import { fork, ChildProcess } from 'child_process'; import { join } from 'path'; import { Client } from './tsclient'; import { goldenMatcher } from './matcher'; describe('Angular Language Service', () => { jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL = 10000; /* 10 seconds */ const PWD = process.env.PWD!; const SERVER_PATH = "./node_modules/typescript/lib/tsserver.js"; let server: ChildProcess; let client: Client; beforeEach(() => { jasmine.addMatchers(goldenMatcher); server = fork(SERVER_PATH, [ '--globalPlugins', '@angular/language-service', '--logVerbosity', 'verbose', '--logFile', join(PWD, 'tsserver.log'), ], { stdio: ['pipe', 'pipe', 'inherit', 'ipc'], }); client = new Client(server); client.listen(); }); afterEach(async () => { client.sendRequest('exit', {}); // Give server process some time to flush all messages await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 1000)); }); it('should be launched as tsserver plugin', async () => { let response = await client.sendRequest('configure', { hostInfo: 'vscode', }); expect(response).toMatchGolden('configure.json'); response = await client.sendRequest('compilerOptionsForInferredProjects', { "options": { module: "CommonJS", target: "ES6", allowSyntheticDefaultImports: true, allowNonTsExtensions: true, allowJs: true, jsx: "Preserve" } }); expect(response).toMatchGolden('compilerOptionsForInferredProjects.json'); // Server does not send response to open request // client.sendRequest('open', { file: `${PWD}/project/app/app.module.ts`, }); // Server does not send response to geterr request // client.sendRequest('geterr', { delay: 0, files: [`${PWD}/project/app/app.module.ts`] }); }); it('should perform completions', async () => { await client.sendRequest('configure', { hostInfo: 'vscode', }); await client.sendRequest('compilerOptionsForInferredProjects', { "options": { module: "CommonJS", target: "ES6", allowSyntheticDefaultImports: true, allowNonTsExtensions: true, allowJs: true, jsx: "Preserve" } }); client.sendRequest('open', { file: `${PWD}/project/app/app.component.ts`, }); client.sendRequest('geterr', { delay: 0, files: [`${PWD}/project/app/app.component.ts`] }); client.sendRequest('change', { file: `${PWD}/project/app/app.component.ts`, line: 5, offset: 30, endLine: 5, endOffset: 30, insertString: '.', }); const response = await client.sendRequest('completionInfo', { file: `${PWD}/project/app/app.component.ts`, line: 5, offset: 31, }); expect(response).toMatchGolden('completionInfo.json'); }); it('should perform quickinfo', async () => { client.sendRequest('open', { file: `${PWD}/project/app/app.component.ts`, }); const resp1 = await client.sendRequest('reload', { file: `${PWD}/project/app/app.component.ts`, tmpFile: `${PWD}/project/app/app.component.ts`, }) as any; expect(resp1.command).toBe('reload'); expect(resp1.success).toBe(true); const resp2 = await client.sendRequest('quickinfo', { file: `${PWD}/project/app/app.component.ts`, line: 5, offset: 28, }); expect(resp2).toMatchGolden('quickinfo.json'); }); it('should perform definition', async () => { client.sendRequest('open', { file: `${PWD}/project/app/app.component.ts`, }); const resp1 = await client.sendRequest('reload', { file: `${PWD}/project/app/app.component.ts`, tmpFile: `${PWD}/project/app/app.component.ts`, }) as any; expect(resp1.command).toBe('reload'); expect(resp1.success).toBe(true); const resp2 = await client.sendRequest('definition', { file: `${PWD}/project/app/app.component.ts`, line: 5, offset: 28, }); expect(resp2).toMatchGolden('definition.json'); }); });