This is the Angular Phonecat application adjusted to fit our boilerplate project structure. The following changes from vanilla Phonecat are applied: * Karma config for unit tests is in karma.conf.ng1.js because the boilerplate Karma config is not compatible with the way Angular 1 tests need to be run. The shell script can be used to run the unit tests. * There's a `package.ng1.json`, which is not used to run anything but only to show an example of changing the PhoneCat http-server root path. * Also for the Karma shim, there is a `karma-test-shim.1.js` file which isn't used but is shown in the test appendix. * Instead of using Bower, Angular 1 and its dependencies are fetched from a CDN in index.html and karma.conf.ng1.js. * E2E tests have been moved to the parent directory, where `run-e2e-tests` can discover and run them along with all the other examples. * Angular 1 typings (from DefinitelyTyped) are added to typings-ng1 so that TypeScript can recognize Angular 1 code. (typings.json comes from boilerplate so we can't add them there). * Most of the phone JSON and image data removed in the interest of keeping repo weight down. Keeping enough to retain testability of the app. ## Running the app Start like any example npm run start ## Running unit tests ./ ## Running E2E tests Like for any example (at the project root): gulp run-e2e-tests --filter=phonecat-2