/** * @license * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ import {ParseLocation, ParseSourceFile, ParseSourceSpan} from '@angular/compiler'; import {EmitterVisitorContext} from '@angular/compiler/src/output/abstract_emitter'; import {SourceMap} from '@angular/compiler/src/output/source_map'; import {extractSourceMap, originalPositionFor} from '@angular/compiler/testing/src/output/source_map_util'; { describe('AbstractEmitter', () => { describe('EmitterVisitorContext', () => { const fileA = new ParseSourceFile('a0a1a2a3a4a5a6a7a8a9', 'a.js'); const fileB = new ParseSourceFile('b0b1b2b3b4b5b6b7b8b9', 'b.js'); let ctx: EmitterVisitorContext; beforeEach(() => { ctx = EmitterVisitorContext.createRoot(); }); it('should add source files to the source map', () => { ctx.print(createSourceSpan(fileA, 0), 'o0'); ctx.print(createSourceSpan(fileA, 1), 'o1'); ctx.print(createSourceSpan(fileB, 0), 'o2'); ctx.print(createSourceSpan(fileB, 1), 'o3'); const sm = ctx.toSourceMapGenerator('o.ts').toJSON()!; expect(sm.sources).toEqual([fileA.url, fileB.url]); expect(sm.sourcesContent).toEqual([fileA.content, fileB.content]); }); it('should generate a valid mapping', () => { ctx.print(createSourceSpan(fileA, 0), 'fileA-0'); ctx.println(createSourceSpan(fileB, 1), 'fileB-1'); ctx.print(createSourceSpan(fileA, 2), 'fileA-2'); expectMap(ctx, 0, 0, 'a.js', 0, 0); expectMap(ctx, 0, 7, 'b.js', 0, 2); expectMap(ctx, 1, 0, 'a.js', 0, 4); }); it('should be able to shift the content', () => { ctx.print(createSourceSpan(fileA, 0), 'fileA-0'); const sm = ctx.toSourceMapGenerator('o.ts', 10).toJSON()!; expect(originalPositionFor(sm, {line: 11, column: 0})).toEqual({ line: 1, column: 0, source: 'a.js', }); }); it('should use the default source file for the first character', () => { ctx.print(null, 'fileA-0'); expectMap(ctx, 0, 0, 'o.ts', 0, 0); }); it('should use an explicit mapping for the first character', () => { ctx.print(createSourceSpan(fileA, 0), 'fileA-0'); expectMap(ctx, 0, 0, 'a.js', 0, 0); }); it('should map leading segment without span', () => { ctx.print(null, '....'); ctx.print(createSourceSpan(fileA, 0), 'fileA-0'); expectMap(ctx, 0, 0, 'o.ts', 0, 0); expectMap(ctx, 0, 4, 'a.js', 0, 0); expect(nbSegmentsPerLine(ctx)).toEqual([2]); }); it('should handle indent', () => { ctx.incIndent(); ctx.println(createSourceSpan(fileA, 0), 'fileA-0'); ctx.incIndent(); ctx.println(createSourceSpan(fileA, 1), 'fileA-1'); ctx.decIndent(); ctx.println(createSourceSpan(fileA, 2), 'fileA-2'); expectMap(ctx, 0, 0, 'o.ts', 0, 0); expectMap(ctx, 0, 2, 'a.js', 0, 0); expectMap(ctx, 1, 0); expectMap(ctx, 1, 2); expectMap(ctx, 1, 4, 'a.js', 0, 2); expectMap(ctx, 2, 0); expectMap(ctx, 2, 2, 'a.js', 0, 4); expect(nbSegmentsPerLine(ctx)).toEqual([2, 1, 1]); }); it('should coalesce identical span', () => { const span = createSourceSpan(fileA, 0); ctx.print(span, 'fileA-0'); ctx.print(null, '...'); ctx.print(span, 'fileA-0'); ctx.print(createSourceSpan(fileB, 0), 'fileB-0'); expectMap(ctx, 0, 0, 'a.js', 0, 0); expectMap(ctx, 0, 7, 'a.js', 0, 0); expectMap(ctx, 0, 10, 'a.js', 0, 0); expectMap(ctx, 0, 17, 'b.js', 0, 0); expect(nbSegmentsPerLine(ctx)).toEqual([2]); }); }); }); } // All lines / columns indexes are 0-based // Note: source-map line indexes are 1-based, column 0-based function expectMap( ctx: EmitterVisitorContext, genLine: number, genCol: number, source: string|null = null, srcLine: number|null = null, srcCol: number|null = null) { const sm = ctx.toSourceMapGenerator('o.ts').toJSON()!; const genPosition = {line: genLine + 1, column: genCol}; const origPosition = originalPositionFor(sm, genPosition); // TODO: Review use of `any` here (#19904) expect(origPosition.source as any).toEqual(source); expect(origPosition.line as any).toEqual(srcLine === null ? null : srcLine + 1); expect(origPosition.column as any).toEqual(srcCol); } // returns the number of segments per line function nbSegmentsPerLine(ctx: EmitterVisitorContext) { const sm = ctx.toSourceMapGenerator('o.ts').toJSON()!; const lines = sm.mappings.split(';'); return lines.map(l => { const m = l.match(/,/g); return m === null ? 1 : m.length + 1; }); } function createSourceSpan(file: ParseSourceFile, idx: number) { const col = 2 * idx; const start = new ParseLocation(file, col, 0, col); const end = new ParseLocation(file, col + 2, 0, col + 2); const sourceSpan = new ParseSourceSpan(start, end); return {sourceSpan}; }