import {describe, it, iit, xit, expect, beforeEach, afterEach} from 'angular2/test_lib'; import { isBlank, isPresent, BaseException, stringify, Date, DateWrapper } from 'angular2/src/facade/lang'; import { ListWrapper, List } from 'angular2/src/facade/collection'; import { PromiseWrapper, Promise } from 'angular2/src/facade/async'; import { Sampler, WebDriverAdapter, WebDriverExtension, Validator, Metric, Reporter, Browser, bind, Injector, Options, MeasureValues } from 'benchpress/benchpress'; export function main() { var EMPTY_EXECUTE = () => {}; describe('sampler', () => { var sampler; function createSampler({ driver, driverExtension, metric, reporter, validator, forceGc, prepare, execute } = {}) { var time = 1000; if (isBlank(metric)) { metric = new MockMetric([]); } if (isBlank(reporter)) { reporter = new MockReporter([]); } if (isBlank(driver)) { driver = new MockDriverAdapter([]); } if (isBlank(driverExtension)) { driverExtension = new MockDriverExtension([]); } var bindings = ListWrapper.concat(Sampler.BINDINGS, [ bind(Metric).toValue(metric), bind(Reporter).toValue(reporter), bind(WebDriverAdapter).toValue(driver), bind(WebDriverExtension).toValue(driverExtension), bind(Options.EXECUTE).toValue(execute), bind(Validator).toValue(validator), bind(Sampler.TIME).toValue( () => DateWrapper.fromMillis(time++) ) ]); if (isPresent(prepare)) { ListWrapper.push(bindings, bind(Options.PREPARE).toValue(prepare)); } if (isPresent(forceGc)) { ListWrapper.push(bindings, bind(Options.FORCE_GC).toValue(forceGc)); } sampler = new Injector(bindings).get(Sampler); } it('should call the prepare and execute callbacks using WebDriverAdapter.waitFor', (done) => { var log = []; var count = 0; var driver = new MockDriverAdapter([], (callback) => { var result = callback(); ListWrapper.push(log, result); return PromiseWrapper.resolve(result); }); createSampler({ driver: driver, validator: createCountingValidator(2), prepare: () => { return count++; }, execute: () => { return count++; } }); sampler.sample().then( (_) => { expect(count).toBe(4); expect(log).toEqual([0,1,2,3]); done(); }); }); it('should call prepare, gc, beginMeasure, execute, gc, endMeasure for every iteration', (done) => { var workCount = 0; var log = []; createSampler({ forceGc: true, metric: createCountingMetric(log), driverExtension: new MockDriverExtension(log), validator: createCountingValidator(2), prepare: () => { ListWrapper.push(log, `p${workCount++}`); }, execute: () => { ListWrapper.push(log, `w${workCount++}`); } }); sampler.sample().then( (_) => { expect(log).toEqual([ ['gc'], 'p0', ['gc'], ['beginMeasure'], 'w1', ['gc'], ['endMeasure', false, {'script': 0}], 'p2', ['gc'], ['beginMeasure'], 'w3', ['gc'], ['endMeasure', false, {'script': 1}], ]); done(); }); }); it('should call execute, gc, endMeasure for every iteration if there is no prepare callback', (done) => { var log = []; var workCount = 0; createSampler({ forceGc: true, metric: createCountingMetric(log), driverExtension: new MockDriverExtension(log), validator: createCountingValidator(2), execute: () => { ListWrapper.push(log, `w${workCount++}`); }, prepare: null }); sampler.sample().then( (_) => { expect(log).toEqual([ ['gc'], ['beginMeasure'], 'w0', ['gc'], ['endMeasure', true, {'script': 0}], 'w1', ['gc'], ['endMeasure', true, {'script': 1}], ]); done(); }); }); it('should not gc if the flag is not set', (done) => { var log = []; createSampler({ metric: createCountingMetric(), driverExtension: new MockDriverExtension(log), validator: createCountingValidator(2), prepare: EMPTY_EXECUTE, execute: EMPTY_EXECUTE }); sampler.sample().then( (_) => { expect(log).toEqual([]); done(); }); }); it('should only collect metrics for execute and ignore metrics from prepare', (done) => { var scriptTime = 0; var iterationCount = 1; createSampler({ validator: createCountingValidator(2), metric: new MockMetric([], () => { var result = PromiseWrapper.resolve({'script': scriptTime}); scriptTime = 0; return result; }), prepare: () => { scriptTime = 1 * iterationCount; }, execute: () => { scriptTime = 10 * iterationCount; iterationCount++; } }); sampler.sample().then( (state) => { expect(state.completeSample.length).toBe(2); expect(state.completeSample[0]).toEqual(mv(0, 1000, {'script': 10})); expect(state.completeSample[1]).toEqual(mv(1, 1001, {'script': 20})); done(); }); }); it('should call the validator for every execution and store the valid sample', (done) => { var log = []; var validSample = [{}]; createSampler({ metric: createCountingMetric(), validator: createCountingValidator(2, validSample, log), execute: EMPTY_EXECUTE }); sampler.sample().then( (state) => { expect(state.validSample).toBe(validSample); // TODO(tbosch): Why does this fail?? // expect(log).toEqual([ // ['validate', [{'script': 0}], null], // ['validate', [{'script': 0}, {'script': 1}], validSample] // ]); expect(log.length).toBe(2); expect(log[0]).toEqual( ['validate', [mv(0, 1000, {'script': 0})], null] ); expect(log[1]).toEqual( ['validate', [mv(0, 1000, {'script': 0}), mv(1, 1001, {'script': 1})], validSample] ); done(); }); }); it('should report the metric values', (done) => { var log = []; var validSample = [{}]; createSampler({ validator: createCountingValidator(2, validSample), metric: createCountingMetric(), reporter: new MockReporter(log), execute: EMPTY_EXECUTE }); sampler.sample().then( (_) => { // TODO(tbosch): Why does this fail?? // expect(log).toEqual([ // ['reportMeasureValues', 0, {'script': 0}], // ['reportMeasureValues', 1, {'script': 1}], // ['reportSample', [{'script': 0}, {'script': 1}], validSample] // ]); expect(log.length).toBe(3); expect(log[0]).toEqual( ['reportMeasureValues', mv(0, 1000, {'script': 0})] ); expect(log[1]).toEqual( ['reportMeasureValues', mv(1, 1001, {'script': 1})] ); expect(log[2]).toEqual( ['reportSample', [mv(0, 1000, {'script': 0}), mv(1, 1001, {'script': 1})], validSample] ); done(); }); }); }); } function mv(runIndex, time, values) { return new MeasureValues(runIndex, DateWrapper.fromMillis(time), values); } function createCountingValidator(count, validSample = null, log = null) { return new MockValidator(log, (completeSample) => { count--; if (count === 0) { return isPresent(validSample) ? validSample : completeSample; } else { return null; } }); } function createCountingMetric(log = null) { var scriptTime = 0; return new MockMetric(log, () => { return { 'script': scriptTime++ }; }); } class MockDriverAdapter extends WebDriverAdapter { _log:List; _waitFor:Function; constructor(log = null, waitFor = null) { super(); if (isBlank(log)) { log = []; } this._log = log; this._waitFor = waitFor; } waitFor(callback:Function):Promise { if (isPresent(this._waitFor)) { return this._waitFor(callback); } else { return PromiseWrapper.resolve(callback()); } } } class MockDriverExtension extends WebDriverExtension { _log:List; constructor(log = null) { super(); if (isBlank(log)) { log = []; } this._log = log; } gc():Promise { ListWrapper.push(this._log, ['gc']); return PromiseWrapper.resolve(null); } } class MockValidator extends Validator { _validate:Function; _log:List; constructor(log = null, validate = null) { super(); this._validate = validate; if (isBlank(log)) { log = []; } this._log = log; } validate(completeSample:List):List { var stableSample = isPresent(this._validate) ? this._validate(completeSample) : completeSample; ListWrapper.push(this._log, ['validate', completeSample, stableSample]); return stableSample; } } class MockMetric extends Metric { _endMeasure:Function; _log:List; constructor(log = null, endMeasure = null) { super(); this._endMeasure = endMeasure; if (isBlank(log)) { log = []; } this._log = log; } beginMeasure() { ListWrapper.push(this._log, ['beginMeasure']); return PromiseWrapper.resolve(null); } endMeasure(restart) { var measureValues = isPresent(this._endMeasure) ? this._endMeasure() : {}; ListWrapper.push(this._log, ['endMeasure', restart, measureValues]); return PromiseWrapper.resolve(measureValues); } } class MockReporter extends Reporter { _log:List; constructor(log = null) { super(); if (isBlank(log)) { log = []; } this._log = log; } reportMeasureValues(values):Promise { ListWrapper.push(this._log, ['reportMeasureValues', values]); return PromiseWrapper.resolve(null); } reportSample(completeSample, validSample):Promise { ListWrapper.push(this._log, ['reportSample', completeSample, validSample]); return PromiseWrapper.resolve(null); } }