/*global jasmine, __karma__, window*/ (function () { // Error.stackTraceLimit = Infinity; jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL = 1000; // Cancel Karma's synchronous start, // we call `__karma__.start()` later, once all the specs are loaded. __karma__.loaded = function () { }; // SET THE RUNTIME APPLICATION ROOT HERE var appRoot ='app'; // no trailing slash! // RegExp for client application base path within karma (which always starts 'base\') var karmaBase = '^\/base\/'; // RegEx string for base of karma folders var appPackage = 'base/' + appRoot; //e.g., base/app var appRootRe = new RegExp(karmaBase + appRoot + '\/'); var onlyAppFilesRe = new RegExp(karmaBase + appRoot + '\/(?!.*\.spec\.js$)([a-z0-9-_\.\/]+)\.js$'); var moduleNames = []; // Configure systemjs packages to use the .js extension for imports from the app folder var packages = {}; packages[appPackage] = { defaultExtension: false, format: 'register', map: Object.keys(window.__karma__.files) .filter(onlyAppFiles) // Create local module name mapping to karma file path for app files // with karma's fingerprint in query string, e.g.: // './hero.service': '/base/app/hero.service.js?f4523daf879cfb7310ef6242682ccf10b2041b3e' .reduce(function (pathsMapping, appPath) { var moduleName = appPath.replace(appRootRe, './').replace(/\.js$/, ''); pathsMapping[moduleName] = appPath + '?' + window.__karma__.files[appPath]; return pathsMapping; }, {}) } System.config({ packages: packages }); // Configure Angular for the browser and // with test versions of the platform providers System.import('angular2/testing') .then(function (testing) { return System.import('angular2/platform/testing/browser') .then(function (providers) { testing.setBaseTestProviders( providers.TEST_BROWSER_PLATFORM_PROVIDERS, providers.TEST_BROWSER_APPLICATION_PROVIDERS ); }); }) // Load all spec files // (e.g. 'base/app/hero.service.spec.js') .then(function () { return Promise.all( Object.keys(window.__karma__.files) .filter(onlySpecFiles) .map(function (moduleName) { moduleNames.push(moduleName); return System.import(moduleName); })); }) .then(success, fail); ////// Helpers ////// function onlyAppFiles(filePath) { return onlyAppFilesRe.test(filePath); } function onlySpecFiles(filePath) { return /\.spec\.js$/.test(filePath); } function success () { console.log( 'Spec files loaded:\n ' + moduleNames.join('\n ') + '\nStarting Jasmine testrunner'); __karma__.start(); } function fail(error) { __karma__.error(error.stack || error); } })();