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HTTP", "tooltip": "第八部分:通过 HTTP 来获取并保存英雄数据" } ] }, { "title": "核心知识", "tooltip": "学习 Angular 的核心知识", "children": [ { "url": "guide/architecture", "title": "架构", "tooltip": "Angular 应用的基本构造块" }, { "title": "模板与数据绑定", "tooltip": "模板与数据绑定", "children": [ { "url": "guide/displaying-data", "title": "显示数据", "tooltip": "属性绑定可以帮助应用把数据显示在界面上" }, { "url": "guide/template-syntax", "title": "模板语法", "tooltip": "学习如何写模板,以便借助数据绑定机制显示数据并响应事件。" }, { "url": "guide/lifecycle-hooks", "title": "生命周期钩子", "tooltip": "Angular 调用指令和组件的生命周期钩子函数,包括它的创建、变更和销毁时。" }, { "url": "guide/component-interaction", "title": "组件交互", "tooltip": "在不同的指令和组件之间共享信息" }, { "url": "guide/component-styles", "title": "组件样式", "tooltip": "添加专属于某个组件的样式" }, { "url": "guide/dynamic-component-loader", "title": "动态组件", "tooltip": "动态加载组件" }, { "url": "guide/attribute-directives", "title": "属性型指令", "tooltip": "属性型指令把行为添加到现有元素上。" }, { "url": "guide/structural-directives", "title": "结构型指令", "tooltip": "结构型指令可以操纵页面的布局" }, { "url": "guide/pipes", 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entry components in Angular." }, { "url": "guide/feature-modules", "title": "Feature Modules", "tooltip": "Create feature modules to organize your code." }, { "url": "guide/providers", "title": "Providers", "tooltip": "Providers and NgModules." }, { "url": "guide/singleton-services", "title": "Singleton Services", "tooltip": "Creating singleton services." }, { "url": "guide/lazy-loading-ngmodules", "title": "Lazy Loading Feature Modules", "tooltip": "Lazy load modules to speed up your apps." }, { "url": "guide/sharing-ngmodules", "title": "Sharing NgModules", "tooltip": "Share NgModules to streamline your apps." }, { "url": "guide/ngmodule-api", "title": "NgModule API", "tooltip": "Understand the details of NgModules." }, { "url": "guide/ngmodule-faq", "title": "NgModule 常见问题", "tooltip": "回答关于 NgModules 的常见问题。" } ]}, { "title": "依赖注入", "tooltip": "依赖注入:创建并注入各种服务。", "children": [ { "url": "guide/dependency-injection-pattern", "title": "The Dependency Injection pattern", "tooltip": "Learn about the dependency injection pattern behind the Angular DI system." }, { "url": "guide/dependency-injection", "title": "Angular 依赖注入", "tooltip": "Angular 的依赖注入系统能够为 Angular 创建的类创建并交付它们所依赖的服务。" }, { "url": "guide/hierarchical-dependency-injection", "title": "多级注入器", "tooltip": "Angular 的多级注入体系会建立与组件平行的注入器树。" }, { "url": "guide/dependency-injection-in-action", "title": "DI 实用技巧", "tooltip": "依赖注入的使用技巧" } ] }, { "url": "guide/http", "title": "HttpClient", "tooltip": "通过 HTTP 协议与远程服务器对话。" }, { "url": "guide/router", "title": "路由与导航", "tooltip": "揭示如何通过 Angular 路由进行基本的屏幕导航。" }, { "url": "guide/testing", "title": "测试", "tooltip": "测试 Angular 应用的技巧与实践。" }, { "url": "guide/cheatsheet", "title": "速查表", "tooltip": "关于 Angular 常用编码技术的快速指南。" } ]}, { "title": "其它技术", "tooltip": "把 Angular 用到你的实际工作中的一些技巧", "children": [ { "url": "guide/i18n", "title": "国际化 (i18n)", "tooltip": "把应用模板中的文本翻译成多种语言。" }, { "url": "guide/language-service", "title": "语言服务", "tooltip": "使用 Angular 语言服务来为开发提速。" }, { 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Angular。" }, { "url": "guide/ajs-quick-reference", "title": "升级速查表", "tooltip": "学习如何把 AngularJS 的概念和技术映射到 Angular 。" } ] }, { "url": "guide/universal", "title": "Server-side Rendering", "tooltip": "Render HTML server-side with Angular Universal." }, { "url": "guide/visual-studio-2015", "title": "Visual Studio 2015 快速上手", "tooltip": "在 Visual Studio 2015 中使用快速起步中的文件" }, { "url": "guide/styleguide", "title": "风格指南", "tooltip": "写出 Angular 风格的程序" }, { "url": "guide/glossary", "title": "词汇表", "tooltip": "Angular 中最重要的词汇的简要定义。" } ] }, { "title": "API 参考手册", "tooltip": "关于 Angular 中类和值的详细信息。", "url": "api" }, { "url": "guide/change-log", "title": "Change Log", "tooltip": "Angular Documentation Change Log", "hidden": true } ], "Footer": [ { "title": "资源", "children": [ { "url": "about", "title": "关于", "tooltip": "Angular 贡献者。" }, { "url": "resources", "title": "资源列表", "tooltip": "网络上的 Angular 工具、培训、博客等" }, { "url": "presskit", "title": "宣传资料", "tooltip": "我们的联系方式、LOGO 和品牌" }, { "url": 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"title": "做贡献", "tooltip": "向 Angular 做贡献" } ] }, { "title": "多语言", "children": [ { "title": "English Version", "url": "https://angular.io/" } ] } ], "docVersions": [ { "title": "v4 (LTS)", "url": "https://v4.angular.io" }, { "title": "v2", "url": "https://v2.angular.cn" }, { "title": "AngularDart", "url": "https://webdev.dartlang.org/angular" } ] }