import { AsyncTestCompleter, beforeEach, ddescribe, describe, expect, iit, inject, it, xdescribe, xit, } from 'angular2/test_lib'; import {Component, View, Inject, EventEmitter} from 'angular2/angular2'; import {createUpgradeModule, UpgradeModule} from 'upgrade/upgrade'; export function main() { describe('upgrade: ng1 to ng2', () => { it('should have angular 1 loaded', () => expect(angular.version.major).toBe(1)); it('should instantiate ng2 in ng1 template', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => { var Ng2 = Component({selector: 'ng2'}) .View({template: `{{ 'NG2' }}`}) .Class({constructor: function() {}}); var element = html("
{{ 'ng1-' }}~~{{ '-ng1' }}
"); var upgradeModule: UpgradeModule = createUpgradeModule(); upgradeModule.importNg2Component(Ng2); upgradeModule.bootstrap(element).ready(() => { expect(document.body.textContent).toEqual("ng1-NG2-ng1"); async.done(); }); })); it('should instantiate ng1 in ng2 template', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => { var upgradeModule: UpgradeModule = createUpgradeModule(); var Ng2 = Component({selector: 'ng2-1'}) .View({ template: `{{ 'ng2(' }}{{ ')' }}`, directives: [upgradeModule.exportAsNg2Component('ng1')] }) .Class({constructor: function() {}}); upgradeModule.ng1Module.directive('ng1', () => { return {template: 'ng1 {{ "WORKS" }}!'}; }); upgradeModule.importNg2Component(Ng2); var element = html("
"); upgradeModule.bootstrap(element).ready(() => { expect(document.body.textContent).toEqual("ng1(ng2(ng1 WORKS!))"); async.done(); }); })); describe('scope/component change-detection', () => { it('should interleave scope and component expressions', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => { var log = []; var l = function(value) { log.push(value); return value + ';'; }; var upgrMod: UpgradeModule = createUpgradeModule(); upgrMod.ng1Module.directive('ng1a', () => { return {template: "{{ l('ng1a') }}"}; }); upgrMod.ng1Module.directive('ng1b', () => { return {template: "{{ l('ng1b') }}"}; });$rootScope) => { $rootScope.l = l; $rootScope.reset = () => log.length = 0; }); upgrMod.importNg2Component( Component({selector: 'ng2'}) .View({ template: `{{l('2A')}}{{l('2B')}}{{l('2C')}}`, directives: [ upgrMod.exportAsNg2Component('ng1a'), upgrMod.exportAsNg2Component('ng1b') ] }) .Class({constructor: function() { this.l = l; }})); var element = html("
{{reset(); l('1A');}}{{l('1B')}}{{l('1C')}}
"); upgrMod.bootstrap(element).ready(() => { expect(document.body.textContent).toEqual("1A;2A;ng1a;2B;ng1b;2C;1C;"); // expect(log).toEqual(['1A', '1B', '1C', '2A', '2B', '2C', 'ng1a', 'ng1b']); async.done(); }); })); }); describe('binding from ng1 to ng2', () => { it('should bind properties, events', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => { var upgrMod: UpgradeModule = createUpgradeModule();$rootScope) => { $rootScope.dataA = 'A'; $rootScope.dataB = 'B'; $rootScope.modelA = 'initModelA'; $rootScope.modelB = 'initModelB'; $rootScope.eventA = '?'; $rootScope.eventB = '?'; }); upgrMod.importNg2Component( Component({ selector: 'ng2', inputs: ['literal', 'interpolate', 'oneWayA', 'oneWayB', 'twoWayA', 'twoWayB'], outputs: ['eventA', 'eventB', 'twoWayAEmitter: twoWayA', 'twoWayBEmitter: twoWayB'] }) .View({ template: "ignore: {{ignore}}; " + "literal: {{literal}}; interpolate: {{interpolate}}; " + "oneWayA: {{oneWayA}}; oneWayB: {{oneWayB}}; " + "twoWayA: {{twoWayA}}; twoWayB: {{twoWayB}}; ({{onChangesCount}})" }) .Class({ constructor: function() { this.onChangesCount = 0; this.ignore = '-'; this.literal = '?'; this.interpolate = '?'; this.oneWayA = '?'; this.oneWayB = '?'; this.twoWayA = '?'; this.twoWayB = '?'; this.eventA = new EventEmitter(); this.eventB = new EventEmitter(); this.twoWayAEmitter = new EventEmitter(); this.twoWayBEmitter = new EventEmitter(); }, onChanges: function(changes) { var assert = (prop, value) => { if (this[prop] != value) { throw new Error( `Expected: '${prop}' to be '${value}' but was '${this[prop]}'`); } }; var assertChange = (prop, value) => { assert(prop, value); if (!changes[prop]) { throw new Error(`Changes record for '${prop}' not found.`); } var actValue = changes[prop].currentValue; if (actValue != value) { throw new Error( `Expected changes record for'${prop}' to be '${value}' but was '${actValue}'`); } }; switch (this.onChangesCount++) { case 0: assert('ignore', '-'); assertChange('literal', 'Text'); assertChange('interpolate', 'Hello world'); assertChange('oneWayA', 'A'); assertChange('oneWayB', 'B'); assertChange('twoWayA', 'initModelA'); assertChange('twoWayB', 'initModelB');'newA');'newB');'aFired');'bFired'); break; case 1: assertChange('twoWayA', 'newA'); break; case 2: assertChange('twoWayB', 'newB'); break; default: throw new Error('Called too many times! ' + JSON.stringify(changes)); } } })); var element = html(`
| modelA: {{modelA}}; modelB: {{modelB}}; eventA: {{eventA}}; eventB: {{eventB}};
`); upgrMod.bootstrap(element).ready(() => { expect(multiTrim(document.body.textContent)) .toEqual( "ignore: -; " + "literal: Text; interpolate: Hello world; " + "oneWayA: A; oneWayB: B; twoWayA: initModelA; twoWayB: initModelB; (1) | " + "modelA: initModelA; modelB: initModelB; eventA: ?; eventB: ?;"); setTimeout(() => { // we need to do setTimeout, because the EventEmitter uses setTimeout to schedule // events, and so without this we would not see the events processed. expect(multiTrim(document.body.textContent)) .toEqual("ignore: -; " + "literal: Text; interpolate: Hello world; " + "oneWayA: A; oneWayB: B; twoWayA: newA; twoWayB: newB; (3) | " + "modelA: newA; modelB: newB; eventA: aFired; eventB: bFired;"); async.done(); }); }); })); }); describe('binding from ng2 to ng1', () => { it('should bind properties, events', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => { var upgrMod = createUpgradeModule(); var ng1 = function() { return { template: 'Hello {{fullName}}; A: {{dataA}}; B: {{dataB}}; | ', scope: {fullName: '@', modelA: '=dataA', modelB: '=dataB', event: '&'}, link: function(scope) { scope.$watch('dataB', (v) => { if (v == 'Savkin') { scope.dataB = 'SAVKIN'; scope.event('WORKS'); // Should not update becaus [model-a] is uni directional scope.dataA = 'VICTOR'; } }) } } }; upgrMod.ng1Module.directive('ng1', ng1); var ng2 = Component({selector: 'ng2'}) .View({ template: '' + '' + '{{event}}-{{last}}, {{first}}', directives: [upgrMod.exportAsNg2Component('ng1')] }) .Class({ constructor: function() { this.first = 'Victor'; this.last = 'Savkin'; this.event = '?'; } }); upgrMod.importNg2Component(ng2); var element = html(`
`); upgrMod.bootstrap(element).ready(() => { // we need to do setTimeout, because the EventEmitter uses setTimeout to schedule // events, and so without this we would not see the events processed. setTimeout(() => { expect(multiTrim(document.body.textContent)) .toEqual( "Hello SAVKIN, Victor; A: VICTOR; B: SAVKIN; | Hello TEST; A: First; B: Last; | WORKS-SAVKIN, Victor"); async.done(); }, 0); }); })); }); }); } function multiTrim(text: string): string { return text.replace(/\n/g, '').replace(/\s\s+/g, ' ').trim(); } function html(html: string): Element { var body = document.body; body.innerHTML = html; if (body.childNodes.length == 1 && body.firstChild instanceof HTMLElement) return body.firstChild; return body; }