/** * @license * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ import {setup} from '@angular/compiler/test/aot/test_util'; import {DEFAULT_INTERPOLATION_CONFIG} from '../../../compiler/src/compiler'; import {decimalDigest} from '../../../compiler/src/i18n/digest'; import {extractMessages} from '../../../compiler/src/i18n/extractor_merger'; import {HtmlParser} from '../../../compiler/src/ml_parser/html_parser'; import {compile, expectEmit} from './mock_compile'; const angularFiles = setup({ compileAngular: false, compileFakeCore: true, compileAnimations: false, }); const htmlParser = new HtmlParser(); const diff = (a: Set, b: Set): Set => new Set([...Array.from(a)].filter(x => !b.has(x))); // verify that we extracted all the necessary translations // and their ids match the ones extracted via 'ng xi18n' const verifyTranslationIds = (source: string, output: string, exceptions = {}) => { const parseResult = htmlParser.parse(source, 'path:://to/template', true); const extractedIdToMsg = new Map(); const extractedIds = new Set(); const generatedIds = new Set(); const msgs = extractMessages(parseResult.rootNodes, DEFAULT_INTERPOLATION_CONFIG, [], {}); msgs.messages.forEach(msg => { const id = msg.id || decimalDigest(msg); extractedIds.add(id); extractedIdToMsg.set(id, msg); }); const matched = output.match(/\[BACKUP_MESSAGE_ID:(.+?)\]/g) || []; matched.forEach(match => { const [key, id] = match.split(':'); generatedIds.add(id.slice(0, -1)); }); const delta = diff(extractedIds, generatedIds); if (delta.size) { // check if we have ids in exception list const outstanding = diff(delta, new Set(Object.keys(exceptions))); if (outstanding.size) { throw new Error(` Extracted and generated IDs don't match, delta: ${JSON.stringify(Array.from(delta))} `); } } return true; }; // verify that placeholders in translation string match // placeholders object defined as goog.getMsg function argument const verifyPlaceholdersIntegrity = (output: string) => { const extract = (from: string, regex: any, transformFn: (match: any[]) => any) => { const result = new Set(); let item; while ((item = regex.exec(from)) !== null) { result.add(transformFn(item)); } return result; }; const extactTranslations = (from: string) => { const regex = /const\s*(.*?)\s*=\s*goog\.getMsg\("(.*?)",?\s*(.*?)\)/g; return extract(from, regex, v => [v[2], v[3]]); }; const extractPlaceholdersFromBody = (body: string) => { const regex = /{\$(.*?)}/g; return extract(body, regex, v => v[1]); }; const extractPlaceholdersFromArgs = (args: string) => { const regex = /\s+"(.+?)":\s*".*?"/g; return extract(args, regex, v => v[1]); }; const translations = extactTranslations(output); translations.forEach((translation) => { const bodyPhs = extractPlaceholdersFromBody(translation[0]); const argsPhs = extractPlaceholdersFromArgs(translation[1]); if (bodyPhs.size !== argsPhs.size || diff(bodyPhs, argsPhs).size) { return false; } }); return true; }; const getAppFilesWithTemplate = (template: string, args: any = {}) => ({ app: { 'spec.ts': ` import {Component, NgModule} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'my-component', ${args.preserveWhitespaces ? 'preserveWhitespaces: true,' : ''} template: \`${template}\` }) export class MyComponent {} @NgModule({declarations: [MyComponent]}) export class MyModule {} ` } }); const verify = (input: string, output: string, extra: any = {}) => { const files = getAppFilesWithTemplate(input, extra.inputArgs); const result = compile(files, angularFiles); if (extra.verbose) { // tslint:disable-next-line console.log(` ========== Generated output: ========== ${result.source} ======================================= `); } expect(verifyTranslationIds(input, result.source, extra.exceptions)).toBe(true); expect(verifyPlaceholdersIntegrity(result.source)).toBe(true); expectEmit(result.source, output, 'Incorrect template'); return result.source; }; describe('i18n support in the view compiler', () => { describe('element attributes', () => { it('should add the meaning and description as JsDoc comments', () => { const input = `
Content A
Content B
Content C
Content D
Content E
Content F
Content G
`; const output = ` /** * @desc [BACKUP_MESSAGE_ID:idA] descA * @meaning meaningA */ const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_0$ = goog.getMsg("Content A"); /** * @desc [BACKUP_MESSAGE_ID:idB] descB * @meaning meaningB */ const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_1$ = goog.getMsg("Title B"); const $_c2$ = ["title", $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_1$]; /** * @desc [BACKUP_MESSAGE_ID:4978592519614169666] meaningC */ const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_3$ = goog.getMsg("Title C"); const $_c4$ = ["title", $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_3$]; /** * @desc [BACKUP_MESSAGE_ID:5200291527729162531] descD * @meaning meaningD */ const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_5$ = goog.getMsg("Title D"); const $_c6$ = ["title", $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_5$]; /** * @desc [BACKUP_MESSAGE_ID:idE] meaningE */ const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_7$ = goog.getMsg("Title E"); const $_c8$ = ["title", $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_7$]; /** * @desc [BACKUP_MESSAGE_ID:idF] */ const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_9$ = goog.getMsg("Title F"); const $_c10$ = ["title", $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_9$]; /** * @desc [BACKUP_MESSAGE_ID:idG]desc */ const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_11$ = goog.getMsg("Title G"); const $_c12$ = ["title", $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_11$]; … template: function MyComponent_Template(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) { $r3$.ɵelementStart(0, "div"); $r3$.ɵi18n(1, $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_0$); $r3$.ɵelementEnd(); $r3$.ɵelementStart(2, "div"); $r3$.ɵi18nAttributes(3, $_c2$); $r3$.ɵtext(4, "Content B"); $r3$.ɵelementEnd(); $r3$.ɵelementStart(5, "div"); $r3$.ɵi18nAttributes(6, $_c4$); $r3$.ɵtext(7, "Content C"); $r3$.ɵelementEnd(); $r3$.ɵelementStart(8, "div"); $r3$.ɵi18nAttributes(9, $_c6$); $r3$.ɵtext(10, "Content D"); $r3$.ɵelementEnd(); $r3$.ɵelementStart(11, "div"); $r3$.ɵi18nAttributes(12, $_c8$); $r3$.ɵtext(13, "Content E"); $r3$.ɵelementEnd(); $r3$.ɵelementStart(14, "div"); $r3$.ɵi18nAttributes(15, $_c10$); $r3$.ɵtext(16, "Content F"); $r3$.ɵelementEnd(); $r3$.ɵelementStart(17, "div"); $r3$.ɵi18nAttributes(18, $_c12$); $r3$.ɵtext(19, "Content G"); $r3$.ɵelementEnd(); } } `; verify(input, output); }); it('should not create translations for empty attributes', () => { const input = `
`; const output = ` const $_c0$ = ["id", "static", "title", ""]; … template: function MyComponent_Template(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) { $r3$.ɵelement(0, "div", $_c0$); } } `; verify(input, output); }); it('should translate static attributes', () => { const input = `
`; const output = ` const $_c0$ = ["id", "static"]; /** * @desc [BACKUP_MESSAGE_ID:8809028065680254561] d * @meaning m */ const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_1$ = goog.getMsg("introduction"); const $_c2$ = ["title", $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_1$]; … template: function MyComponent_Template(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) { $r3$.ɵelementStart(0, "div", $_c0$); $r3$.ɵi18nAttributes(1, $_c2$); $r3$.ɵelementEnd(); } } `; verify(input, output); }); it('should support interpolation', () => { const input = `
`; const output = String.raw ` const $_c0$ = ["id", "dynamic-1"]; /** * @desc [BACKUP_MESSAGE_ID:5526535577705876535] */ const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_1$ = goog.getMsg("static text"); /** * @desc [BACKUP_MESSAGE_ID:8977039798304050198] d * @meaning m */ const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_2$ = goog.getMsg("intro {$interpolation}", { "interpolation": "\uFFFD0\uFFFD" }); /** * @desc [BACKUP_MESSAGE_ID:7432761130955693041] d1 * @meaning m1 */ const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_3$ = goog.getMsg("{$interpolation}", { "interpolation": "\uFFFD0\uFFFD" }); const $_c4$ = ["aria-roledescription", $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_1$, "title", $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_2$, "aria-label", $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_3$]; const $_c5$ = ["id", "dynamic-2"]; /** * @desc [BACKUP_MESSAGE_ID:7566208596013750546] d2 * @meaning m2 */ const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_6$ = goog.getMsg("{$interpolation} and {$interpolation_1} and again {$interpolation_2}", { "interpolation": "\uFFFD0\uFFFD", "interpolation_1": "\uFFFD1\uFFFD", "interpolation_2": "\uFFFD2\uFFFD" }); /** * @desc [BACKUP_MESSAGE_ID:6639222533406278123] */ const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_7$ = goog.getMsg("{$interpolation}", { "interpolation": "\uFFFD0\uFFFD" }); const _c8 = ["title", $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_6$, "aria-roledescription", $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_7$]; … template: function MyComponent_Template(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) { $r3$.ɵelementStart(0, "div", $_c0$); $r3$.ɵpipe(1, "uppercase"); $r3$.ɵi18nAttributes(2, $_c4$); $r3$.ɵelementEnd(); $r3$.ɵelementStart(3, "div", $_c5$); $r3$.ɵi18nAttributes(4, $_c8$); $r3$.ɵelementEnd(); } if (rf & 2) { $r3$.ɵi18nExp($r3$.ɵbind($r3$.ɵpipeBind1(1, 0, ctx.valueA))); $r3$.ɵi18nExp($r3$.ɵbind(ctx.valueB)); $r3$.ɵi18nApply(2); $r3$.ɵi18nExp($r3$.ɵbind(ctx.valueA)); $r3$.ɵi18nExp($r3$.ɵbind(ctx.valueB)); $r3$.ɵi18nExp($r3$.ɵbind((ctx.valueA + ctx.valueB))); $r3$.ɵi18nExp($r3$.ɵbind(ctx.valueC)); $r3$.ɵi18nApply(4); } } `; verify(input, output); }); it('should correctly bind to context in nested template', () => { const input = `
`; const output = String.raw ` const $_c0$ = ["ngFor", "", 1, "ngForOf"]; /** * @desc [BACKUP_MESSAGE_ID:8538466649243975456] d * @meaning m */ const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS__1$ = goog.getMsg("different scope {$interpolation}", { "interpolation": "\uFFFD0\uFFFD" }); const $_c2$ = ["title", $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS__1$]; function MyComponent_div_Template_0(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) { $r3$.ɵelementStart(0, "div"); $r3$.ɵelementStart(1, "div"); $r3$.ɵpipe(2, "uppercase"); $r3$.ɵi18nAttributes(3, $_c2$); $r3$.ɵelementEnd(); $r3$.ɵelementEnd(); } if (rf & 2) { const $outer_r1$ = ctx.$implicit; $r3$.ɵi18nExp($r3$.ɵbind($r3$.ɵpipeBind1(2, 0, $outer_r1$))); $r3$.ɵi18nApply(3); } } … template: function MyComponent_Template(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) { $r3$.ɵtemplate(0, MyComponent_div_Template_0, 4, 2, null, $_c0$); } if (rf & 2) { $r3$.ɵelementProperty(0, "ngForOf", $r3$.ɵbind(ctx.items)); } } `; verify(input, output); }); it('should support interpolation', () => { const input = `
`; const output = String.raw ` const $_c0$ = ["id", "dynamic-1"]; /** * @desc [BACKUP_MESSAGE_ID:5526535577705876535] */ const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_1$ = goog.getMsg("static text"); /** * @desc [BACKUP_MESSAGE_ID:8977039798304050198] d * @meaning m */ const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_2$ = goog.getMsg("intro {$interpolation}", { "interpolation": "\uFFFD0\uFFFD" }); /** * @desc [BACKUP_MESSAGE_ID:7432761130955693041] d1 * @meaning m1 */ const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_3$ = goog.getMsg("{$interpolation}", { "interpolation": "\uFFFD0\uFFFD" }); const $_c4$ = ["aria-roledescription", $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_1$, "title", $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_2$, "aria-label", $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_3$]; const $_c5$ = ["id", "dynamic-2"]; /** * @desc [BACKUP_MESSAGE_ID:7566208596013750546] d2 * @meaning m2 */ const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_6$ = goog.getMsg("{$interpolation} and {$interpolation_1} and again {$interpolation_2}", { "interpolation": "\uFFFD0\uFFFD", "interpolation_1": "\uFFFD1\uFFFD", "interpolation_2": "\uFFFD2\uFFFD" }); /** * @desc [BACKUP_MESSAGE_ID:6639222533406278123] */ const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_7$ = goog.getMsg("{$interpolation}", { "interpolation": "\uFFFD0\uFFFD" }); const $_c8$ = ["title", $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_6$, "aria-roledescription", $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_7$]; … template: function MyComponent_Template(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) { $r3$.ɵelementStart(0, "div", $_c0$); $r3$.ɵpipe(1, "uppercase"); $r3$.ɵi18nAttributes(2, $_c4$); $r3$.ɵelementEnd(); $r3$.ɵelementStart(3, "div", $_c5$); $r3$.ɵi18nAttributes(4, $_c8$); $r3$.ɵelementEnd(); } if (rf & 2) { $r3$.ɵi18nExp($r3$.ɵbind($r3$.ɵpipeBind1(1, 0, ctx.valueA))); $r3$.ɵi18nExp($r3$.ɵbind(ctx.valueB)); $r3$.ɵi18nApply(2); $r3$.ɵi18nExp($r3$.ɵbind(ctx.valueA)); $r3$.ɵi18nExp($r3$.ɵbind(ctx.valueB)); $r3$.ɵi18nExp($r3$.ɵbind((ctx.valueA + ctx.valueB))); $r3$.ɵi18nExp($r3$.ɵbind(ctx.valueC)); $r3$.ɵi18nApply(4); } } `; verify(input, output); }); it('should correctly bind to context in nested template', () => { const input = `
`; const output = String.raw ` const $_c0$ = ["ngFor", "", 1, "ngForOf"]; /** * @desc [BACKUP_MESSAGE_ID:8538466649243975456] d * @meaning m */ const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS__1$ = goog.getMsg("different scope {$interpolation}", { "interpolation": "\uFFFD0\uFFFD" }); const $_c2$ = ["title", $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS__1$]; function MyComponent_div_Template_0(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) { $r3$.ɵelementStart(0, "div"); $r3$.ɵelementStart(1, "div"); $r3$.ɵpipe(2, "uppercase"); $r3$.ɵi18nAttributes(3, $_c2$); $r3$.ɵelementEnd(); $r3$.ɵelementEnd(); } if (rf & 2) { const $outer_r1$ = ctx.$implicit; $r3$.ɵi18nExp($r3$.ɵbind($r3$.ɵpipeBind1(2, 0, $outer_r1$))); $r3$.ɵi18nApply(3); } } … template: function MyComponent_Template(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) { $r3$.ɵtemplate(0, MyComponent_div_Template_0, 4, 2, null, $_c0$); } if (rf & 2) { $r3$.ɵelementProperty(0, "ngForOf", $r3$.ɵbind(ctx.items)); } } `; verify(input, output); }); it('should work correctly when placed on i18n root node', () => { const input = `
Some content
`; const output = String.raw ` /** * @desc [BACKUP_MESSAGE_ID:7727043314656808423] d * @meaning m */ const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_1$ = goog.getMsg("Element title"); const $_c2$ = ["title", $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_1$]; /** * @desc [BACKUP_MESSAGE_ID:4969674997806975147] */ const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_0$ = goog.getMsg("Some content"); … template: function MyComponent_Template(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) { $r3$.ɵelementStart(0, "div"); $r3$.ɵi18n(1, $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_0$); $r3$.ɵi18nAttributes(2, $_c2$); $r3$.ɵelementEnd(); } } `; verify(input, output); }); }); describe('nested nodes', () => { it('should not produce instructions for empty content', () => { const input = `
`; const output = String.raw ` template: function MyComponent_Template(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) { $r3$.ɵelement(0, "div"); $r3$.ɵelement(1, "div"); $r3$.ɵelement(2, "div"); } } `; const exceptions = { '6524085439495453930': 'No translation is produced for empty content (whitespaces)', '814405839137385666': 'No translation is produced for empty content (line breaks)' }; verify(input, output, {exceptions}); }); it('should properly escape quotes in content', () => { const input = `
Some text 'with single quotes', "with double quotes" and without quotes.
`; const output = String.raw ` /** * @desc [BACKUP_MESSAGE_ID:4924931801512133405] */ const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_0$ = goog.getMsg("Some text 'with single quotes', \"with double quotes\" and without quotes."); `; verify(input, output); }); it('should handle i18n attributes with plain-text content', () => { const input = `
My i18n block #1
My non-i18n block #1
My i18n block #2
My non-i18n block #2
My i18n block #3
`; const output = String.raw ` /** * @desc [BACKUP_MESSAGE_ID:4890179241114413722] */ const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_0$ = goog.getMsg("My i18n block #1"); /** * @desc [BACKUP_MESSAGE_ID:2413150872298537152] */ const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_1$ = goog.getMsg("My i18n block #2"); /** * @desc [BACKUP_MESSAGE_ID:5023003143537152794] */ const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_2$ = goog.getMsg("My i18n block #3"); … template: function MyComponent_Template(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) { $r3$.ɵelementStart(0, "div"); $r3$.ɵi18n(1, $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_0$); $r3$.ɵelementEnd(); $r3$.ɵelementStart(2, "div"); $r3$.ɵtext(3, "My non-i18n block #1"); $r3$.ɵelementEnd(); $r3$.ɵelementStart(4, "div"); $r3$.ɵi18n(5, $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_1$); $r3$.ɵelementEnd(); $r3$.ɵelementStart(6, "div"); $r3$.ɵtext(7, "My non-i18n block #2"); $r3$.ɵelementEnd(); $r3$.ɵelementStart(8, "div"); $r3$.ɵi18n(9, $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_2$); $r3$.ɵelementEnd(); } } `; verify(input, output); }); it('should support named interpolations', () => { const input = `
Some value: {{ valueA // i18n(ph="PH_A") }}
`; const output = String.raw ` /** * @desc [BACKUP_MESSAGE_ID:2817319788724342848] */ const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_0$ = goog.getMsg("Some value: {$phA}", { "phA": "\uFFFD0\uFFFD" }); … template: function MyComponent_Template(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) { $r3$.ɵelementStart(0, "div"); $r3$.ɵi18n(1, $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_0$); $r3$.ɵelementEnd(); } if (rf & 2) { $r3$.ɵi18nExp($r3$.ɵbind(ctx.valueA)); $r3$.ɵi18nApply(1); } } `; verify(input, output); }); it('should handle i18n attributes with bindings in content', () => { const input = `
My i18n block #{{ one }}
My i18n block #{{ two | uppercase }}
My i18n block #{{ three + four + five }}
`; const output = String.raw ` /** * @desc [BACKUP_MESSAGE_ID:572579892698764378] */ const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_0$ = goog.getMsg("My i18n block #{$interpolation}", { "interpolation": "\uFFFD0\uFFFD" }); /** * @desc [BACKUP_MESSAGE_ID:609623417156596326] */ const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_1$ = goog.getMsg("My i18n block #{$interpolation}", { "interpolation": "\uFFFD0\uFFFD" }); /** * @desc [BACKUP_MESSAGE_ID:3998119318957372120] */ const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_2$ = goog.getMsg("My i18n block #{$interpolation}", { "interpolation": "\uFFFD0\uFFFD" }); … template: function MyComponent_Template(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) { $r3$.ɵelementStart(0, "div"); $r3$.ɵi18n(1, $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_0$); $r3$.ɵelementEnd(); $r3$.ɵelementStart(2, "div"); $r3$.ɵi18n(3, $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_1$); $r3$.ɵpipe(4, "uppercase"); $r3$.ɵelementEnd(); $r3$.ɵelementStart(5, "div"); $r3$.ɵi18n(6, $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_2$); $r3$.ɵelementEnd(); } if (rf & 2) { $r3$.ɵi18nExp($r3$.ɵbind(ctx.one)); $r3$.ɵi18nApply(1); $r3$.ɵi18nExp($r3$.ɵbind($r3$.ɵpipeBind1(4, 0, ctx.two))); $r3$.ɵi18nApply(3); $r3$.ɵi18nExp($r3$.ɵbind(((ctx.three + ctx.four) + ctx.five))); $r3$.ɵi18nApply(6); } } `; verify(input, output); }); it('should handle i18n attributes with bindings and nested elements in content', () => { const input = `
My i18n block #{{ one }} Plain text in nested element
My i18n block #{{ two | uppercase }}
More bindings in more nested element: {{ nestedInBlockTwo }}
`; const output = String.raw ` /** * @desc [BACKUP_MESSAGE_ID:7905233330103651696] */ const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_0$ = goog.getMsg(" My i18n block #{$interpolation} {$startTagSpan}Plain text in nested element{$closeTagSpan}", { "interpolation": "\uFFFD0\uFFFD", "startTagSpan": "\uFFFD#2\uFFFD", "closeTagSpan": "\uFFFD/#2\uFFFD" }); /** * @desc [BACKUP_MESSAGE_ID:5788821996131681377] */ const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_1_RAW$ = goog.getMsg(" My i18n block #{$interpolation} {$startTagDiv}{$startTagDiv}{$startTagSpan} More bindings in more nested element: {$interpolation_1} {$closeTagSpan}{$closeTagDiv}{$closeTagDiv}", { "interpolation": "\uFFFD0\uFFFD", "startTagDiv": "[\uFFFD#6\uFFFD|\uFFFD#7\uFFFD]", "startTagSpan": "\uFFFD#8\uFFFD", "interpolation_1": "\uFFFD1\uFFFD", "closeTagSpan": "\uFFFD/#8\uFFFD", "closeTagDiv": "[\uFFFD/#7\uFFFD|\uFFFD/#6\uFFFD]" }); const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_1$ = $r3$.ɵi18nPostprocess($MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_1_RAW$); … template: function MyComponent_Template(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) { $r3$.ɵelementStart(0, "div"); $r3$.ɵi18nStart(1, $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_0$); $r3$.ɵelement(2, "span"); $r3$.ɵi18nEnd(); $r3$.ɵelementEnd(); $r3$.ɵelementStart(3, "div"); $r3$.ɵi18nStart(4, $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_1$); $r3$.ɵpipe(5, "uppercase"); $r3$.ɵelementStart(6, "div"); $r3$.ɵelementStart(7, "div"); $r3$.ɵelement(8, "span"); $r3$.ɵelementEnd(); $r3$.ɵelementEnd(); $r3$.ɵi18nEnd(); $r3$.ɵelementEnd(); } if (rf & 2) { $r3$.ɵi18nExp($r3$.ɵbind(ctx.one)); $r3$.ɵi18nApply(1); $r3$.ɵi18nExp($r3$.ɵbind($r3$.ɵpipeBind1(5, 0, ctx.two))); $r3$.ɵi18nExp($r3$.ɵbind(ctx.nestedInBlockTwo)); $r3$.ɵi18nApply(4); } } `; verify(input, output); }); it('should handle i18n attributes with bindings in content and element attributes', () => { const input = `
My i18n block #1 with value: {{ valueA }} Plain text in nested element (block #1)
My i18n block #2 with value {{ valueD | uppercase }} Plain text in nested element (block #2)
`; const output = String.raw ` /** * @desc [BACKUP_MESSAGE_ID:4782264005467235841] */ const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_1$ = goog.getMsg("Span title {$interpolation} and {$interpolation_1}", { "interpolation": "\uFFFD0\uFFFD", "interpolation_1": "\uFFFD1\uFFFD" }); const $_c2$ = ["title", $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_1$]; /** * @desc [BACKUP_MESSAGE_ID:4446430594603971069] */ const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_0$ = goog.getMsg(" My i18n block #1 with value: {$interpolation} {$startTagSpan} Plain text in nested element (block #1) {$closeTagSpan}", { "interpolation": "\uFFFD0\uFFFD", "startTagSpan": "\uFFFD#2\uFFFD", "closeTagSpan": "\uFFFD/#2\uFFFD" }); /** * @desc [BACKUP_MESSAGE_ID:2719594642740200058] */ const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_4$ = goog.getMsg("Span title {$interpolation}", { "interpolation": "\uFFFD0\uFFFD" }); const $_c5$ = ["title", $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_4$]; /** * @desc [BACKUP_MESSAGE_ID:2778714953278357902] */ const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_3$ = goog.getMsg(" My i18n block #2 with value {$interpolation} {$startTagSpan} Plain text in nested element (block #2) {$closeTagSpan}", { "interpolation": "\uFFFD0\uFFFD", "startTagSpan": "\uFFFD#7\uFFFD", "closeTagSpan": "\uFFFD/#7\uFFFD" }); … template: function MyComponent_Template(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) { $r3$.ɵelementStart(0, "div"); $r3$.ɵi18nStart(1, $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_0$); $r3$.ɵelementStart(2, "span"); $r3$.ɵi18nAttributes(3, $_c2$); $r3$.ɵelementEnd(); $r3$.ɵi18nEnd(); $r3$.ɵelementEnd(); $r3$.ɵelementStart(4, "div"); $r3$.ɵi18nStart(5, $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_3$); $r3$.ɵpipe(6, "uppercase"); $r3$.ɵelementStart(7, "span"); $r3$.ɵi18nAttributes(8, $_c5$); $r3$.ɵelementEnd(); $r3$.ɵi18nEnd(); $r3$.ɵelementEnd(); } if (rf & 2) { $r3$.ɵi18nExp($r3$.ɵbind(ctx.valueB)); $r3$.ɵi18nExp($r3$.ɵbind(ctx.valueC)); $r3$.ɵi18nApply(3); $r3$.ɵi18nExp($r3$.ɵbind(ctx.valueA)); $r3$.ɵi18nApply(1); $r3$.ɵi18nExp($r3$.ɵbind(ctx.valueE)); $r3$.ɵi18nApply(8); $r3$.ɵi18nExp($r3$.ɵbind($r3$.ɵpipeBind1(6, 0, ctx.valueD))); $r3$.ɵi18nApply(5); } } `; verify(input, output); }); it('should handle i18n attributes in nested templates', () => { const input = `
Some content
Some other content {{ valueA }}
More nested levels with bindings {{ valueB | uppercase }}
`; const output = String.raw ` const $_c0$ = [1, "ngIf"]; /** * @desc [BACKUP_MESSAGE_ID:7679414751795588050] */ const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS__1$ = goog.getMsg(" Some other content {$interpolation} {$startTagDiv} More nested levels with bindings {$interpolation_1} {$closeTagDiv}", { "interpolation": "\uFFFD0\uFFFD", "startTagDiv": "\uFFFD#3\uFFFD", "interpolation_1": "\uFFFD1\uFFFD", "closeTagDiv": "\uFFFD/#3\uFFFD" }); … function MyComponent_div_Template_2(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) { $r3$.ɵelementStart(0, "div"); $r3$.ɵelementStart(1, "div"); $r3$.ɵi18nStart(2, $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS__1$); $r3$.ɵelement(3, "div"); $r3$.ɵpipe(4, "uppercase"); $r3$.ɵi18nEnd(); $r3$.ɵelementEnd(); $r3$.ɵelementEnd(); } if (rf & 2) { const $ctx_r0$ = $r3$.ɵnextContext(); $r3$.ɵi18nExp($r3$.ɵbind($ctx_r0$.valueA)); $r3$.ɵi18nExp($r3$.ɵbind($r3$.ɵpipeBind1(4, 0, $ctx_r0$.valueB))); $r3$.ɵi18nApply(2); } } … template: function MyComponent_Template(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) { $r3$.ɵelementStart(0, "div"); $r3$.ɵtext(1, " Some content "); $r3$.ɵtemplate(2, MyComponent_div_Template_2, 5, 2, null, $_c0$); $r3$.ɵelementEnd(); } if (rf & 2) { $r3$.ɵelementProperty(2, "ngIf", $r3$.ɵbind(ctx.visible)); } } `; verify(input, output); }); it('should ignore i18n attributes on self-closing tags', () => { const input = ` `; const output = String.raw ` const $_c0$ = ["src", "logo.png"]; const $_c1$ = [1, "ngIf"]; function MyComponent_img_Template_1(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) { $r3$.ɵelement(0, "img", $_c0$); } } /** * @desc [BACKUP_MESSAGE_ID:2367729185105559721] */ const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS__2$ = goog.getMsg("App logo #{$interpolation}", { "interpolation": "\uFFFD0\uFFFD" }); const $_c3$ = ["title", $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS__2$]; function MyComponent_img_Template_2(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) { $r3$.ɵelementStart(0, "img", $_c0$); $r3$.ɵi18nAttributes(1, $_c3$); $r3$.ɵelementEnd(); } if (rf & 2) { const $ctx_r1$ = $r3$.ɵnextContext(); $r3$.ɵi18nExp($r3$.ɵbind($ctx_r1$.id)); $r3$.ɵi18nApply(1); } } … template: function MyComponent_Template(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) { $r3$.ɵelement(0, "img", $_c0$); $r3$.ɵtemplate(1, MyComponent_img_Template_1, 1, 0, null, $_c1$); $r3$.ɵtemplate(2, MyComponent_img_Template_2, 2, 0, null, $_c1$); } if (rf & 2) { $r3$.ɵelementProperty(1, "ngIf", $r3$.ɵbind(ctx.visible)); $r3$.ɵelementProperty(2, "ngIf", $r3$.ɵbind(ctx.visible)); } } `; verify(input, output); }); it('should handle i18n context in nested templates', () => { const input = `
Some content
Some other content {{ valueA }}
More nested levels with bindings {{ valueB | uppercase }}
Content inside sub-template {{ valueC }}
Bottom level element {{ valueD }}
Some other content {{ valueE + valueF }}
More nested levels with bindings {{ valueG | uppercase }}
`; const output = String.raw ` const $_c1$ = [1, "ngIf"]; function MyComponent_div_div_Template_4(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) { $r3$.ɵi18nStart(0, $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_0$, 2); $r3$.ɵelementStart(1, "div"); $r3$.ɵelement(2, "div"); $r3$.ɵelementEnd(); $r3$.ɵi18nEnd(); } if (rf & 2) { const $ctx_r2$ = $r3$.ɵnextContext(2); $r3$.ɵi18nExp($r3$.ɵbind($ctx_r2$.valueC)); $r3$.ɵi18nExp($r3$.ɵbind($ctx_r2$.valueD)); $r3$.ɵi18nApply(0); } } function MyComponent_div_Template_2(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) { $r3$.ɵi18nStart(0, $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_0$, 1); $r3$.ɵelementStart(1, "div"); $r3$.ɵelementStart(2, "div"); $r3$.ɵpipe(3, "uppercase"); $r3$.ɵtemplate(4, MyComponent_div_div_Template_4, 3, 0, null, $_c1$); $r3$.ɵelementEnd(); $r3$.ɵelementEnd(); $r3$.ɵi18nEnd(); } if (rf & 2) { const $ctx_r0$ = $r3$.ɵnextContext(); $r3$.ɵelementProperty(4, "ngIf", $r3$.ɵbind($ctx_r0$.exists)); $r3$.ɵi18nExp($r3$.ɵbind($ctx_r0$.valueA)); $r3$.ɵi18nExp($r3$.ɵbind($r3$.ɵpipeBind1(3, 0, $ctx_r0$.valueB))); $r3$.ɵi18nApply(0); } } /** * @desc [BACKUP_MESSAGE_ID:1221890473527419724] */ const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_0_RAW$ = goog.getMsg(" Some content {$startTagDiv_2} Some other content {$interpolation} {$startTagDiv} More nested levels with bindings {$interpolation_1} {$startTagDiv_1} Content inside sub-template {$interpolation_2} {$startTagDiv} Bottom level element {$interpolation_3} {$closeTagDiv}{$closeTagDiv}{$closeTagDiv}{$closeTagDiv}{$startTagDiv_3} Some other content {$interpolation_4} {$startTagDiv} More nested levels with bindings {$interpolation_5} {$closeTagDiv}{$closeTagDiv}", { "startTagDiv_2": "\uFFFD*2:1\uFFFD\uFFFD#1:1\uFFFD", "closeTagDiv": "[\uFFFD/#2:2\uFFFD|\uFFFD/#1:2\uFFFD\uFFFD/*4:2\uFFFD|\uFFFD/#2:1\uFFFD|\uFFFD/#1:1\uFFFD\uFFFD/*2:1\uFFFD|\uFFFD/#2:3\uFFFD|\uFFFD/#1:3\uFFFD\uFFFD/*3:3\uFFFD]", "startTagDiv_3": "\uFFFD*3:3\uFFFD\uFFFD#1:3\uFFFD", "interpolation": "\uFFFD0:1\uFFFD", "startTagDiv": "[\uFFFD#2:1\uFFFD|\uFFFD#2:2\uFFFD|\uFFFD#2:3\uFFFD]", "interpolation_1": "\uFFFD1:1\uFFFD", "startTagDiv_1": "\uFFFD*4:2\uFFFD\uFFFD#1:2\uFFFD", "interpolation_2": "\uFFFD0:2\uFFFD", "interpolation_3": "\uFFFD1:2\uFFFD", "interpolation_4": "\uFFFD0:3\uFFFD", "interpolation_5": "\uFFFD1:3\uFFFD" }); const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_0$ = $r3$.ɵi18nPostprocess($MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_0_RAW$); function MyComponent_div_Template_3(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) { $r3$.ɵi18nStart(0, $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_0$, 3); $r3$.ɵelementStart(1, "div"); $r3$.ɵelement(2, "div"); $r3$.ɵpipe(3, "uppercase"); $r3$.ɵelementEnd(); $r3$.ɵi18nEnd(); } if (rf & 2) { const $ctx_r1$ = $r3$.ɵnextContext(); $r3$.ɵi18nExp($r3$.ɵbind(($ctx_r1$.valueE + $ctx_r1$.valueF))); $r3$.ɵi18nExp($r3$.ɵbind($r3$.ɵpipeBind1(3, 0, $ctx_r1$.valueG))); $r3$.ɵi18nApply(0); } } … template: function MyComponent_Template(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) { $r3$.ɵelementStart(0, "div"); $r3$.ɵi18nStart(1, $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_0$); $r3$.ɵtemplate(2, MyComponent_div_Template_2, 5, 3, null, $_c1$); $r3$.ɵtemplate(3, MyComponent_div_Template_3, 4, 2, null, $_c1$); $r3$.ɵi18nEnd(); $r3$.ɵelementEnd(); } if (rf & 2) { $r3$.ɵelementProperty(2, "ngIf", $r3$.ɵbind(ctx.visible)); $r3$.ɵelementProperty(3, "ngIf", $r3$.ɵbind(!ctx.visible)); } } `; verify(input, output); }); it('should handle i18n attribute with directives', () => { const input = `
Some other content {{ valueA }}
`; const output = String.raw ` const $_c0$ = [1, "ngIf"]; /** * @desc [BACKUP_MESSAGE_ID:119975189388320493] */ const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS__1$ = goog.getMsg("Some other content {$startTagSpan}{$interpolation}{$closeTagSpan}", { "startTagSpan": "\uFFFD#2\uFFFD", "interpolation": "\uFFFD0\uFFFD", "closeTagSpan": "\uFFFD/#2\uFFFD" }); … function MyComponent_div_Template_0(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) { $r3$.ɵelementStart(0, "div"); $r3$.ɵi18nStart(1, $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS__1$); $r3$.ɵelement(2, "span"); $r3$.ɵi18nEnd(); $r3$.ɵelementEnd(); } if (rf & 2) { const $ctx_r0$ = $r3$.ɵnextContext(); $r3$.ɵi18nExp($r3$.ɵbind($ctx_r0$.valueA)); $r3$.ɵi18nApply(1); } } … template: function MyComponent_Template(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) { $r3$.ɵtemplate(0, MyComponent_div_Template_0, 3, 0, null, $_c0$); } if (rf & 2) { $r3$.ɵelementProperty(0, "ngIf", $r3$.ɵbind(ctx.visible)); } } `; verify(input, output); }); }); describe('self-closing i18n instructions', () => { it('should be generated with text-only content', () => { const input = `
My i18n block #1
`; const output = String.raw ` /** * @desc [BACKUP_MESSAGE_ID:4890179241114413722] */ const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_0$ = goog.getMsg("My i18n block #1"); … template: function MyComponent_Template(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) { $r3$.ɵelementStart(0, "div"); $r3$.ɵi18n(1, $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_0$); $r3$.ɵelementEnd(); } } `; verify(input, output); }); it('should be generated for ICU-only i18n blocks', () => { const input = `
{age, select, 10 {ten} 20 {twenty} other {other}}
`; const output = String.raw ` /** * @desc [BACKUP_MESSAGE_ID:8806993169187953163] */ const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_0_RAW$ = goog.getMsg("{VAR_SELECT, select, 10 {ten} 20 {twenty} other {other}}"); const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_0$ = $r3$.ɵi18nPostprocess($MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_0_RAW$, { "VAR_SELECT": "\uFFFD0\uFFFD" }); … template: function MyComponent_Template(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) { $r3$.ɵelementStart(0, "div"); $r3$.ɵi18n(1, $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_0$); $r3$.ɵelementEnd(); } if (rf & 2) { $r3$.ɵi18nExp($r3$.ɵbind(ctx.age)); $r3$.ɵi18nApply(1); } } `; verify(input, output); }); it('should be generated within and blocks', () => { const input = ` My i18n block #1 My i18n block #2 `; const output = String.raw ` /** * @desc [BACKUP_MESSAGE_ID:2413150872298537152] */ const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_0$ = goog.getMsg("My i18n block #2"); /** * @desc [BACKUP_MESSAGE_ID:4890179241114413722] */ const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS__1$ = goog.getMsg("My i18n block #1"); function Template_0(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) { $r3$.ɵi18n(0, $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS__1$); } } … template: function MyComponent_Template(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) { $r3$.ɵtemplate(0, Template_0, 1, 0); $r3$.ɵelementContainerStart(1); $r3$.ɵi18n(2, $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_0$); $r3$.ɵelementContainerEnd(); } } `; verify(input, output); }); }); describe('ng-container and ng-template', () => { it('should handle single translation message using ', () => { const input = ` Some content: {{ valueA | uppercase }} `; const output = String.raw ` /** * @desc [BACKUP_MESSAGE_ID:355394464191978948] */ const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_0$ = goog.getMsg("Some content: {$interpolation}", { "interpolation": "\uFFFD0\uFFFD" }); … template: function MyComponent_Template(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) { $r3$.ɵelementContainerStart(0); $r3$.ɵi18n(1, $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_0$); $r3$.ɵpipe(2, "uppercase"); $r3$.ɵelementContainerEnd(); } if (rf & 2) { $r3$.ɵi18nExp($r3$.ɵbind($r3$.ɵpipeBind1(2, 0, ctx.valueA))); $r3$.ɵi18nApply(1); } } `; verify(input, output); }); it('should handle single translation message using ', () => { const input = ` Some content: {{ valueA | uppercase }} `; const output = String.raw ` /** * @desc [BACKUP_MESSAGE_ID:355394464191978948] */ const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS__0$ = goog.getMsg("Some content: {$interpolation}", { "interpolation": "\uFFFD0\uFFFD" }); function Template_0(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) { $r3$.ɵi18n(0, $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS__0$); $r3$.ɵpipe(1, "uppercase"); } if (rf & 2) { const $ctx_r0$ = $r3$.ɵnextContext(); $r3$.ɵi18nExp($r3$.ɵbind($r3$.ɵpipeBind1(1, 0, $ctx_r0$.valueA))); $r3$.ɵi18nApply(0); } } … template: function MyComponent_Template(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) { $r3$.ɵtemplate(0, Template_0, 2, 2); } } `; verify(input, output); }); it('should be able to be child elements inside i18n block', () => { const input = `
Template content: {{ valueA | uppercase }} Container content: {{ valueB | uppercase }}
`; const output = String.raw ` /** * @desc [BACKUP_MESSAGE_ID:702706566400598764] */ const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_0$ = goog.getMsg("{$startTagNgTemplate}Template content: {$interpolation}{$closeTagNgTemplate}{$startTagNgContainer}Container content: {$interpolation_1}{$closeTagNgContainer}", { "startTagNgTemplate": "\uFFFD*2:1\uFFFD", "closeTagNgTemplate": "\uFFFD/*2:1\uFFFD", "startTagNgContainer": "\uFFFD#3\uFFFD", "interpolation_1": "\uFFFD0\uFFFD", "closeTagNgContainer": "\uFFFD/#3\uFFFD", "interpolation": "\uFFFD0:1\uFFFD" }); function Template_2(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) { $r3$.ɵi18n(0, $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_0$, 1); $r3$.ɵpipe(1, "uppercase"); } if (rf & 2) { const $ctx_r0$ = $r3$.ɵnextContext(); $r3$.ɵi18nExp($r3$.ɵbind($r3$.ɵpipeBind1(1, 0, $ctx_r0$.valueA))); $r3$.ɵi18nApply(0); } } … template: function MyComponent_Template(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) { $r3$.ɵelementStart(0, "div"); $r3$.ɵi18nStart(1, $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_0$); $r3$.ɵtemplate(2, Template_2, 2, 2); $r3$.ɵelementContainerStart(3); $r3$.ɵpipe(4, "uppercase"); $r3$.ɵelementContainerEnd(); $r3$.ɵi18nEnd(); $r3$.ɵelementEnd(); } if (rf & 2) { $r3$.ɵi18nExp($r3$.ɵbind($r3$.ɵpipeBind1(4, 0, ctx.valueB))); $r3$.ɵi18nApply(1); } } `; verify(input, output); }); it('should handle ICUs outside of translatable sections', () => { const input = ` {gender, select, male {male} female {female} other {other}} {age, select, 10 {ten} 20 {twenty} other {other}} `; const output = String.raw ` /** * @desc [BACKUP_MESSAGE_ID:8806993169187953163] */ const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_0_RAW$ = goog.getMsg("{VAR_SELECT, select, 10 {ten} 20 {twenty} other {other}}"); const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_0$ = $r3$.ɵi18nPostprocess($MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_0_RAW$, { "VAR_SELECT": "\uFFFD0\uFFFD" }); /** * @desc [BACKUP_MESSAGE_ID:7842238767399919809] */ const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS__1_RAW$ = goog.getMsg("{VAR_SELECT, select, male {male} female {female} other {other}}"); const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS__1$ = $r3$.ɵi18nPostprocess($MSG_APP_SPEC_TS__1_RAW$, { "VAR_SELECT": "\uFFFD0\uFFFD" }); function Template_0(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) { $r3$.ɵi18n(0, $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS__1$); } if (rf & 2) { const $ctx_r0$ = $r3$.ɵnextContext(); $r3$.ɵi18nExp($r3$.ɵbind($ctx_r0$.gender)); $r3$.ɵi18nApply(0); } } … template: function MyComponent_Template(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) { $r3$.ɵtemplate(0, Template_0, 1, 0); $r3$.ɵelementContainerStart(1); $r3$.ɵi18n(2, $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_0$); $r3$.ɵelementContainerEnd(); } if (rf & 2) { $r3$.ɵi18nExp($r3$.ɵbind(ctx.age)); $r3$.ɵi18nApply(2); } } `; verify(input, output); }); it('should correctly propagate i18n context through nested templates', () => { const input = `
Template A: {{ valueA | uppercase }} Template B: {{ valueB }} Template C: {{ valueC }}
`; const output = String.raw ` function Template_1(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) { $r3$.ɵi18n(0, $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_0$, 3); } if (rf & 2) { const $ctx_r2$ = $r3$.ɵnextContext(3); $r3$.ɵi18nExp($r3$.ɵbind($ctx_r2$.valueC)); $r3$.ɵi18nApply(0); } } function Template_2(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) { $r3$.ɵi18nStart(0, $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_0$, 2); $r3$.ɵtemplate(1, Template_1, 1, 0); $r3$.ɵi18nEnd(); } if (rf & 2) { const $ctx_r1$ = $r3$.ɵnextContext(2); $r3$.ɵi18nExp($r3$.ɵbind($ctx_r1$.valueB)); $r3$.ɵi18nApply(0); } } /** * @desc [BACKUP_MESSAGE_ID:2051477021417799640] */ const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_0_RAW$ = goog.getMsg("{$startTagNgTemplate} Template A: {$interpolation} {$startTagNgTemplate} Template B: {$interpolation_1} {$startTagNgTemplate} Template C: {$interpolation_2} {$closeTagNgTemplate}{$closeTagNgTemplate}{$closeTagNgTemplate}", { "startTagNgTemplate": "[\uFFFD*2:1\uFFFD|\uFFFD*2:2\uFFFD|\uFFFD*1:3\uFFFD]", "closeTagNgTemplate": "[\uFFFD/*1:3\uFFFD|\uFFFD/*2:2\uFFFD|\uFFFD/*2:1\uFFFD]", "interpolation": "\uFFFD0:1\uFFFD", "interpolation_1": "\uFFFD0:2\uFFFD", "interpolation_2": "\uFFFD0:3\uFFFD" }); const MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_0 = $r3$.ɵi18nPostprocess($MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_0_RAW$); function Template_2(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) { $r3$.ɵi18nStart(0, $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_0$, 1); $r3$.ɵpipe(1, "uppercase"); $r3$.ɵtemplate(2, Template_2, 2, 0); $r3$.ɵi18nEnd(); } if (rf & 2) { const $ctx_r0$ = $r3$.ɵnextContext(); $r3$.ɵi18nExp($r3$.ɵbind($r3$.ɵpipeBind1(1, 0, $ctx_r0$.valueA))); $r3$.ɵi18nApply(0); } } … template: function MyComponent_Template(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) { $r3$.ɵelementStart(0, "div"); $r3$.ɵi18nStart(1, $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_0$); $r3$.ɵtemplate(2, Template_2, 3, 2); $r3$.ɵi18nEnd(); $r3$.ɵelementEnd(); } } `; verify(input, output); }); it('should work with ICUs', () => { const input = ` {gender, select, male {male} female {female} other {other}} {age, select, 10 {ten} 20 {twenty} other {other}} `; const output = String.raw ` /** * @desc [BACKUP_MESSAGE_ID:7842238767399919809] */ const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_0_RAW$ = goog.getMsg("{VAR_SELECT, select, male {male} female {female} other {other}}"); const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_0$ = $r3$.ɵi18nPostprocess($MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_0_RAW$, { "VAR_SELECT": "\uFFFD0\uFFFD" }); /** * @desc [BACKUP_MESSAGE_ID:8806993169187953163] */ const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS__1_RAW$ = goog.getMsg("{VAR_SELECT, select, 10 {ten} 20 {twenty} other {other}}"); const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS__1$ = $r3$.ɵi18nPostprocess($MSG_APP_SPEC_TS__1_RAW$, { "VAR_SELECT": "\uFFFD0\uFFFD" }); function Template_2(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) { $r3$.ɵi18n(0, $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS__1$); } if (rf & 2) { const $ctx_r0$ = $r3$.ɵnextContext(); $r3$.ɵi18nExp($r3$.ɵbind($ctx_r0$.age)); $r3$.ɵi18nApply(0); } } … template: function MyComponent_Template(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) { $r3$.ɵelementContainerStart(0); $r3$.ɵi18n(1, $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_0$); $r3$.ɵelementContainerEnd(); $r3$.ɵtemplate(2, Template_2, 1, 0); } if (rf & 2) { $r3$.ɵi18nExp($r3$.ɵbind(ctx.gender)); $r3$.ɵi18nApply(1); } } `; verify(input, output); }); it('should handle self-closing tags as content', () => { const input = ` is my logo is my logo `; const output = String.raw ` const $_c1$ = ["src", "logo.png", "title", "Logo"]; /** * @desc [BACKUP_MESSAGE_ID:394166286969183735] */ const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_0$ = goog.getMsg("{$tagImg} is my logo ", { "tagImg": "\uFFFD#2\uFFFD\uFFFD/#2\uFFFD" }); /** * @desc [BACKUP_MESSAGE_ID:394166286969183735] */ const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS__2$ = goog.getMsg("{$tagImg} is my logo ", { "tagImg": "\uFFFD#1\uFFFD\uFFFD/#1\uFFFD" }); function Template_3(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) { $r3$.ɵi18nStart(0, $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS__2$); $r3$.ɵelement(1, "img", $_c1$); $r3$.ɵi18nEnd(); } } … template: function MyComponent_Template(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) { $r3$.ɵelementContainerStart(0); $r3$.ɵi18nStart(1, $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_0$); $r3$.ɵelement(2, "img", $_c1$); $r3$.ɵi18nEnd(); $r3$.ɵelementContainerEnd(); $r3$.ɵtemplate(3, Template_3, 2, 0); } } `; verify(input, output); }); }); describe('whitespace preserving mode', () => { it('should keep inner content of i18n block as is', () => { const input = `
Some text Text inside span
`; const output = String.raw ` /** * @desc [BACKUP_MESSAGE_ID:963542717423364282] */ const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_0$ = goog.getMsg("\n Some text\n {$startTagSpan}Text inside span{$closeTagSpan}\n ", { "startTagSpan": "\uFFFD#3\uFFFD", "closeTagSpan": "\uFFFD/#3\uFFFD" }); … template: function MyComponent_Template(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) { $r3$.ɵtext(0, "\n "); $r3$.ɵelementStart(1, "div"); $r3$.ɵi18nStart(2, $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_0$); $r3$.ɵelement(3, "span"); $r3$.ɵi18nEnd(); $r3$.ɵelementEnd(); $r3$.ɵtext(4, "\n "); } } `; verify(input, output, {inputArgs: {preserveWhitespaces: true}}); }); }); describe('icu logic', () => { it('should handle single icus', () => { const input = `
{gender, select, male {male} female {female} other {other}}
`; const output = String.raw ` /** * @desc [BACKUP_MESSAGE_ID:7842238767399919809] */ const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_0_RAW$ = goog.getMsg("{VAR_SELECT, select, male {male} female {female} other {other}}"); const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_0$ = $r3$.ɵi18nPostprocess($MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_0_RAW$, { "VAR_SELECT": "\uFFFD0\uFFFD" }); … template: function MyComponent_Template(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) { $r3$.ɵelementStart(0, "div"); $r3$.ɵi18n(1, $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_0$); $r3$.ɵelementEnd(); } if (rf & 2) { $r3$.ɵi18nExp($r3$.ɵbind(ctx.gender)); $r3$.ɵi18nApply(1); } } `; verify(input, output); }); it('should properly escape quotes in content', () => { const input = `
{gender, select, single {'single quotes'} double {"double quotes"} other {other}}
`; const output = String.raw ` /** * @desc [BACKUP_MESSAGE_ID:4166854826696768832] */ const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_0_RAW$ = goog.getMsg("{VAR_SELECT, select, single {'single quotes'} double {\"double quotes\"} other {other}}"); const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_0$ = $r3$.ɵi18nPostprocess($MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_0_RAW$, { "VAR_SELECT": "\uFFFD0\uFFFD" }); `; verify(input, output); }); it('should generate i18n instructions for icus generated outside of i18n blocks', () => { const input = `
{gender, select, male {male} female {female} other {other}}
{age, select, 10 {ten} 20 {twenty} other {other}}
You have {count, select, 0 {no emails} 1 {one email} other {{{count}} emails}}.
`; const output = String.raw ` /** * @desc [BACKUP_MESSAGE_ID:7842238767399919809] */ const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_0_RAW$ = goog.getMsg("{VAR_SELECT, select, male {male} female {female} other {other}}"); const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_0$ = $r3$.ɵi18nPostprocess($MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_0_RAW$, { "VAR_SELECT": "\uFFFD0\uFFFD" }); const $_c1$ = [1, "ngIf"]; const $_c2$ = ["title", "icu only"]; /** * @desc [BACKUP_MESSAGE_ID:8806993169187953163] */ const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS__3_RAW$ = goog.getMsg("{VAR_SELECT, select, 10 {ten} 20 {twenty} other {other}}"); const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS__3$ = $r3$.ɵi18nPostprocess($MSG_APP_SPEC_TS__3_RAW$, { "VAR_SELECT": "\uFFFD0\uFFFD" }); function MyComponent_div_Template_2(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) { $r3$.ɵelementStart(0, "div", $_c2$); $r3$.ɵi18n(1, $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS__3$); $r3$.ɵelementEnd(); } if (rf & 2) { const $ctx_r0$ = $r3$.ɵnextContext(); $r3$.ɵi18nExp($r3$.ɵbind($ctx_r0$.age)); $r3$.ɵi18nApply(1); } } const $_c4$ = ["title", "icu and text"]; /** * @desc [BACKUP_MESSAGE_ID:1922743304863699161] */ const MSG_APP_SPEC_TS__5_RAW = goog.getMsg("{VAR_SELECT, select, 0 {no emails} 1 {one email} other {{$interpolation} emails}}", { "interpolation": "\uFFFD1\uFFFD" }); const MSG_APP_SPEC_TS__5 = $r3$.ɵi18nPostprocess($MSG_APP_SPEC_TS__5_RAW$, { "VAR_SELECT": "\uFFFD0\uFFFD" }); function MyComponent_div_Template_3(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) { $r3$.ɵelementStart(0, "div", $_c4$); $r3$.ɵtext(1, " You have "); $r3$.ɵi18n(2, $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS__5$); $r3$.ɵtext(3, ". "); $r3$.ɵelementEnd(); } if (rf & 2) { const $ctx_r1$ = $r3$.ɵnextContext(); $r3$.ɵi18nExp($r3$.ɵbind($ctx_r1$.count)); $r3$.ɵi18nExp($r3$.ɵbind($ctx_r1$.count)); $r3$.ɵi18nApply(2); } } … template: function MyComponent_Template(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) { $r3$.ɵelementStart(0, "div"); $r3$.ɵi18n(1, $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_0$); $r3$.ɵelementEnd(); $r3$.ɵtemplate(2, MyComponent_div_Template_2, 2, 0, null, $_c1$); $r3$.ɵtemplate(3, MyComponent_div_Template_3, 4, 0, null, $_c1$); } if (rf & 2) { $r3$.ɵi18nExp($r3$.ɵbind(ctx.gender)); $r3$.ɵi18nApply(1); $r3$.ɵelementProperty(2, "ngIf", $r3$.ɵbind(ctx.visible)); $r3$.ɵelementProperty(3, "ngIf", $r3$.ɵbind(ctx.available)); } } `; verify(input, output); }); it('should handle icus with html', () => { const input = `
{gender, select, male {male - male} female {female female} other {
}} Other content
Another content
`; const output = String.raw ` /** * @desc [BACKUP_MESSAGE_ID:2417296354340576868] */ const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_1_RAW$ = goog.getMsg("{VAR_SELECT, select, male {male - {$startBoldText}male{$closeBoldText}} female {female {$startBoldText}female{$closeBoldText}} other {{$startTagDiv}{$startItalicText}other{$closeItalicText}{$closeTagDiv}}}", { "startBoldText": "", "closeBoldText": "", "startItalicText": "", "closeItalicText": "", "startTagDiv": "
", "closeTagDiv": "
" }); const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_1$ = $r3$.ɵi18nPostprocess($MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_1_RAW$, { "VAR_SELECT": "\uFFFD0\uFFFD" }); const $_c2$ = ["other", 1, "other", true]; /** * @desc [BACKUP_MESSAGE_ID:9102821288363830807] */ const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_0$ = goog.getMsg("{$icu}{$startBoldText}Other content{$closeBoldText}{$startTagDiv}{$startItalicText}Another content{$closeItalicText}{$closeTagDiv}", { "startBoldText": "\uFFFD#2\uFFFD", "closeBoldText": "\uFFFD/#2\uFFFD", "startTagDiv": "\uFFFD#3\uFFFD", "startItalicText": "\uFFFD#4\uFFFD", "closeItalicText": "\uFFFD/#4\uFFFD", "closeTagDiv": "\uFFFD/#3\uFFFD", "icu": $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_1$ }); … template: function MyComponent_Template(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) { $r3$.ɵelementStart(0, "div"); $r3$.ɵi18nStart(1, $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_0$); $r3$.ɵelement(2, "b"); $r3$.ɵelementStart(3, "div"); $r3$.ɵelementStyling($_c2$); $r3$.ɵelement(4, "i"); $r3$.ɵelementEnd(); $r3$.ɵi18nEnd(); $r3$.ɵelementEnd(); } if (rf & 2) { $r3$.ɵi18nExp($r3$.ɵbind(ctx.gender)); $r3$.ɵi18nApply(1); } } `; verify(input, output); }); it('should handle icus with expressions', () => { const input = `
{gender, select, male {male of age: {{ ageA + ageB + ageC }}} female {female} other {other}}
`; const output = String.raw ` /** * @desc [BACKUP_MESSAGE_ID:6879461626778511059] */ const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_0_RAW$ = goog.getMsg("{VAR_SELECT, select, male {male of age: {$interpolation}} female {female} other {other}}", { "interpolation": "\uFFFD1\uFFFD" }); const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_0$ = $r3$.ɵi18nPostprocess($MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_0_RAW$, { "VAR_SELECT": "\uFFFD0\uFFFD" }); … template: function MyComponent_Template(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) { $r3$.ɵelementStart(0, "div"); $r3$.ɵi18n(1, $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_0$); $r3$.ɵelementEnd(); } if (rf & 2) { $r3$.ɵi18nExp($r3$.ɵbind(ctx.gender)); $r3$.ɵi18nExp($r3$.ɵbind(((ctx.ageA + ctx.ageB) + ctx.ageC))); $r3$.ɵi18nApply(1); } } `; verify(input, output); }); it('should handle multiple icus in one block', () => { const input = `
{gender, select, male {male} female {female} other {other}} {age, select, 10 {ten} 20 {twenty} 30 {thirty} other {other}}
`; const output = String.raw ` /** * @desc [BACKUP_MESSAGE_ID:7842238767399919809] */ const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_1_RAW$ = goog.getMsg("{VAR_SELECT, select, male {male} female {female} other {other}}"); const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_1$ = $r3$.ɵi18nPostprocess($MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_1_RAW$, { "VAR_SELECT": "\uFFFD0\uFFFD" }); /** * @desc [BACKUP_MESSAGE_ID:7068143081688428291] */ const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_2_RAW$ = goog.getMsg("{VAR_SELECT, select, 10 {ten} 20 {twenty} 30 {thirty} other {other}}"); const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_2$ = $r3$.ɵi18nPostprocess($MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_2_RAW$, { "VAR_SELECT": "\uFFFD1\uFFFD" }); /** * @desc [BACKUP_MESSAGE_ID:2967249209167308918] */ const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_0$ = goog.getMsg("{$icu}{$icu_1}", { "icu": $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_1$, "icu_1": $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_2$ }); … template: function MyComponent_Template(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) { $r3$.ɵelementStart(0, "div"); $r3$.ɵi18n(1, $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_0$); $r3$.ɵelementEnd(); } if (rf & 2) { $r3$.ɵi18nExp($r3$.ɵbind(ctx.gender)); $r3$.ɵi18nExp($r3$.ɵbind(ctx.age)); $r3$.ɵi18nApply(1); } } `; verify(input, output); }); it('should handle multiple icus that share same placeholder', () => { const input = `
{gender, select, male {male} female {female} other {other}}
{gender, select, male {male} female {female} other {other}}
{gender, select, male {male} female {female} other {other}}
`; const output = String.raw ` /** * @desc [BACKUP_MESSAGE_ID:7842238767399919809] */ const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_1_RAW$ = goog.getMsg("{VAR_SELECT, select, male {male} female {female} other {other}}"); const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_1$ = $r3$.ɵi18nPostprocess($MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_1_RAW$, { "VAR_SELECT": "\uFFFD0\uFFFD" }); /** * @desc [BACKUP_MESSAGE_ID:7842238767399919809] */ const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_2_RAW$ = goog.getMsg("{VAR_SELECT, select, male {male} female {female} other {other}}"); const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_2$ = $r3$.ɵi18nPostprocess($MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_2_RAW$, { "VAR_SELECT": "\uFFFD1\uFFFD" }); const $_c3$ = [1, "ngIf"]; /** * @desc [BACKUP_MESSAGE_ID:7842238767399919809] */ const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS__4_RAW$ = goog.getMsg("{VAR_SELECT, select, male {male} female {female} other {other}}"); const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS__4$ = $r3$.ɵi18nPostprocess($MSG_APP_SPEC_TS__4_RAW$, { "VAR_SELECT": "\uFFFD0:1\uFFFD" }); /** * @desc [BACKUP_MESSAGE_ID:7986645988117050801] */ const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_0_RAW$ = goog.getMsg("{$icu}{$startTagDiv}{$icu}{$closeTagDiv}{$startTagDiv_1}{$icu}{$closeTagDiv}", { "startTagDiv": "\uFFFD#2\uFFFD", "closeTagDiv": "[\uFFFD/#2\uFFFD|\uFFFD/#1:1\uFFFD\uFFFD/*3:1\uFFFD]", "startTagDiv_1": "\uFFFD*3:1\uFFFD\uFFFD#1:1\uFFFD", "icu": "\uFFFDI18N_EXP_ICU\uFFFD" }); const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_0$ = $r3$.ɵi18nPostprocess($MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_0_RAW$, { "ICU": [$MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_1$, $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_2$, $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS__4$] }); function MyComponent_div_Template_3(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) { $r3$.ɵi18nStart(0, $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_0$, 1); $r3$.ɵelement(1, "div"); $r3$.ɵi18nEnd(); } if (rf & 2) { const $ctx_r0$ = $r3$.ɵnextContext(); $r3$.ɵi18nExp($r3$.ɵbind($ctx_r0$.gender)); $r3$.ɵi18nApply(0); } } … template: function MyComponent_Template(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) { $r3$.ɵelementStart(0, "div"); $r3$.ɵi18nStart(1, $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_0$); $r3$.ɵelement(2, "div"); $r3$.ɵtemplate(3, MyComponent_div_Template_3, 2, 0, null, $_c3$); $r3$.ɵi18nEnd(); $r3$.ɵelementEnd(); } if (rf & 2) { $r3$.ɵelementProperty(3, "ngIf", $r3$.ɵbind(ctx.visible)); $r3$.ɵi18nExp($r3$.ɵbind(ctx.gender)); $r3$.ɵi18nExp($r3$.ɵbind(ctx.gender)); $r3$.ɵi18nApply(1); } } `; verify(input, output); }); it('should handle nested icus', () => { const input = `
{gender, select, male {male of age: {age, select, 10 {ten} 20 {twenty} 30 {thirty} other {other}}} female {female} other {other} }
`; const output = String.raw ` /** * @desc [BACKUP_MESSAGE_ID:343563413083115114] */ const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_0_RAW$ = goog.getMsg("{VAR_SELECT_1, select, male {male of age: {VAR_SELECT, select, 10 {ten} 20 {twenty} 30 {thirty} other {other}}} female {female} other {other}}"); const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_0$ = $r3$.ɵi18nPostprocess($MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_0_RAW$, { "VAR_SELECT": "\uFFFD0\uFFFD", "VAR_SELECT_1": "\uFFFD1\uFFFD" }); … template: function MyComponent_Template(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) { $r3$.ɵelementStart(0, "div"); $r3$.ɵi18n(1, $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_0$); $r3$.ɵelementEnd(); } if (rf & 2) { $r3$.ɵi18nExp($r3$.ɵbind(ctx.age)); $r3$.ɵi18nExp($r3$.ɵbind(ctx.gender)); $r3$.ɵi18nApply(1); } } `; const exceptions = { '3052001905251380936': 'Wrapper message generated by "ng xi18n" around ICU: " {$ICU} "' }; verify(input, output, {exceptions}); }); it('should handle icus in different contexts', () => { const input = `
{gender, select, male {male} female {female} other {other}} {age, select, 10 {ten} 20 {twenty} 30 {thirty} other {other}}
`; const output = String.raw ` /** * @desc [BACKUP_MESSAGE_ID:7842238767399919809] */ const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_1_RAW$ = goog.getMsg("{VAR_SELECT, select, male {male} female {female} other {other}}"); const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_1$ = $r3$.ɵi18nPostprocess($MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_1_RAW$, { "VAR_SELECT": "\uFFFD0\uFFFD" }); const $_c2$ = [1, "ngIf"]; /** * @desc [BACKUP_MESSAGE_ID:7068143081688428291] */ const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS__3_RAW$ = goog.getMsg("{VAR_SELECT, select, 10 {ten} 20 {twenty} 30 {thirty} other {other}}"); const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS__3$ = $r3$.ɵi18nPostprocess($MSG_APP_SPEC_TS__3_RAW$, { "VAR_SELECT": "\uFFFD0:1\uFFFD" }); /** * @desc [BACKUP_MESSAGE_ID:1194472282609532229] */ const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_0$ = goog.getMsg("{$icu}{$startTagSpan}{$icu_1}{$closeTagSpan}", { "startTagSpan": "\uFFFD*2:1\uFFFD\uFFFD#1:1\uFFFD", "closeTagSpan": "\uFFFD/#1:1\uFFFD\uFFFD/*2:1\uFFFD", "icu": MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_1, "icu_1": MSG_APP_SPEC_TS__3 }); function MyComponent_span_Template_2(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) { $r3$.ɵi18nStart(0, $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_0$, 1); $r3$.ɵelement(1, "span"); $r3$.ɵi18nEnd(); } if (rf & 2) { const $ctx_r0$ = $r3$.ɵnextContext(); $r3$.ɵi18nExp($r3$.ɵbind($ctx_r0$.age)); $r3$.ɵi18nApply(0); } } … template: function MyComponent_Template(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) { $r3$.ɵelementStart(0, "div"); $r3$.ɵi18nStart(1, $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_0$); $r3$.ɵtemplate(2, MyComponent_span_Template_2, 2, 0, null, $_c2$); $r3$.ɵi18nEnd(); $r3$.ɵelementEnd(); } if (rf & 2) { $r3$.ɵelementProperty(2, "ngIf", $r3$.ɵbind(ctx.ageVisible)); $r3$.ɵi18nExp($r3$.ɵbind(ctx.gender)); $r3$.ɵi18nApply(1); } } `; verify(input, output); }); it('should handle icus with interpolations', () => { const input = `
{gender, select, male {male {{ weight }}} female {female {{ height }}} other {other}} {age, select, 10 {ten} 20 {twenty} 30 {thirty} other {other: {{ otherAge }}}}
`; const output = String.raw ` /** * @desc [BACKUP_MESSAGE_ID:7825031864601787094] */ const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_1_RAW$ = goog.getMsg("{VAR_SELECT, select, male {male {$interpolation}} female {female {$interpolation_1}} other {other}}", { "interpolation": "\uFFFD1\uFFFD", "interpolation_1": "\uFFFD2\uFFFD" }); const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_1$ = $r3$.ɵi18nPostprocess($MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_1_RAW$, { "VAR_SELECT": "\uFFFD0\uFFFD" }); const $_c2$ = [1, "ngIf"]; /** * @desc [BACKUP_MESSAGE_ID:2310343208266678305] */ const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS__3_RAW$ = goog.getMsg("{VAR_SELECT, select, 10 {ten} 20 {twenty} 30 {thirty} other {other: {$interpolation}}}", { "interpolation": "\uFFFD1:1\uFFFD" }); const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS__3$ = $r3$.ɵi18nPostprocess($MSG_APP_SPEC_TS__3_RAW$, { "VAR_SELECT": "\uFFFD0:1\uFFFD" }); /** * @desc [BACKUP_MESSAGE_ID:7186042105600518133] */ const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_0$ = goog.getMsg("{$icu}{$startTagSpan}{$icu_1}{$closeTagSpan}", { "startTagSpan": "\uFFFD*2:1\uFFFD\uFFFD#1:1\uFFFD", "closeTagSpan": "\uFFFD/#1:1\uFFFD\uFFFD/*2:1\uFFFD", "icu": $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_1$, "icu_1": $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS__3$ }); function MyComponent_span_Template_2(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) { $r3$.ɵi18nStart(0, $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_0$, 1); $r3$.ɵelement(1, "span"); $r3$.ɵi18nEnd(); } if (rf & 2) { const $ctx_r0$ = $r3$.ɵnextContext(); $r3$.ɵi18nExp($r3$.ɵbind($ctx_r0$.age)); $r3$.ɵi18nExp($r3$.ɵbind($ctx_r0$.otherAge)); $r3$.ɵi18nApply(0); } } … template: function MyComponent_Template(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) { $r3$.ɵelementStart(0, "div"); $r3$.ɵi18nStart(1, $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_0$); $r3$.ɵtemplate(2, MyComponent_span_Template_2, 2, 0, null, $_c2$); $r3$.ɵi18nEnd(); $r3$.ɵelementEnd(); } if (rf & 2) { $r3$.ɵelementProperty(2, "ngIf", $r3$.ɵbind(ctx.ageVisible)); $r3$.ɵi18nExp($r3$.ɵbind(ctx.gender)); $r3$.ɵi18nExp($r3$.ɵbind(ctx.weight)); $r3$.ɵi18nExp($r3$.ɵbind(ctx.height)); $r3$.ɵi18nApply(1); } } `; verify(input, output); }); it('should handle icus with named interpolations', () => { const input = `
{ gender, select, male {male {{ weight // i18n(ph="PH_A") }}} female {female {{ height // i18n(ph="PH_B") }}} other {other {{ age // i18n(ph="PH_C") }}} }
`; const output = String.raw ` /** * @desc [BACKUP_MESSAGE_ID:4853189513362404940] */ const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_0_RAW$ = goog.getMsg("{VAR_SELECT, select, male {male {$phA}} female {female {$phB}} other {other {$phC}}}", { "phA": "\uFFFD1\uFFFD", "phB": "\uFFFD2\uFFFD", "phC": "\uFFFD3\uFFFD" }); const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_0$ = $r3$.ɵi18nPostprocess($MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_0_RAW$, { "VAR_SELECT": "\uFFFD0\uFFFD" }); … template: function MyComponent_Template(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) { $r3$.ɵelementStart(0, "div"); $r3$.ɵi18n(1, $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_0$); $r3$.ɵelementEnd(); } if (rf & 2) { $r3$.ɵi18nExp($r3$.ɵbind(ctx.gender)); $r3$.ɵi18nExp($r3$.ɵbind(ctx.weight)); $r3$.ɵi18nExp($r3$.ɵbind(ctx.height)); $r3$.ɵi18nExp($r3$.ɵbind(ctx.age)); $r3$.ɵi18nApply(1); } } `; verify(input, output); }); }); describe('errors', () => { it('should throw on nested i18n sections', () => { const files = getAppFilesWithTemplate(`
Some content
`); expect(() => compile(files, angularFiles)) .toThrowError( 'Could not mark an element as translatable inside of a translatable section'); }); }); });