// Based on https://github.com/angular/angular/blob/master/modules/angular2/test/testing/testing_public_spec.ts /* tslint:disable:no-unused-variable */ /** * Tests that show what goes wrong when the tests are incorrectly written or have a problem */ import { BadTemplateUrlComp, ButtonComp, ChildChildComp, ChildComp, ChildWithChildComp, ExternalTemplateComp, FancyService, MockFancyService, InputComp, MyIfComp, MyIfChildComp, MyIfParentComp, MockChildComp, MockChildChildComp, ParentComp, TestProvidersComp, TestViewProvidersComp } from './bag'; import { DebugElement } from '@angular/core'; import { By } from '@angular/platform-browser'; import { beforeEach, beforeEachProviders, describe, ddescribe, xdescribe, expect, it, iit, xit, async, inject } from '@angular/core/testing'; import { ComponentFixture, TestComponentBuilder } from '@angular/compiler/testing'; import { ViewMetadata } from '@angular/core'; import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Rx'; //////// SPECS ///////////// xdescribe('async & inject testing errors', () => { let originalJasmineIt: any; let originalJasmineBeforeEach: any; let patchJasmineIt = () => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { originalJasmineIt = jasmine.getEnv().it; jasmine.getEnv().it = (description: string, fn: Function): jasmine.Spec => { let done = () => { resolve(); }; (done).fail = (err: any) => { reject(err); }; fn(done); return null; }; }); }; let restoreJasmineIt = () => { jasmine.getEnv().it = originalJasmineIt; }; let patchJasmineBeforeEach = () => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { originalJasmineBeforeEach = jasmine.getEnv().beforeEach; jasmine.getEnv().beforeEach = (fn: any): void => { let done = () => { resolve(); }; (done).fail = (err: any) => { reject(err); }; fn(done); return null; }; }); }; let restoreJasmineBeforeEach = () => { jasmine.getEnv().beforeEach = originalJasmineBeforeEach; }; const shouldNotSucceed = (done: DoneFn) => () => done.fail( 'Expected an error, but did not get one.'); const shouldFail = (done: DoneFn, emsg: string) => (err: any) => { expect(err).toEqual(emsg); done(); }; it('should fail when an asynchronous error is thrown', (done: DoneFn) => { let itPromise = patchJasmineIt(); it('throws an async error', async(inject([], () => { setTimeout(() => { throw new Error('bar'); }, 0); }))); itPromise.then( shouldNotSucceed(done), err => { expect(err).toEqual('bar'); done(); }); restoreJasmineIt(); }); it('should fail when a returned promise is rejected', (done: DoneFn) => { let itPromise = patchJasmineIt(); it('should fail with an error from a promise', async(() => { return Promise.reject('baz'); })); itPromise.then( shouldNotSucceed(done), err => { expect(err).toEqual('Uncaught (in promise): baz'); done(); }); restoreJasmineIt(); }); it('should fail when an error occurs inside inject', (done: DoneFn) => { let itPromise = patchJasmineIt(); it('throws an error', inject([], () => { throw new Error('foo'); })); itPromise.then( shouldNotSucceed(done), shouldFail(done, 'foo') ); restoreJasmineIt(); }); // TODO(juliemr): reenable this test when we are using a test zone and can capture this error. it('should fail when an asynchronous error is thrown', (done: DoneFn) => { let itPromise = patchJasmineIt(); it('throws an async error', async(inject([], () => { setTimeout(() => { throw new Error('bar'); }, 0); }))); itPromise.then( shouldNotSucceed(done), shouldFail(done, 'bar') ); restoreJasmineIt(); }); it('should fail when XHR loading of a template fails', (done: DoneFn) => { let itPromise = patchJasmineIt(); it('should fail with an error from a promise', async(inject([TestComponentBuilder], (tcb: TestComponentBuilder) => { tcb.createAsync(BadTemplateUrlComp); }))); itPromise.then( shouldNotSucceed(done), shouldFail(done, 'Uncaught (in promise): Failed to load non-existant.html') ); restoreJasmineIt(); }, 10000); describe('using beforeEachProviders', () => { beforeEachProviders(() => [{ provide: FancyService, useValue: new FancyService() }]); beforeEach( inject([FancyService], (service: FancyService) => { expect(service.value).toEqual('real value'); })); describe('nested beforeEachProviders', () => { it('should fail when the injector has already been used', () => { patchJasmineBeforeEach(); expect(() => { beforeEachProviders(() => [{ provide: FancyService, useValue: new FancyService() }]); }) .toThrowError('beforeEachProviders was called after the injector had been used ' + 'in a beforeEach or it block. This invalidates the test injector'); restoreJasmineBeforeEach(); }); }); }); });