { throw new Error('No body'); } } async blob(): Promise { throw 'Not implemented'; } async json(): Promise { this.bodyUsed = true; if (this._body !== null) { return JSON.parse(this._body); } else { throw new Error('No body'); } } async text(): Promise { this.bodyUsed = true; if (this._body !== null) { return this._body; } else { throw new Error('No body'); } } async formData(): Promise { throw 'Not implemented'; } } export class MockHeaders implements Headers { map = new Map(); append(name: string, value: string): void { this.map.set(name, value); } delete (name: string): void { this.map.delete(name); } forEach(callback: Function): void { this.map.forEach(callback as any); } get(name: string): string|null { return this.map.get(name) || null; } has(name: string): boolean { return this.map.has(name); } set(name: string, value: string): void { this.map.set(name, value); } } export class MockRequest extends MockBody implements Request { readonly cache: RequestCache = 'default'; readonly credentials: RequestCredentials = 'omit'; readonly destination: RequestDestination = 'document'; readonly headers: Headers = new MockHeaders(); readonly integrity: string = ''; readonly keepalive: boolean = true; readonly method: string = 'GET'; readonly mode: RequestMode = 'cors'; readonly redirect: RequestRedirect = 'error'; readonly referrer: string = ''; readonly referrerPolicy: ReferrerPolicy = 'no-referrer'; readonly type: RequestType = ''; url: string; constructor(input: string|Request, init: RequestInit = {}) { super(init !== undefined ? init.body || null : null); if (typeof input !== 'string') { throw 'Not implemented'; } this.url = input; if (init.headers !== undefined) { if (init.headers instanceof MockHeaders) { this.headers = init.headers; } else { Object.keys(init.headers).forEach(header => { this.headers.set(header, init.headers[header]); }); } } if (init.mode !== undefined) { this.mode = init.mode; } if (init.credentials !== undefined) { this.credentials = init.credentials; } } clone(): Request { if (this.bodyUsed) { throw 'Body already consumed'; } return new MockRequest( this.url, {body: this._body, mode: this.mode, credentials: this.credentials, headers: this.headers}); } } export class MockResponse extends MockBody implements Response { readonly headers: Headers = new MockHeaders(); get ok(): boolean { return this.status >= 200 && this.status < 300; } readonly status: number; readonly statusText: string; readonly type: ResponseType = 'basic'; readonly url: string = ''; readonly body: ReadableStream|null = null; readonly redirected: boolean = false; constructor( body?: any, init: ResponseInit&{type?: ResponseType, redirected?: boolean, url?: string} = {}) { super(typeof body === 'string' ? body : null); this.status = (init.status !== undefined) ? init.status : 200; this.statusText = init.statusText || 'OK'; if (init.headers !== undefined) { if (init.headers instanceof MockHeaders) { this.headers = init.headers; } else { Object.keys(init.headers).forEach(header => { this.headers.set(header, init.headers[header]); }); } } if (init.type !== undefined) { this.type = init.type; } if (init.redirected !== undefined) { this.redirected = init.redirected; } if (init.url !== undefined) { this.url = init.url; } } clone(): Response { if (this.bodyUsed) { throw 'Body already consumed'; } return new MockResponse( this._body, {status: this.status, statusText: this.statusText, headers: this.headers}); } }