'use strict'; var destCopy = require('../broccoli-dest-copy'); var Funnel = require('broccoli-funnel'); var mergeTrees = require('broccoli-merge-trees'); var path = require('path'); var renderLodashTemplate = require('broccoli-lodash'); var replace = require('broccoli-replace'); var stew = require('broccoli-stew'); var ts2dart = require('../broccoli-ts2dart'); var traceurCompiler = require('../traceur'); var TypescriptCompiler = require('../typescript'); var projectRootDir = path.normalize(path.join(__dirname, '..', '..', '..', '..')); module.exports = function makeNodeTree(destinationPath) { // list of npm packages that this build will create var outputPackages = ['angular2', 'benchpress', 'rtts_assert']; var modulesTree = new Funnel('modules', { include: ['angular2/**', 'benchpress/**', 'rtts_assert/**', '**/e2e_test/**'], exclude: [ 'angular2/src/core/zone/vm_turn_zone.es6', 'angular2/test/core/application_spec.js', 'angular2/test/core/testability/**', 'angular2/test/core/zone/**', 'angular2/test/render/**', 'angular2/test/forms/integration_spec.js' ] }); var nodeTree = traceurCompiler(modulesTree, '.js', '.map', { sourceMaps: true, annotations: true, // parse annotations types: true, // parse types script: false, // parse as a module memberVariables: true, // parse class fields typeAssertionModule: 'rtts_assert/rtts_assert', // Don't use type assertions since this is partly transpiled by typescript typeAssertions: false, modules: 'commonjs' }); // Transform all tests to make them runnable in node nodeTree = replace(nodeTree, { files: ['**/test/**/*_spec.js'], patterns: [ { // Override the default DOM adapter with Parse5 for all tests match: /"use strict";/, replacement: "'use strict'; var parse5Adapter = require('angular2/src/dom/parse5_adapter'); " + "parse5Adapter.Parse5DomAdapter.makeCurrent();" }, { // Append main() to all tests since all of our tests are wrapped in exported main fn match: /$/g, replacement: "\r\n main();" } ] }); // Now we add the LICENSE file into all the folders that will become npm packages outputPackages.forEach(function(destDir) { var license = new Funnel('.', {files: ['LICENSE'], destDir: destDir}); nodeTree = mergeTrees([nodeTree, license]); }); // Get all docs and related assets and prepare them for js build var docs = new Funnel(modulesTree, {include: ['**/*.md', '**/*.png'], exclude: ['**/*.dart.md']}); docs = stew.rename(docs, 'README.js.md', 'README.md'); // Generate shared package.json info var BASE_PACKAGE_JSON = require(path.join(projectRootDir, 'package.json')); var COMMON_PACKAGE_JSON = { version: BASE_PACKAGE_JSON.version, homepage: BASE_PACKAGE_JSON.homepage, bugs: BASE_PACKAGE_JSON.bugs, license: BASE_PACKAGE_JSON.license, contributors: BASE_PACKAGE_JSON.contributors, dependencies: BASE_PACKAGE_JSON.dependencies, devDependencies: { "yargs": BASE_PACKAGE_JSON.devDependencies['yargs'], "gulp-sourcemaps": BASE_PACKAGE_JSON.devDependencies['gulp-sourcemaps'], "gulp-traceur": BASE_PACKAGE_JSON.devDependencies['gulp-traceur'], "gulp": BASE_PACKAGE_JSON.devDependencies['gulp'], "gulp-rename": BASE_PACKAGE_JSON.devDependencies['gulp-rename'], "through2": BASE_PACKAGE_JSON.devDependencies['through2'] } }; // Add a .template extension since renderLodashTemplate strips one extension var packageJsons = stew.rename(new Funnel(modulesTree, {include: ['**/package.json']}), '.json', '.json.template'); packageJsons = renderLodashTemplate( packageJsons, {files: ["**/**"], context: {'packageJson': COMMON_PACKAGE_JSON}}); var typescriptTree = new TypescriptCompiler(modulesTree, { target: 'ES5', sourceMap: true, mapRoot: '', /* force sourcemaps to use relative path */ module: /*system.js*/ 'commonjs', allowNonTsExtensions: false, typescript: require('typescript'), // declarationFiles: true, noEmitOnError: true, outDir: 'angular2' }); // For now, we just overwrite the Traceur-compiled files with their Typescript equivalent nodeTree = mergeTrees([nodeTree, typescriptTree], { overwrite: true }); nodeTree = mergeTrees([nodeTree, docs, packageJsons]); return destCopy(nodeTree, destinationPath); };