const fs = require('fs-extra'); const glob = require('glob'); const ignore = require('ignore'); const path = require('canonical-path'); const shelljs = require('shelljs'); const yargs = require('yargs'); const {EXAMPLES_BASE_PATH, EXAMPLE_CONFIG_FILENAME, SHARED_PATH, STACKBLITZ_CONFIG_FILENAME} = require('./constants'); const BASIC_SOURCE_PATH = path.resolve(SHARED_PATH, 'example-scaffold'); shelljs.set('-e'); if (require.main === module) { const options = yargs(process.argv.slice(2)) .command( '$0 <name> [source]', [ 'Create a new <name> example.', '', 'If [source] is provided then the relevant files from the CLI project at that path are copied into the example.', ].join('\n')) .strict() .version(false) .argv; const exampleName =; const examplePath = path.resolve(EXAMPLES_BASE_PATH, exampleName); console.log('Creating new example at', examplePath); createEmptyExample(exampleName, examplePath); const sourcePath = options.source !== undefined ? path.resolve(options.source) : BASIC_SOURCE_PATH; console.log('Copying files from', sourcePath); copyExampleFiles(sourcePath, examplePath, exampleName); console.log(`The new "${exampleName}" example has been created.`); console.log('Now run "yarn boilerplate:add" to set it up for development.'); console.log( 'You can find more info on working with docs examples in aio/tools/examples/') } /** * Create the directory and marker files for the new example. */ function createEmptyExample(exampleName, examplePath) { ensureExamplePath(examplePath); writeExampleConfigFile(examplePath); writeStackBlitzFile(exampleName, examplePath); } /** * Ensure that the new example directory exists. */ function ensureExamplePath(examplePath) { if (fs.existsSync(examplePath)) { throw new Error( `Unable to create example. The path to the new example already exists: ${examplePath}`); } fs.ensureDirSync(examplePath); } /** * Write the `example-config.json` file to the new example. */ function writeExampleConfigFile(examplePath) { fs.writeFileSync(path.resolve(examplePath, EXAMPLE_CONFIG_FILENAME), ''); } /** * Write the `stackblitz.json` file into the new example. */ function writeStackBlitzFile(exampleName, examplePath) { const config = { description: titleize(exampleName), files: ['!**/*.d.ts', '!**/*.js', '!**/*.[1,2].*'], tags: [exampleName.split('-')] }; fs.writeFileSync( path.resolve(examplePath, STACKBLITZ_CONFIG_FILENAME), JSON.stringify(config, null, 2) + '\n'); } /** * Copy all the files from the `sourcePath`, which are not ignored by the `.gitignore` file in the * `EXAMPLES_BASE_PATH`, to the `examplePath`. */ function copyExampleFiles(sourcePath, examplePath, exampleName) { const gitIgnoreSource = getGitIgnore(sourcePath); const gitIgnoreExamples = getGitIgnore(EXAMPLES_BASE_PATH); // Grab the files in the source folder and filter them based on the gitignore rules. const sourceFiles = glob.sync('**/*', { cwd: sourcePath, dot: true, ignore: ['**/node_modules/**', '.git/**', '.gitignore'], mark: true }) // Filter out the directories, leaving only files .filter(filePath => !/\/$/.test(filePath)) // Filter out files that match the source directory .gitignore rules .filter(filePath => !gitIgnoreSource.ignores(filePath)) // Filter out files that match the examples directory .gitignore rules .filter(filePath => !gitIgnoreExamples.ignores(path.join(exampleName, filePath))); for (const sourceFile of sourceFiles) { console.log(' - ', sourceFile); const destPath = path.resolve(examplePath, sourceFile) fs.ensureDirSync(path.dirname(destPath)); fs.copySync(path.resolve(sourcePath, sourceFile), destPath); } } function getGitIgnore(directory) { const gitIgnoreMatcher = ignore(); const gitignoreFilePath = path.resolve(directory, '.gitignore'); if (fs.existsSync(gitignoreFilePath)) { const gitignoreFile = fs.readFileSync(gitignoreFilePath, 'utf8'); gitIgnoreMatcher.add(gitignoreFile); } return gitIgnoreMatcher; } /** * Convert a kebab-case string to space separated Title Case string. */ function titleize(input) { return input.replace( /(-|^)(.)/g, (_, pre, char) => `${pre === '-' ? ' ' : ''}${char.toUpperCase()}`); } exports.createEmptyExample = createEmptyExample; exports.ensureExamplePath = ensureExamplePath; exports.writeExampleConfigFile = writeExampleConfigFile; exports.writeStackBlitzFile = writeStackBlitzFile; exports.copyExampleFiles = copyExampleFiles; exports.titleize = titleize;