package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"]) filegroup( name = "node_modules", srcs = glob( ["node_modules/**/*"], exclude = [ # Exclude rxjs because we build it from sources using the label @rxjs//:rxjs "node_modules/rxjs/**", # Exclude directories that commonly contain filenames which are # illegal bazel labels # e.g. node_modules/adm-zip/test/assets/attributes_test/New folder/hidden.txt "node_modules/**/test/**", # e.g. node_modules/xpath/docs/function "node_modules/**/docs/**", ], ), ) ANGULAR_TESTING = [ "node_modules/@angular/*/bundles/*-testing.umd.js", # We use AOT, so the compiler and the dynamic platform-browser should be # visible only in tests "node_modules/@angular/compiler/bundles/*.umd.js", "node_modules/@angular/platform-browser-dynamic/bundles/*.umd.js", ] filegroup( name = "angular_bundles", srcs = glob( ["node_modules/@angular/*/bundles/*.umd.js"], exclude = ANGULAR_TESTING, ), ) filegroup( name = "angular_test_bundles", testonly = 1, srcs = glob(ANGULAR_TESTING), )